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Everything posted by ALPHA000102
I have some things going on for me as well. I completely uninstalled and then reinstalled the game. I altered the script files to account for the new items and placed them in the override folder. However the new items would not appear in my inventory. The item I am trying to add is an unique I creating through KOTOR Tool but I have created the .uti file in the mod files and override so I do not see any problem. I believe there a glitch in my PC as it has been acting up. As I said I am busy right now to but I plan to run a full wipe and reinstall the operating system from scratch within the next few days. I am hoping then I can put my files back on and see if that will clear-up the problem. I will let you know how things go In the meantime I have attached the updated files here. The unique item Is at the very bottom of the list in the script and you can the properties with KOTOR Tool. It is entitled g1_w_sbrcrstl22. Can you see where the problem is. Thank you in advance. Mod Files.zip
Thank you for providing me with the correct dialogue file. I did test the mod and the spawning works great. All I need now is the classes scripts to make the character the desired Jedi class. I look forward to getting that from you. I have done what alot of what you asked for. I have made it so the conversations can be skipped and added some animations to both Weston and Zaalbar. Furthermore I have adjusted the scripts for the items so they are exactly right. However I noticed when I tested the mod that even thought I did not set the script for it I was given Heart Of The Dragon crystal to use in my lightsaber. Do you know why the game did that if the script does not tell it to? I am guessing that by VO you meant voiceover. Is that correct? If so I am not going to make one. First of all I do not see the need for it as the mod works just fine without. Second the mods I have to make Carth, Canderous, and Mission Jedi do not have voiceovers and I want to keep everything similar. And third I would have make recordings of my own voice to use as the voiceover and I do not want to do that, especially if I do decide to let the mod go public as I do not want my voice going out over the world like that. I have attached the new mod files here. How do they look to you? I look forward to getting the remaining scripts from you. However please be advised I have deleted my saved games for it so I will have to play back to Dantoonie in order to test the one for Zaalbar and that will probably take me a few days. I have seen the new scripts you gave me. However they will not work as they are compiled. I need a source script of each one in case I wish to change them in the future. I can add them into the correct line in the dialogue files. Please make a source script for all 3 classes from the files I have attached to the post as I have made some changes to the scripts. I can then compile them myself. That way I can make changes to the script such as if I ever want to alter what items me and Zaalber receive. The new scripts from you bring me to a point that I have been having trouble with and I am asking for help on. I have tried to play around with the scripts in order to give and Zaalbar different items for heck of it just to try it out. However after I change and compile the new scripts the new items do not appear in the game. How do I change this please? One thing: please make sure the numbers for each item that I want me and Zaalbar to be given is left alone. I want that to equip each party member. Also could please do the same for the Zaalbar trainer? This way I can test them as well when I get to that point in the game. Thank you in advance. Mod Files.zip
Thank you. Yes, I originally used an existing dialogue file and edited it. However the new ones that I tried the mod with yesterday were created completely from scratch. To let you know to you may not need to create 3 separate of the script. The reason I know there is a line on the dialogue which you can use to tell the script. The attached screenshots show it. I just used the same line multiple times so the script would fire on any choice I made. I plan to do the same thing for Zaalbar once we get Weston to work. Does that help you out? Thank you in advance. Dialogue Screenshots.zip
I did test the mod with the most recent files. I was actually able to get Weston to spawn just fine but when I clicked on him to start the conversation, nothing happened. I had the same result both times, even after I tried using the new dialogue files that I created. I have attached the files to see if they can help you out. I changed items to what I want them to be. I know it is alot but that is what I want because I have plans for all party members. I have a question for you. Do you know if it is be possible to have the Krayt Dragon Pearl, Mantle of the Force, and Upari Crystal in the same lightsaber? I ask because those I want to enhance mine with and if I cannot I need to change the scripts and rearrange the items to be given to me and Zaalbar. Thank you in advance. Mod Files.zip
Sorry but I will be unable to test the mod until I get the files back from you. Sorry again. I hope you enjoy the holiday. Thank you in advance.
Thank you. I look forward to hearing back from you. I should hopefully be ready to take everything from there. Also I wanted to let you know that I tried what you suggested to get the whereami armband to work and had no success. Sorry about that. Thank you in advance.
I cannot get the whereami armband to work as I cannot the cheats console to work and I have tried everything to do get it to. I have even tried to open the armband through the Saved Game Editor without any success. If you are having trouble I have no problem with you selecting a spot for the 2 Jedi Trainers yourself. All I ask for Weston is that he be along the side of the hallway that he currently is. Furthermore I would like it if I was facing the footlocker that I got my equipment from. For Zaalbar it is fine if he is in the general of my original coordinates. Also I have completely remade the dialogue files and attached them to the .utc files. They are attached below. Do they work out any better for you in setting up the mod? Thank you in advance. Mod Files.zip
Thank you so much. I eagerly wait to hear back from you. I hope that you can get Weston to work. Is there anyway that you can check Zaalbar or will I need to do that myself? Thank you in advance.
Sorry not that I am aware of. I have barely heard and never used an Android before. Sorry again.
I understand and that is not a problem, I can wait. I look forward to hearing from you on Saturday. I hope your work turns out well. Yes, my .utc files for both characters have an appearance but it is the one that the game provides to them by default so I do not see much of a problem there. Do you? If so, I am willing to try and edit them if you think it would help. Right now the only thing I have changed is their allegiance. They were both listed as 50/50 for good vs evil by default and I made them both 100% good. Is that a problem? I hope this helps you out. Thank you in advance.
I used the files from the zip you created in the #24 post so I know they are the most recent. I have attached an image which a mark of where Weston should appear on the Endar Spire and yes, I started a brand new game in order to attempt to get him to spawn. I actually deleted all saved games, fully uninstalled the game, fully shutdown and restarted the computer, then reinstalled the game, and started and brand new game. I still saw nothing for Weston. I have not even tried to get the Zaalbar trainer to spawn as I want to take care of Weston first. I hope this helps you out. Thank you in advance.
I tried to install the mod with the files you gave me, first by both placing them in the override folder and then using the TSLPatcher, without any success. But I do have a few questions that may clear the issue up. First what do you mean by testing my dialogue to make the characters spawn and how do I do that? Second you mentioned they were multiple copies of each files, an old and new from you. Can you please point them out so I can rename them? And yes, I would like your old dialogue file please. It may be helpful. Thank you in advance.
Thank you, I look forward to hearing back from you. Also there was one thing I forgot earlier. Is there anyway they can be setup to provide me with some light side points? I ask because that happens with the mods for Carth, Canderous, and Mission. I would like to receive 4 points for the Jedi Trainer for me and 2 points for the Jedi Trainer for Zaalbar. Thank you in advance.
I have installed the files but the mod will not respond. This is where I have run into problems with mods in the past. I believe I take of the scripts when it comes to dialogue but if the character will not even spawn it does not mean anything. I have attached all the files that I have got. Can you please take a look at the files and see where the problem is? Thank you in advance. Mod Files.zip
Thank you. I will check the dialogue when the time is right. Have you had a chance to look at my item scripts yet? I want to know what went wrong so I can compile them myself and expand my modding knowledge. I think I may already know how to place them in the dialogue and will out for sure when I try this. Thank you in advance.
First of all thank you for the helping me this. I have completed the item scripts as best I can by following the tutorials but when I try to compile them it says something is wrong and will not do it. Can you please take a look at them and see where I have messed up? I have attached them to this post. Second thank you giving me the script information. I will try to build them later today. Also I can understand you point about this being easy but you should know this like I said I am still new to modding so I need help on this. Thank you in advance. Item Scripts.zip
I would like the characters to always appear. The question that brings up for me is do I need to alter the dialogue for if I talk to them and I do not have Zaalbar with me? If so, how do I set it to collect the right speech? Also I have found some KOTOR script tutorials so once I get the spawning scripts back from you I want to try making the scripts that give the party member items myself. If I get stuck or cannot figure it out myself I will let you know. Thank you in advance.
I thank you for helping me with this and I look forward to getting the script from you. Is there any-way you could give me some details on where I can go to learn about scripts myself so I will hopefully be able to do this myself in the future? I have finished getting the details finished for the .utc files for my characters and their dialogue files are ready. I have attached the files so you can use them if you need them. On a side-note I have changed the orientation coordinates as I believe the original positions may be wrong in the direction the characters are facing. I do not know if that will be a problem but I decided to act to make sure. I have listed the new coordinates below. Please let me know if these will create any problems. Thank you in advance. My Jedi Trainer Player Location: 25.16541, 22.92172, -1.27500 Current Module: end_m01aa Angle Orientation: 173.48952 X Orientation: -0.99355 Y Orientation: 0.11338 Bearing Orientation: 4.60687 Nearest Creature: end_trask 5.46561 Nearest Door: end_door01 4.60709 Nearest Placeable: power conductor 7.16052 Nearest Trigger: end_trig02 1.04678 Nearest Waypoint: end_wp_flame01 5.43141 Zaalbar Jedi Trainer Player Location: 126.16801, 190.99931, 1.49342 Current Module: Dantoonie Angle Orientation: 282.34961 X Orientation: 0.21388 Y Orientation: -0.97686 Bearing Orientation: -1.34208 Nearest Creature: dan14_setf 13.31372 Nearest Door: man14aa_door02 19.10776 Nearest Placeable: bench_47.18838 Nearest Trigger: dan14aa_jonint 56.74955 Nearest Waypoint: wp_dan14_jedim_06 3.71934 Mod Files.zip
First of all thank you for helping me with this. I am still very new to modding so I am trying to learn myself through trial and error and by asking for help. I hope you are right about the camera on the dialogue files working for themselves as I am going to move forward on that. I guess I will find out when I test the mods. Although I could not find the whereami armbands I do have the utility armbands which do the same thing. I already have the dialogue files created and ready to go. However the first thing I will need to is get the characters to spawn in the areas I want them to. I need to get the characters up and running before I worry about the scripts. The coordinates that I want the characters to have are below. I do not believe the nearest creature point is necessary is it? I have finished the .utc files for both characters and have linked their dialogue files to them. Can you please help me get the characters to spawn in those places? I believe there is a tool I can use to input these coordinates into but is that all that is necessary to make a character spawn? If so, do you know the tool that I need and/or anything else I need to make a character spawn? Once I have gotten the characters themselves done I should be ready to start working on the script. Thank you in advance. My Jedi Trainer Player Location: 27.53410, 22.04087, -127500 Current Location: end_molaa Angle Orientation: 324.79160 X Orientation: 0.81706 Y Orientation: -0.57655 Bearing Orientation: -0.59935 Nearest Creature: end_trask 2.00654 Nearest Door: end_door01 6.54779 Nearest Placeable: power conductor 4.91575 Nearest Trigger: end_trig02 3.44956 Nearest Waypoint: end_wp_flame01 2.91077 Zaalbar Jedi Trainer Player Location: 123.94198, 190.52289, 1.49416 Current Module: Dantoonie Angle Orientation: 156.09872 X Orientation: -0.91424 Y Orientation: 0.40516 Bearing Orientation: 4.30253 Nearest Creature: Mission 6.16813 Nearest Door: man14aa_door02, 16.87875 Nearest Placeable: bench 46.11776 Nearest Trigger: dan14aa_joninit 56.38543 Nearest Waypoint: wp_dan14_jedim_06 1.45403
Thank you for removing my original thread. I will try and update my description post as best I can. First of all thank you for even replying to me. It was the first reply that I think meant something to me. I have tried posting this thread before without success. I guess the first thing I need to bring up is that I trying to spawn 2 characters. This has been done in the mod videos I attached to my original post. They each created a character to speak to that turned Carth, Canderous, and Mission into Jedi. I am trying to do the same thing. I am looking to create same thing for me and Zaalbar. I have created the uti files for both characters and gotten the dialogue files ready. Now I need to be shown how to establish where the characters will occur in the game. To help I want the trainer for me to appear in the hallway after the first room where I first speak to Trask. For the Trainer for Zaalbar I want him to appear in the far side of the Dantoonie Courtyard behind the trainer for Carth. How do I get them to appear there? Once I get the characters to spawn how do I setup their dialogue files? Furthermore with the dialogue files how to the camera to change between each character as they speak? I have attached both the uti and dialogue files to this post so you can take a look at them. This is about the best I can do in updating my post because these points have to be taken care of before I can worry about Jedi Training. However once they are taken care of the next thing I will need to know is how to set them to give me and Zaalbar items. (So it becomes an “items received” situation like on the Endar Spire where Trask hands you an advanced medpak.) I hope that this helps you out. Thank you in advance. Mod Files.zip
I actually got this matter resolved recently. Thank you anyway. Simply placing the files for both mods into my override folder did not work. I had checked the instructions for the TSLPatcher and originally could not understand them. However a recent double-check cleared things up. For the mods that did not have a TSLPatcher I was able to put the files of the mods together and install them as one. The rest I installed normally. Now all the mods work together just fine. Thank you again.
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Help Setting Up The TSLPatcher For Mods
ALPHA000102 replied to ALPHA000102's topic in General Kotor/TSL Modding
I actually got this matter resolved on the day you made your reply post but thank you anyway. Simply placing the files for both mods into my override folder did not work. I had checked the instructions for the TSLPatcher and originally could not understand them. However a recent double-check cleared things up. I was able to put the files of the mods together and post them with one TSLPatcher. Now both mods work together just fine. Thank you again. -
I have tried posting this request for help in the general section but I have not received any luck so I chose to try again in mod requests. I hope that will not be a problem. I am looking to make two Jedi Trainers. I know there are mods created by Redhawke that allow you to make other members of your party into Jedi such as Carth, Canderous, and Mission. You can find them yourself at the 1st link below. The YouTube video link will show you how they work. However there is no such option for Zaalbar. I want to be shown how to make a Jedi Trainer for myself and Zaalbar. I ask to be shown how to design to characters, set their positions, and dialogue and script in the game, and how to get them to give me specific item.. I have created the dialogue and the .utc files that I want to use for both characters. You can see them in the attached files below. Now I just need to finish the rest. I have seen instructions on how to make an NPC at the final link below but I cannot understand them fully and they are not enough anyway. Besides they are decided to show you how to create a NPC to join your party when I want to just speak to an individual and receive training. Furthermore I know there is a mod that allows each party member to be a Jedi as they join your party. I do not wish to use that. With mods that can turn each other party member into Jedi incorporated into the story of the game I would like one for Zaalbar as well. I can for all the help anyone can provide. I have pasted examples of the mod I would like to have to this thread. Thank you in advance. http://www.jumpstationz.com/RedHawke/mods.html http://z6.invisionfree.com/Mandalorian16965/ar/t57.htm Carth.zip Canderous.zip RHMissionJediMod.zip Mod Files.zip
I am having a problem with 2 mods that did not come with the TSLPatcher. I understand that you need that in order to install a mod into your override folder but it did not come with one. I also understand that you can setup the TSLPatcher to work with a mod but the problem is that I cannot tell it to install into my override file. When I run the TSLPatcher it just installs as is. I am asking for help to be shown how to get the mod to install to the override folder so it will actually work in the game. Furthermore I want their spells.2da files to merge with the one in the game to add their force powers to the game so none will be replaced. I have attached the mods I need help with all the progress I have made so far. I ask to please be shown how to set the TSLPatcher and its instructions to install the mods to the KOTOR override folder and merge their spells.2da files with the one in the game so all the force powers will be present. Mind_Trick2.1.zip Replication.zip
I am having a huge problem with Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic. I understand that you can edit the featgain.2da and classpowergain.2da files to edit how many feats and force powers you gain at each level-up. However the problem for me is that whenever I try to use the recommend button to get a suggestion of which to go with the game freezes and crashes. That is not a large problem as I can easily get around it by just selecting the desired for powers myself. The main problem that I have is this. Say I have 10 feats to select but there are only 5 left available. When I have selected those 5 and try to move on the game tells me to select five more and will not let me proceed until I have selected all 10. But I cannot do that when there are no more feats available. That means I cannot go any further in the game. The same thing happens when I try to select force powers. I cannot fix this problem myself no matter how many times I edit the featgain.2da and classpowergain.2da files as my other party members automatically have specific feats and/or force powers when they join my party. Therefore there is no way that I can set the .2da files to grant exactly all the feats and force powers at the level 20 level-up because what will work for one party member including myself will not work for them all. I used to not have this problem. When I had selected all the feats and/or force powers I would be able to proceed to the next step of the level-up even if I had more numbers to select. I want to be able to do this again so I can actually play the entire game. I have tried everything to get it work now, such as reinstalling the game: changing the compatibility settings, everything and I have had absolutely no success. I ask anyone who can help me with this to please do so as soon as possible. Please help me with both problems including a way to make the recommend button again as well as let me move on no matter what once all feats and/or force powers have been selected. In case the issue may come from any of the .2da files that I use in my override folder I have attached them below. If you find a problem with them please let me know right away. Thank you in advance. .2da Files.zip