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About DrSnuggly

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  1. I've re-released my work in a separate mod framework with jacqylfrost's blessing, if anyone is interested in trying it out. Got the TSLRCM logo working on the main screen, along with a bevy of other fixes 😄
  2. Yep, you're exactly right about the .tpc format, thought the resolution ended up being a little more complex (as always lol). I've rewritten a large portion of the scripts, and things now seem to be fully functional (though I haven't made a complete play-through yet). WIth jacqylfrost's blessing, I've spun my work into it's own framework that can be found here (along with a GitHub project to create issues and the like). I figure we can discuss any further issues there, if you're interested in trying the setup again. No worries if not, though.
  3. View File KotOR II Switch modding framework For full details, usage instructions, and bug reports — please use the GitHub project associated with this file. This project is a group of tools to make modding the Nintendo Switch version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (aka. KotOR II) easier, less confusing, and less cumbersome. With these tools, we can now finally enjoy mods like The Sith Lords: Restored Content Mod (and others) on Nintendo Switch! These scripts are by no means necessary, but they will help prevent common issues that can occur, especially when dealing with Aspyr's odd file structure in their port, the port's built-in .tpc override files, and the localized folder structure on the Nintendo Switch. Based on and inspired by jacqylfrost's work! Appreciate your insight as I worked through this. NOTE: these modding tools will ONLY work for modded Nintendo Switches. Submitter DrSnuggly Submitted 07/09/2023 Category Modding Tools  
  4. Version 2.3.0


    For full details, usage instructions, and bug reports — please use the GitHub project associated with this file. This project is a group of tools to make modding the Nintendo Switch version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (aka. KotOR II) easier, less confusing, and less cumbersome. With these tools, we can now finally enjoy mods like The Sith Lords: Restored Content Mod (and others) on Nintendo Switch! These scripts are by no means necessary, but they will help prevent common issues that can occur, especially when dealing with Aspyr's odd file structure in their port, the port's built-in .tpc override files, and the localized folder structure on the Nintendo Switch. Based on and inspired by jacqylfrost's work! Appreciate your insight as I worked through this. NOTE: these modding tools will ONLY work for modded Nintendo Switches.
  5. Yeah, the reason I took down my script is because it wasn't resolving all issues that I was encountering, but it did resolve some of the issues that come from just dumping the files only in the override folder. Main issue remaining: I can't seem to figure out how to get the Switch to recognize some texture files. For example, dropping michaelfung2000's Canonical Jedi Exile 1.2 mod (which only consists of four loose texture files) into any of these folders in the Switch romFS doesn't work — the textures never appear in-game: ./override ./override/textures ./Localized/English/override ./Localized/English/override/textures The fact that these aren't appearing correctly leads me to believe there may be other fundamental issues that could occur with Switch mods. I'm probably being overly cautious, but wanted to figure that out before re-publishing my script. Hopefully that makes sense.
  6. I’ve independently been able to get it working with their mod framework (specifically with TSLRCM), with some adjustments. Screenshots and the script / folder structure I created here:
  7. Actually, got it working! Screenshots attached — one with the first sign that TSLRCM is working in the character creation menu (the "Mobility" feat is added), and one with the first in-game sign that it's working (the first dead body has a Vibrocutter instead of a Vibrosword). However, I had to take a modified approach to this, details below. Background: I'm sure you've noticed already, but there's no real pattern to which files live in the romfs's override folder vs. the Localized override folder. So, I dumped it all from the Switch and mapped out where each override file is supposed to be (along with other folders split between romfs and Localized, like romfs/StreamSounds/). Resolution: I've attached a modified version of your original framework. I've flattened the directory structure to get rid of the Localized folder, so all mods are installed into romfs/ (instead of installing to romfs/Localized/English/ and moving things around afterwards). Once the mods are all installed, run the finalize.sh script to restructure everything into what the game expects on the Switch, then copy the Title ID folder (i.e. 0100B2C016252000) to the SD card under /atmosphere/contents/. NOTE: the script I wrote will only work on macOS or Linux (or on Windows with WSL2 or Cygwin, if you're feeling adventurous). It can be easily adapted to Windows batch or PowerShell, but I don't currently have the inclination or motivation to do so. Feel free to incorporate this into this framework, if you wouldn't mind adding an attribution (to DrSnuggly, I’m in the process of changing my username here lol), if you feel it's appropriate. UPDATE: WIth jacqylfrost's blessing, I've spun my work into it's own framework that can be found here (along with a GitHub project to create issues and the like). Now with the TSLRCM main screen working!
  8. Damn, you have a good memory. I ended up installing TSLRCM on my PC — after waking up on Peragus and bashing the first door with the Plasma Torch, searching the closest body will give a Vibrocutter (TSLRCM) instead of a Vibrosword (base game). There also should be a feat called Mobility available in the initial character creation menu, but not sure if that counts as "UI" stuff that this framework wouldn't support. That being said, it looks like your instructions didn't work for me on Switch. I ran through them a couple times just to make sure I didn't miss something dumb, but it's certainly possible I still did. I saw a few others were having difficulties as well — any ideas? Regardless, appreciate the work you put into this.
  9. Typically the Restored Content mod alters the main menu to show that it's been installed correctly. I've followed the instructions you listed (including moving the Override folder to the rootfs folder), but I'm not seeing any changes to the main menu. Hopefully I didn't miss anything obvious in your instructions. Did you have the same experience (quote above that could be related)? I'm not familiar enough with the game to recognize if TSLRC is working as intended from within the game itself 😅 I'm using the 1.0.2 patch with just the TSLRC mod, for whatever that's worth.