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Everything posted by JoeWJ

  1. Listening to latest 2 now

  2. Your too slow ^^


    I already watched them. Very informative without giving any big spoilers away

  3. I think it's Matt being lazy =P I believe it use to be the old Sleheyron project logo.
  4. ***Spoilers*** I've finally been able to read your guys posts Been trying not to see the spoilers. Got it today and completed it, as Zbyl said it is quite short; completed it in 5 and a half hours : I think from the ending TFU 3 is a guarentee. How does Vader escape? Is Starkiller a clone? What happens to Starkiller?(Why isn't he in the movies throwing Darth Sideous around =P) And what happens to General Kota? Nice cliff hanger, although they could of made the game more value for money by adding it on the end. But then George Lucas wouldn't be rich if they did.
  5. JoeWJ

    SWTOR Rant

    Is she coming back to do some Bastilla holograms or flashbacks then?
  6. JoeWJ

    SWTOR Rant

    VP my interpretation of it is that he's saying it's gonna suck because they've spent the majority of there time doing there voice overs and now there rushing there games development people over to the studio to get the content done because they can't afford to postpone it again. And yea I thought the voice over in the gameplay videos was preety bad aswell >_< Just throwing a idea around here, but possibly budget voice actors as they had to get so many?
  7. JoeWJ

    SWTOR Rant

    I had to look up Shadenfreude then xD I'm gonna have to agree with you there. I'd rather they stuck to the KoTOR series; my personal opinion I hope the MMO fails and they realise there mistake. Of course the opposite could happen if it fails and they decide to drop the whole Old Republic timeline.
  8. Just came across a interesting rant by a EA Employee. His main subject was Warhammer but he did have a little SWTOR quote: "And Bioware? Don't make me laugh. They've spent more money making the Old Republic than James Cameron spent on Avatar. Kid you not. More than $ 300 million! Can you believe that? And you know what they�re most proud of? This is the kicker. They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20 Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. That's the best they have. The rest of the game is a joke. EA knows it and so does George Lucas,they're panicking , and so most of Mythic has already been cannibalized to work in Austin on it because they can't keep pushing back launch. Old Republic will be one of the greatest failures in the history of MMOs from EA. Probably at the level of the Sims Online. We all know it too !!" He does have a point about it keep being pushed back, it was meant to be coming out the end of this month but now it's the end of March. Another rush job like KoTOR II? What'd you guys think on the upcoming MMO? Source:
  9. Well I was debating going down to the shop on release or pre-ordering. I'm putting my faith in play to get it to me on time xD And yea sucks doing so quick; I'm going to search through all the maps for the holocrons to add some gametime to TFU 2. I've heard the new Medal of Honour is suppose to have a quick campaign, I've got freinds saying they completed in 4 hours. I haven't got around to playing that one yet =P
  10. Doesn't come out in England till Friday but I've got it pre-ordered. 7 hours isn't too bad, I done Modern Warfare 2 in 5 D:
  11. I got the Atton bug aswell. When you open the door to the cells he's standing but when the talking scenes start he's back on the floor.
  12. Hey


    Nothing much, just started a RCM 1.7 playthrough.


    Should be able to finish it by the end of the week as I've got the week off :D


    How's the testing/fixing coming along?

  13. x86 is the most common type of CPU architecture. x64 refers to how many bits of data the processor the sends at a time. There is no 86 bit processor at this time.
  14. Halo Reach can only do 2 player split screen campaign and I believe games like firefight aswell; or you could connect 2 xboxs by system link or upto 4 player online. But on the same console one of you would be still sitting out. With Black Ops still not coming out for another 3 weeks I have no idea what multiplayer options it has, but I'll probably get it on it's release day as it's my day off ^^ so I can tell you then if your still interested.
  15. I will be getting it when it comes out But how there going to fit it in I don't know. I mean Vader found him as a boy so about 4/5 years older then Luke max. In the game he was around the same age as Luke in the films. So there saying he can beat mutiple jedi, start the rebel alliance and do the 2nd games plot in that timespan? Forget Superman, this guy must move twice his speed. Putting that aside, I love the gameplay of it =D Although why they didn't just set it with a new plot 500 years later I don't know.
  16. I used the skip peragus mod with TSLRCM when I was testing. It worked fine then.
  17. Nice pics! Can't wait to see more.
  18. Hi LzyRob23, From what I've heard the demo (Approximately the first half of the game) is going to contain re-skinned modules, although they are very high quality re-skins so it will be hard to tell there from the game. They are going to try to get some new modules for the second part I believe if anybody with experience offers there services or if Logan finds the time.
  19. I would say incompatible although you would have to double check with a Stoney/Zbyl. But it overwrites files in the Ebon Hawk (003EBO.rim)
  20. Another nice party member bio Keep them coming =P
  21. Looking foward to the rest!