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Status Updates posted by DarthDaedric

  1. Dear Disney, please let Obsidian make their Star Wars Episode 3.5 game. Kthxbai

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Malkior


      Actually, BattleFront 3 was at least partially completed by Free Radical before their contract was cancelled. Ideas may have been ported into the portable version, but they are nowhere near as detailed or ambitious as the Pre-Alpha of 3 and the graphics are actually worse than BF1. It could be remade, but if they were ever to make a new one, it would need to be FULLY remade since Free-Radical was dissolved.

    3. hkmandalore47


      i'm actually really interested in seeing what obsidian can do with the between eps. 3 & 4 era, bc they did a great job with kotor 2. i like how there's a return to this era.

    4. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      Perhaps instead Obsidian could do a game between Episode VI and the upcoming Episode VII. :P