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About MadMage999

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  • Location
    Colorado, USA

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  1. View File DualShock 3 Button Prompts Originally uploaded to the steam workshop by blackbird, extracted for non-workshop use and uploaded by MadMage999. Original Workshop description: "Replaces X360 Button prompts with DS3 equivalents. I merely renamed bunch of files to 360 ones so this is pretty much for lazy people and ones that don't want to replace original files such as myself. Hopefully Aspyr adds official way to toggle between them to the game so I can remove this! Meanwhile it'll be here for easy access. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS. THEY WERE MADE BY ASPYR BUT ALAS LEFT UNUSED." Just extract the files and drop in override folder. Submitter MadMage999 Submitted 03/01/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  2. Okay, and then I guess you would use a jump function from there. Makes sense. Thanks for the advice.
  3. Not sure I understand how it works, I only see a placeable being created. Not sure what is meant when talking about "waypoints" either. It seems I've had it very easy in nwn2 where there are functions for just about everything.
  4. Like so: void main(string sLocationName) { object oPC = GetPCSpeaker(); SetLocalLocation(oPC, sLocationName, GetLocation(oPC)); } When calling the script you pass in 1,2,3,4 or 5 from the dialog to choose a slot for storage, this is arbitrary you could have as many as you wanted, at least theoretically. I chose five because it seemed like a good number.
  5. I'll look into your suggestion, thank you.
  6. I just realized where he got the files, lol. They are already in the override folder in the steam version. all the same names except the playstation versions have ps after the file name, so renaming them to remove the ps and replacing the originals does the trick justv like he said. So much for whose permission is needed. :-D
  7. Hi all, I was in the process of making a mod that store locations and lets you teleport back to them at will, and it seems that storing locations in kotor1/2 is done a bit differently than what I'm used to (coming from scripting for nwn2). What I want is to get the location of the speaker in a script fired from a conversation and store it. What I'm used to doing is using a local variable, but I don't see the function I need. Does anyone know how to store the current location of the speaker so that it can be used in another script later to teleport them back? Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the welcome. You can go to neverwinter nights 2 nexus and search author jimbo7136 to see my single player mods. I did a little work for the upcoming baldur's gate 2 shadows of amn and throne of Bhaal remake in the neverwinter nights 2 engine as well, scripting custom items from the older game into nwn2. But No-one will see that until it's released.
  9. Version 1.0


    Originally uploaded to the steam workshop by blackbird, extracted for non-workshop use and uploaded by MadMage999. Original Workshop description: "Replaces X360 Button prompts with DS3 equivalents. I merely renamed bunch of files to 360 ones so this is pretty much for lazy people and ones that don't want to replace original files such as myself. Hopefully Aspyr adds official way to toggle between them to the game so I can remove this! Meanwhile it'll be here for easy access. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS. THEY WERE MADE BY ASPYR BUT ALAS LEFT UNUSED." Just extract the files and drop in override folder.
  10. You didn't say which game, but darthdac's warpband might fit the bill, it lets you add/remove party members.
  11. Hello all. I am new to the site and modding Kotor 1 and 2. I've been modding neverwinter nights 2 for several years for a persistent world and also released some single player mods for that game, so I understand a lot more than I would otherwise, both games being based on the same engine. I will most likely start releasing some simple mods in the near future as I have time and inclination. Want to thank all of you who have released mods for either game, your work is very much appreciated, and also the webmasters of all sites like this, without whom life would be very dull playing games. :-)
  12. I just realized I posted this in the wrong forum. Ooops. Can a mod move it, pretty please?
  13. Hello everyone. I have a set of replacement buttons for kotor 2 tsl that I got from steam workshop, but according to the guy who put them on steam worksop he got them from aspyr. I'd like to upload them here and make them available since I couldn't find them anywhere else. To be clear these are just a set of replacement tga files that go in the override folder and work perfectly. My concern is just one of legalities. I suppose I might need permission from Aspyr if that is indeed their source, but I couldn't find them on aspyr's site either. Anyone have insight into this? Thanks