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About ashnam46

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    Jedi Initiate

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  1. That worked! I Deleted 2 .tpc files with the same name which were also in the folder and installed your files again. They look awesome! Thanks!
  2. Hi Jorak, I've been braking my head over trying to get this to work along with all the other complete overhauls that you've released but i seem to be having bugged storage boxes and panels. I've followed all the instructions that you've uploaded and tried various versions of XnView as mention in the previous posts but to no avail. Could you please help me? I'm really curious to try your mod out but and the screenshots you've posted are great! Anyways thanks for the lovely work and keeping KOTOR modding alive! Sorry for the trouble...
  3. Hi Jorak, I've been braking my head over trying to get this to work along with all the other complete overhauls that you've released but i seem to be having bugged storage boxes and panels. I've followed all the instructions that you've uploaded and tried various versions of XnView as mention in the previous posts but to no avail. Could you please help me? I'm really curious to try your mod out but and the screenshots you've posted are great! Anyways thanks for the lovely work and keeping KOTOR modding alive! Sorry for the trouble...