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About PerpetualSunset

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  1. It's alive!!! thanks for the awesome robes and help man lol.
  2. nevermind read it to fast and didn't do the revan tga's as well, my bad.
  3. i put them in the regular game override and then went to kse and it reads error message can't use an undefined value as an array reference. and they're in red letters but they are showing up now in kse at least. You mentioned the game will pull the info from the workshop override should I put them their instead?
  4. i set the tsl directory to the mod's folder. but which registry do i need to set? and is it to the folder itself or the override inside? thank you in advance you've been a big help.
  5. that's it! needed to edit the registery. would i have it point at the 485537937 folder or the override inside?
  6. hmm. still no robes in the list. maybe I have a mod that overrides the model in the J slot? what could that be? sorry didn't mean to be a nuisance.
  7. re installed and I see its through the tsl patcher now, hmm maybe I just forgot to install the mod lol. I was up late getting everything working. my apologies.
  8. i did my due dilligance and followed your advice on another thread and only installed the restored content through workshop and did everything else manually but in the restored content overide under the workshop directory. still no robes.
  9. Yes. sorry I took awhile to reply it didn't notify me you did.
  10. i don't see robe 47 or 48 as addable in kse. it only goes up to robe 30 and x01
  11. i know this is an old thread but I encountered the same problem and was wondering if you would walk me through changing that file? what's it called in kotor tool etc.