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Blog Entries posted by jc2

  1. jc2
    In early 2021, the concept of an aggressive and alternate path into the Korriban Academy was conceived. 
    What if you could charge in lightsabers ignited and guns blazing into Korriban? Especially Post Events of the Leviathan (PEL)! 
    What if there was a Darkside & Lightside routes of assault to Korriban Temple? Would you subjugate it as a Sith defeating Master Uthar and usurping his authority or would you recruit him as your pawn? This latter option led to the same issues of Shanilia of the PC deciding pre-unknown world (Lehon) which LS or DS path they'd choose, and creates a minor plot hole with Jolee/Juhani/Bastila and other PM who think the PC is saving the galaxy; thus the workaround is prevention of those characters accompanying or requiring the PC to do it solo. Raising the difficulty in terms of gameplay and modding those conditionals. 
    Or would Revan enforce the Rule of Two, or merely adopt the Sith philosophy of testing and destroying the weak amongst them, and wipe out the entire Academy? This raises issues of the famed strategic mindset Revan was accredit for having. 
    On the Lightside, would the PC eradicate all evil in open combat and take on an army? Would you lead a strike team of Jedi to launch a sneak attack and cripple the inflow of new Sith recruits? Would there be any room for repentance?
    The greatest point would be for the Lightside PC to actually save the fleeing Sith students in the caves. This entire incident would suddenly become a major plot point of the Assault Korriban Temple mod, while still being optional, as most of the vanilla plot would be removed. 
    For all these narrative reasons, the mod's creative direction was hard to settle upon. Eventually, I determine PEL was the only reasonable justification for the mod even existing, otherwise the PC is too weak and power scaling doesn't make sense. Though anyone could argue that this was countered by the vanilla game sending the entire academy at you. 
    How do you accurately represent the Sith within the Temple responding to a Sith PC, it would be initial hostility followed by respect and a conversation with Yuthura/Uthar allowing the PC to subjugate or completely destroy them. Destroy has to be an option for PC expectations of Sith, DS jedi or DS elitist or Rule of Two, etc...
    Eventually, I settled on that, and the LS version was also PEL followed by an optional but recommended Jedi Strike team that had infiltrated the Dreshdae colony and were about to strike. Therefore, it would be more coincidental that the PC was there (Will of the Force) resulting in the death of all Sith, except fleeing students found in the cave.
    The PC would then be able to simply walk into the Starmap module or be escorted by friendly Sith, dramatically shortening the quest list on Korriban and player time on Korriban. 
    On a technical standpoint, this required massive changes to all Korriban modules, massive changes to dialogue, lack of voice acting and replacement of aliens VOs, doors would have to be unlocked, party member specific scripts, enormous bug testing, compatibility issues for practically any Korriban mod, removing triggers, re-doing sidequests like the Mandalorian prisoner (planned to make him Republic), creating new sidequests like allowing PC to free & save Republic soldiers used as sparring partners. 
    The more I write about this crazy idea, the more I like it!
    This was simply an idea I had for a mod, it would be awesome to see this or something like this done by anyone. I may in-fact come back to this project in the future.
    But, alas, I have an even more exciting and original modding project in development that may take me years to complete! Or like this modding project fall to the wayside and become yet another gravepost of the Journal of jc2. 
    May the Force be with you,
  2. jc2
    Since  JCarter426 made a blog about it, I'm going to do it. Cannot let my freeloading identity of jc2 go to waste!
    With further ado, much further. I offer you a warm welcome to what my colleague calls a "mod round up," which actually is a decent title, albeit a bit boring. *shot fired*
    Here is my equally as mediocre attempt at informing whatever public audience I might have about the status of my mods.
    Welcome to jc2's Modding CHECKUP - EXTRAVAGANZA !
    Alright, it's been nine months since I've released LME and I've heard of no bugs, only a few spelling errors. The dlg editor eats all of your apostrophes if you copy and paste text into that, I learned this way later, and, as it turns out, I use a fair amount of them in my content. But, still, I'm glad to know that my testing and my testers were able to find all of the major bugs. So for those who care greatly about grammar, well, there are a few lines that might hurt your eyes, my apologies. 
    LME remains at version 1.00. until someone reports some bug or I get around to playing through it and find the bugs/typos myself. 
    Shanilia was updated to 1.7 version. There were several dialogue options that would get locked because of poor scripting, just resulting in less immersive content. 
    I went to all the effort of adding them in, only for them to be bugged, so that's been fixed. Minor overall, but still important to the added content for Shanilia to speak about Jolee, Korriban, Manaan, Leviathan, etc...      Not sure if my portrayal of Revan in that mod was as good as it could have been, but it was nice to have someone who actually knew Revan still care. The Sith betray you and the only one that actually admires what you did as Revan is Canderous, so Shanilia is meant to off-balance that and reveal a bit more about the Mandalorian Wars. And thanks to this update more of that content can be explored. 
    Train the Disciple was released, which allows the PC to train the Disciple in the ways of the force, just like Atton and other companions can be. It was designed to be compatible with any Disciple mod, for it uses its own jc2_disciple.dlg file.
    It's sister mod, Train the Handmaiden, was updated to 2.00 to match the genius of Train the Disciple and also be compatible with other Handmaiden mods, in the same way. 
    Save Mission 1.5a is the current version. It was updated slightly, reworked some of the lines to better match responses/replies and fixed a typo.
    I now understand why modders do not want their files scattered across the four corners of the internet, because they'd have to update all of them, which is tedious! Just deadlystream and nexusmods alone cause me a headache to update. Not that either  site are not modder friendly, far from it, just tedious to document all the changes, update readme, update description, screenshots, files, etc...
    According to Deadlystream:
    Improved Grenades 3,848 downloads
    Revenge on Sassy Sith Lady  3,664 downloads
    While on nexusmods:
    Save Mission 4.2k downloads, 3.1 unique downloads
    Train the Handmaiden 4.3k downloads, 3.4 unique downloads
    Very strange to me that these different communities would value different mods, but as someone said, being on /r kotor's mod build list affects the download count, which is the case for the deadlystream mods.
    However, the nexusmod mods do not have the blessing of /r kotor but stand quite tall on their own.
    *Cough cough* maybe Train the disciple & handmaiden might be included some day *cough cough*

  3. jc2
    I'm not necessarily proud, but excited to share a gameplay trailer I worked on. I hope it gives you a visual understanding of what to expect from LME, of course, about 60% of the mod isn't included in the trailer, simply becuase it would have dramatically increased the trailer's time. 
    But to reiterate, LME seeks to create an altered main quest, that forms a triangular effect. Side with Mandalorian Faction, defeat both Rakatan Factions. Side with the One, Black Rakata, faction, and defeat Mandalorian, and Elder Rakata factions. Side with Elder Rakata, and defeat Mandalorian, and the One, black Rakata, factions.
    What's shown in the video: Main Quest triangle, Mandalorians speaking Mando'a, voice acting, battles, loot, quest logs, and a fan made Mando'a soundtrack by SazMando, which will be included in LME.
    What's not shown in the video: 3 sidequests are included if you decide to work with the Mandalorians. Party interactions, from the following list of companions: HK-47, Canderous, Juhani, and Zaalbar.
    Wearable Mando'a armor, stats of Mando'a weapons, increased difficulty of enemy foes (footage was taken on easy, impossible difficulty is intense in the added battles), oppotunities for LS and DS points, NPC interactions with Mandalorians, and some other secrets that the PC will be able to experience if particular choices are made. 
    I plan to release LME relatively soon, but with finals nearly upon me, finishing work (such as typos, slight adjustments to different things ... etc) may make this a mid December release. 
    Thanks for reading and watching!
  4. jc2
    In TSL, there are no wookiees, except for a single angry Wookiee...
    I'm fairly certain if you have that infamous NPC Overhaul you may run into a few more, but there are no important wookiee characters.
    In K1, there's an entire planet of them.

    I'm not suggesting porting Kashyyyk to TSL, but it would be interesting to see wookiees show up as a sidequest or potential companion interaction.
    For instance, if you had Hanharr mabye you'd run across some wookiees on Nar Shaddaa, either free them or sell them into slavery.
    This would allow character development of the PC for LS or DS points, it would highlight Hanharr's disregard for his people, and it would allow the PC an influence opportunity, more XP, and if you had Mira vice versa, though Mira has actual voiced lines, while Hanharr has alien VO.

    The location could be changed, but Nar Shaddaa seems the most believable location.
    Hanharr and wookiees are prime real estate for modding since they use Alien VOs and are not very prominent in TSL.
    Wookiees could show up as slaves of Czerka on Telos, and need to be freed, or captured and sold to the Exchange or G0T0.
    Additionally, a Big Z could easily make a cameo and have a hostile interaction with Hanharr resulting in the death of Big Z, or Hanharr for that matter...

    Not sure if i'll ever do this, but if I did work on a content driven lore expansion mod, wookiees would be included.
  5. jc2
    Every mod I've created has had one bug or flaw. From its design and finding out how to make things work, all the way to the finished product.
    It seems that I will always update my mods at least 2 times before I'm satisfied and haven't cause some1's game to crash.
    ========> On that note, thank you for downloading my mods and experiencing this pain with me. <========
    I will continue to improve and renovate my mods, but I'm still hitting walls on limitations. I can't script enough, I use the wrong function at the wrong time/place, etc... I end up fixing a door, but permanently locking another, because Bioware cloned that door. Despite my constant spree of failures and bugs, I don't want to quit, nor stop helping those who've downloaded my mods.
    I had a vision to mod. I put effort to mod. I published a mod. And I have the responsibility to maintain that mod's quality. I cannot overstate how important bug testing and reporting is to me.
    Reflections on Mishaps: I cannot skin or model, both attempts have been meet with clear failure. For the most part, I try to test out my mods before publishing them, but sometimes my tests are incomplete, for example, SF Door Fix, I only tested the first door, unaware that there was a door in the next module with the same tag,resref, and name.
    Current mod failure: Resisting Arrest on Manaan, which can cause party members to be stuck indefinitely. I want to fix this mod, but it's low on my list.
    Reflections on Success: Shanilia (as far as I know) is without bugs, but I am skeptical, when I have time to play kotor again, I will fully test out Shanilia and see if everything I wanted exists in the game.
    Save Mission: My most popular mod, simple content adding mod, but even that had to undergo editing - considering my current knowledge I may try to splice lines to create a more immersive conversation. Additionally, the PC reply options are long winded, so I may want to change that.
    Tool Bag: was a personal best for me, it may not be as good as T3M4 being a workbench in k1 as he is in k2, which has been done by many modders. I wanted to learn how to replicate BOS:SR and Call of Aid, how were they able to activate a script with an armband and how could I use that for my own nefarious needs. I learned how to do this, expanding my modding knowledge, and now the PC doesn't have to lug around T3M4 in k1, because, no offense to the little guy, but he's borderline useless. (Note: Which is why I have plans to renovate, making him and HK-47 more reliable in combat)
    As always, mods done by request are less enjoyable, but more rewarding - because people are thankful that you've done something for them to address a part in the game they wanted to change.
    SF Door Fix, Save Mission, Massage Choice, Train the Handmaiden, Train Disciple, Mentor Band, Party Leveler 1&2 (which was renovated by another modder and released with additional changes, part of me really enjoyed seeing someone take an idea I had and improving it, the other part of me was frustrated to a lesser extent), and lastly, who can forget Kill Marlena. (Improved Grenades was pseudo requested tbh).

    In general, my modding centralizes on adding content through items and dialogue, small gameplay changes.

    Current project that's taken priority is Train Disciple, hopefully, I can put a significant amount of effort into that over the next few days. I have a save game thanks to N-Drew directing me to female saved Games in our Saved Games category on DS, (special thanks to Darth_delator).
    On other news, Lehon Mandalorian Expansion (LME) is still looking for voice actors... and there are about 10 bugs needing to be addressed, over all though, it looks like I will be able to finish the project in the Summer of 2018, which is good news. I should be directing all my efforts there, but I've been procrastinating lately.

    Well, that's what's been on my mind recently.
    Stay tuned for my April 1st mod release of Taris J'ika!
  6. jc2
    It's a new year....
    And April Fools is coming around, so why not start working on an April Fools mod?
    Here goes:
    A Republic scout walks up to the bartender on Taris after escaping the Sith, and orders a juma juice (that should be a mod, get drunk at the pub, drink the galaxy away!).
    He turns to the nearest NPC and clicks away, only to be greeted by a Mandalorian, who quickly remarks, "Ever been hit so hard on the head you lost your memory?.. Didn't happen to me, I was just curious."
    Further inquiries into his thoughts spurn more imaginative discussion. ..
    "If I have sons, i won't let them become jedi, for obvious reasons. Can't have them die virgins."
    This undercover scout can even discuss politics with the Mandalorian...
    "I don't understand Sith footsoldiers, I'm off to work hon! Hope my boss doesn't force push me into a computer killing me for walking to my station!"

    If I'll goes well, I'll have an interesting mod to release on April Fools. It's more of a joke and not a prank, though.
    In other news, I'm still working on Lehon Mandalorian Expansion.
    But I've got a working beta, and a working tslpatcher, I just need to run one more test to look for more bugs. This is not an exaggeration when I say, I've spent more hours working on LME than I have playing kotor and TSL combined.

    Shanilia's expansion/dlc is still non-existent, but I did write a bit more about the characters and what they were doing.
    I'm just not sure what kind of direction to take, yet I've learned a lot and could easily make side quests I just need good writing and scripting for actions scenes.
    Though she will be referenced in LME, but it's a sly reference.

    Save Hakra is still a WIP, scripting issues have caused delays and uprooted some of my interest in making the mod in the near future, but the spliced audio is there, and plenty of files/scripts are there. Going to have to learn how to get the lips to move with custom lips file? I remember getting a headache just reading the ReadMe for the modding tool.....
  7. jc2
    I'm so hyped about modding!
    I've been learning, and smashing my head against the keyboard for three days straight. Hardly even eating... wow...
    Stayed up to five a.m. two of those days...
    Anyways, just wanted to let the community know how thankful I am.
    Deadlystream is an amazing place, most people are kind/helpful. The rest I haven't seem to run into yet..... there might be one out there idk. ^^

    To anyone who reads this...

    Shanilia Grey Jedi Merchant mod still does not have a release date
    But an early estimate puts the release date somewhere around March 10th, most likely before that.
    If you would like to beta test that, please message me or leave a comment.
    I'll need/want someone to beta test eventually, not yet though.
    Note to self: put on WIP thread about beta tester....
    Further note to self: Don't give up!

    Moving back to you, it doesn't matter how old my mods get.
    Please post feedback on the reviews!

    Save Mission was an idea Darth'a'Barbar had, though I edited it and came up with all the dialogue choices. He deserves credit for the idea!
    Enslave Zaalbar was inspired by my procrastination (and Save Mission) to tackle this massive dlg file that I will have to create mabye a dozen scripts for and learn how to make the VOs have lips moving. Thankfully, bead-v wrote me a tutorial.
    Yebb Yebbb Dddbbddd - That's all folks!
  8. jc2
    What if Atton Rand appeared in K1 as a Sith Special Forces operative? What if Revan, ran into one of the deathsquads he was apart of.
    Were the Jedi responding to their disappearances or was it believed to be merely casualties of war without anyone noticing a pattern?
    The idea has already begun to form, can I add a sidequest that allows Revan to investigate missing Jedi who were sent on diplomatic missions to Manaan, or doing research on Tatooine for the Jedi Archives, or captured Jedi sent to Korriban for "re-institution?"
    Before I get your hopes up, let me clear the air. Kotor 1 takes place at the end of the Jedi Civil War; therefore, it cannot include Atton Rand at all, simply because he deserted nearly a year prior to end of the war. This came as a sad realization, because having an Atton Rand cameo in k1 would be so interesting to write.
    Without Atton Rand being inside the mod, I simply lost all motivation to actually make it. Still the idea of Sith Special Forces abducting Jedi, and Revan being sent to investigate their disappearances would be a decent mod idea.
    Structure of the mod, would include the other door of the Jedi Enclave opening to a reskined module of the Matele Estate with several Jedi Characters. There the PC would be informed that Padawan Zeeru and his master N'iedin were investigating a distress call by a missing Jedi. This was a trap laid by the Sith to capture more Jedi.
    This is my rough draft of the plot development:
    Jedi Knight = Jawa = N’iedin > home planet Tatooine
    Two apprentices, only one stands beside him on Dantooine
    Apprentice 1 = Qrixy = female Twi’lek jedi
    Zeeru = Jedi Padawan 2, Zeeru stands beside Master, while Qrixy is on Manaan for Jedi diplomacy training with Ambassador Roland.
    N’iedin informs the PC that Jedi are being hunted down, and he intends to investigate the missing Jedi on Tatooine. There was a jedi distress single emitting from that planet. The council commissioned him to investigate it. An hour ago. A team of Jedi lead by female Master Leyana has gone missing after crash landing on Tatooine.
    Close the gap and have the Female Jedi Knight get captured by Atton, the rest of his squad dies while staying behind to stop the PC who is known as “a jedi padawan.”
    Qrixy ends up captured on Manaan, shows up as a Sith on Korriban
    PC finds Zeeru who’s lost in the dessert, his master was killed by Sith Special Forces, and he is being hunted. He’s trying to make it to back to Anchorage when you meet him. Battle ensues, PC wins, but dialogue about Qrixy being in danger and needing to know their master is dead.. then Jaq snipes him. Jaq is Atton Rand's alias; according to wookiepedia, this was his first name during the Civil War.
    Scene works like this very far off in the distance you can see Jaq and a speeder, that speeder responds and disappears several times using DelayCommand script so that it appears to be moving!
    Reprogram Sith Droids on Manaan (optional) before entering the hangar (they walk with you), so that they attack Jaq providing some backstory on why Atton hates droids.
    Qrixy is being escorted onto the shuttle with Master Leyana, Master Leyana does a force push before being gassed by Jaq (mine goes off) All of them escape, but PC fights a bunch of Sith
    How do they escape the PC, board a shuttle? Then what?
    Qrixy on Korriban can either be killed or swear fealty to Revan, there is no redeeming her.
    She enjoys the Darkside.
    Her master’s death means nothing to her, her dead friend meant nothing to her. Only a short time has passed, but she is already excelling in her training > has a Sith Master = Darth Lavernius
    Takes pride in having a master, doesn’t have to abide by the Academy rules, is already a Sith.
    Well, that was my rough draft of a large side quest that involved Dantooine, Tatooine, Manaan, and Korriban (4 planets).
    As you can see it was ambitious and it was very much in its development stage.
    An interesting thing I stumbled upon while making the Jedi Quarters (reskinned Matele Estate module), was the ability to change the head of children and the garments of them with other civilians in the appearance.2da. I could make a dwarf, or a child, depending upon if the head used had facial hair! So I tried to do just that, and actually succeeded. It was rather hilarious. I believe I got all of the children to bow as well.
    ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::
    I hope this was not a waste of your time!
    Thanks for reading my ramblings.
  9. jc2
    List any bugs here, if you want.
    Give any feedback here, if you want.
    Insert any random comments here, if you want.
    You get where this is going.....
    So let's switch over to something new.
    Shanilia updates may happen after I patch whatever bugs arise. I didn't want to rush production and release more content to Shanila, without first making sure that everything is 100% straightened out.
    Wait what? You didn't test Shanilia out JC2? No, I did. But bugs can arise and feedback (hopefully) will come with suggestions to fix, replace, modify, add, remove certain aspects.
    The idea is to polish, before adding more. And to be honest, I have become biased and glued to the character myself and another have created. Hard to see the issues, problems, misconceptions, plot holes, etc...
    News/ potential future of Shanilia
    If people actually like Shanilia, here's the possible next steps.
    >Add Sidequest
    >Bring in backstory for Ferroh (accidentally misspelled as seen in the screenshot)
    >Introduce Hynpar
    >Incorporate those two characters into sidequest
    >Add lightsaber
    >Possibly add an alternative ending, as suggested by a respected modder
    That's about it, if you have any ideas, then feel free to share them.
  10. jc2
    So after downloading K1 and TSL difficulty Option 1.0
    And setting the difficulty on "Horror" I've come to realize it might be a bit impossible.
    Oh and because that wasn't hard enough, I used the Kotor Saved Editor, latest edition, to make my character 100% soldier without any force powers!
    So that means no force heal, no op force lightning, no Insanity, and no FORCE IMMUNITY.
    I've got to rely on mines, explosive ordnance, my wits, companions, armor, upgraded blasters, manipulating LOS (Line Of Sight) and not picking a fight with everyone i run into.
    On medpacks alone i've spent over 7,000 I'm sure of it, I've bought somewhere between 100-120 standard medpacks, 50 advanced, and 40 lifepacks ish.
    An additional handicap I've placed is that none of my companions can have force heal or Force Drain!
    I am a grunt. No use of lightsabers either. So nothing OP in regards to deflecting bolts or slicing up enemies in 1 swipe.
    However, just to make it fair. I've added a few blaster mods, such as Revanator's Admiral Karath Pistol mod, Jagga Fett Items, and some RedHawke armor mods.
    Still life ends up being something like this... Any battle could end in defeat. Enemies use grenades, and kill me in 1 to 4 rounds,
    So if you are ever bored with Kotor? Try not playing as a jedi, try not being Revan. Be a soldier, be a Scout, be a Scoundrel, Pimp out the difficulty! And go hard!
    Because, well you might find yourself kissing the ground repeatedly, Cursing the moment you began to walk the path of grunt.
  11. jc2
    Make Peragus Fun Again!
    That sounds a little less like it's crossing the line to politics.. but I bet the other line caught your eye
    I'm a hardcore enthusiast, so this will increase the difficulty of the Peragus (but that can be reduced by in-game difficulty setting) to a new and fun experience.
    But for those of us like myself, who live to challenge themselves then this is what you need!
    There are Five necessary mods for Peragus, (Note: all of these mods are compatible with TSLRCM)
    Driods2Sith http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/428/
    Darker Peragus - found on deadlystream downloads section
    Peragus OTE - texture pack found on http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/14/?
    TSL Darksword - found in deadlystream downloads by Chainz.2da
    Sith Assassin's Sabers- found in deadlystream downloads by ShemL
    Depending on your wish for a darker or texture improved lighted areas, there are some files that overlap in the Peragus OTE and Darker Peragus, merely install the only you would like best FIRST, before installing the other.
    TSL Darksword adds a Nightsister to Peragus
    Droids to SIth mod, changes every Peragus droid to a Sith from kotor 1. It makes the game have a Deja Vu effect that works well with the Harbinger. This adds some difficulty to the game.
    Finally, the Sith Assassin's Sabers is extremely necessary, in my biased opinion, because it not only adds a flavor of Sith to the game, but does increase difficulty.
    Other mods that add to Peragus are
    Wound in the Force - http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/745/? -> Gives an excellent Jedi Veteran look to the male player head, (head mod)
    Feats and Powers Pack - http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/57 -> adds extra Feats
    K2_hoods - http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/155/? -> Because hoods are fun xD
    Dark Jedi Robes Pack - deadlystream mod -> It adds robes.
    A Closer View - Camera mod from deadlystream so that you can see the new textures better
    Then Deadman's Sound mod - http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/139-sabermelee-weapon-sound-mod/ -> This adds to the atmospheric feel of the game, very important and goes well with the new textures and darker look.
    I did have to use the Kotor tool to extract the appearance, base items, globalcat, upcrystals, all of these are 2da files.
    Then i used the 2da merger to merge. Though I did have a few other mods accompanying this, that may have caused the 1 or 2 of these 2da files to need merging.
    Which means you may not have to merge each of these 2da files.
    If you are unfamilar with the Kotor Tool and/or the 2da Merger, you can find them on Deadlystream in the Modding Tools Section of Downloads. They are actually very easy to use for this task.
    Lastly for the TRYHARDS install this MOD http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/874-k1-and-tsl-difficulty-options/
    And choose the HARDCORE option. This will make your nightmares come true ! It's glorious...
    Cannon: Since this does change a few things about TSL. Here are a few quick explanations to questions you may have about why there are Sith or blah blah.
    The Droids to Sith mod, A cult of Sith born from Malachor decide to pursue the Last Jedi and hear of his or her stay on the Harbinger. They infiltrate Peragus after HK-50 killed all the miners. They destroyed most of the droids and reprogram a few to identify themselves as allies to aid in their search for the Last Jedi. They are actively searching for the Exile! And are about to approach the medical bay.
    HK-50 is not their ally. He is unaware of their infiltration to large extent. The Sith Cult are in either full gear or have masks to keep the intoxicants from killing them.
    After several of these Sith have been slain, they begin to track you and establish points where you'd likely go.
    The Sith Assassins under Sion's command are not in league with these Sith, ( or you could say they were over eager Sith who left to kill the Exile before Sion)
    Sion's right hand woman is the Nightsister you run into.
    Kreia doesn't sense the Sith Cult because she is disoriented and as she said doesn't glance off near death experiences as well as you do! At least she doesn't say, "your weapons, you will not need them" because you will need a lightsaber found on the corpse of a pickpocketer before his untimely poisoning by HK-50.
    Miners never met any Sith. The Sith Cult docked in the Astroid's main supply hangar (not where the ebon hawk was). The Sith Cult makes a final play at getting on to the Ebon Hawk and dies trying to board. The Exile has wiped out this Sith Cult.
    Decisions to make! Kill all the Sith before Releasing Atton from the the Prison Cell or they will stand around silly!
    When shutting down the containment field so that you can move on to the Miner's Dormitories, the Sith have a power struggle and betray themselves!
    Select the option to force the "droids" to attack themselves at the computer before shutting down the containment field.
    Sit back, eat popcorn, and watch the Sith Mayhem!
    I hope this brings fun to the most boring part of TSL! Well mabye Telos is worse.. idk...
    May the Force be With you!
  12. jc2
    REVANATOR'S Improved Korriban Tomb Loot Mod
    Ever wonder why the Sith on Korriban were spoken of as near mythical in their prowess of combat and control over the dark side of the force?
    Well now you will know. No. . Now you will experience some of their Hate. Some of their Power!
    And the force shall set you free.
    Also each item has lost it's dark side restriction, because you are, afterall, Revan, who has walked both the light and the dark side of the force.
    Tulak Horde imbued his dark side aura unto his mask, the stats now reflect a Sith Master with Revantor's mod.
    Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets that slew countless Sith contestors can now be held in the hands of the any force user.
    Naga Sadow's Posion Blade carves the dark side of the force into the veins of it's enemies, crippling their physical body with stats that actually make an impact in the game.
    Ajunta Pall's Blade competes against even the most powerful lightsaber as it once did during the ancient Sith times.
    Lastly, the two swords in Ajunta Pall's tomb are revealed to be powerful sith blades used by lesser Sith to give plausiblity to the riddle and to the craftsmanship of the Ancient Sith.
    This is the download link! http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/913-improved-korriban-tomb-loot/
    Go and Check this mod out!
    This also combines well with the mod, "Upgradeable Sith Lightsaber" on Deadlystream, by GhostlyBreadbin.
    His mod allows you to upgrade the "Sith Lightsaber" you find to complete the Sith trial where you fight Yuthura Ban and/or Uthar.
  13. jc2
    Being a Star Wars fan, I need more Kotor. Even if it means playing SWBF2 mod with a Kotor reskin!
    Link for that: http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-battlefront-conversion-pack/downloads/kotor-galactic-conquest

    Here's a youtube channel that does SWBF2 mods: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcqjNcRr8M-cOpulLTKv4zg
    More importantly, on each of his videos' have a link to a file downloader for that mod.
    This is his master list of Mods: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/qb6qlt2prdypb/SWBF2_Mods
    And this is his master list of MAPS: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/457adu0f9qkp4/SWBF2_Maps
    The difference between them is simple, the MODS effect gameplay primarily with characters, weapons, and some maps, I believe.
    While the MAPS, is, basically, just a map that may or may not need addition mods to play or to fully immerse oneself.
    Furthermore, here are a few other modding websites for SWBF2:
    Not really sure about this one: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/c1cdpn9pb99rr/SWBF2_map_collection
    The most annonying thing about most of these links, is the lack of description. However, if you get them from the youtuber, he will have a video on it, which at least gives you some idea (even if you only watch half a minute of it).
    Hope this helps!
  14. jc2
    Ever felt Kotor 1 was just too easy? You know the 3rd, 4th, or 14th time through?
    You might have even felt a bit, just a little bit, like a cheater. I mean come on! We need mods that equip our heroes with Unique looking and OP items. This is necessary, no fault here.
    Yet, I couldn't shake the cheeky feeling of cheating. ...
    SO I checked our wonderful Deadlystream.com SITE! And found this underrated, beautiful tapestry of a Mod.
    K1 and TSL Difficulty Options 1.0 by Darth Shan.
    Every OP mod out there, because equipable. Every ounce of ease you had as child playing kotor, swept aside.
    You will be faced by monsters of men. Mandalorians? They slaughter you. Sith troopers? Veterans of years of warfare with expertise the likes you have never seen!
    Jedi who you betray? Merciless!
    SIth who connive to backstab you and assault you with overwhelming power of the force! Forcing you to take the reins of the most powerful force user, Revan, and utilize every, single, tactical ability, oversight, and instanteous reactions in a Turn Based game...

    WIll you become one with the force? Or send others to oblivion?
    On a side note, for K1 Sith Planet of Taris, found on Nexusmods.com is an incredible mod that pairs with this one very well.
    Know any insanely hard mods that this would pair up with? Challenge the community! Challenge yourself! And tell us of what they are!
    "The weak die because they go about life untested"
  15. jc2
    Pseudo Guide to Installing Mods on Android.
    By jc2.
    Part 1: What I Can Teach You.
    Texture mods are your bread and butter. Let's go through 3 popular texture mods from deadlystream and install them. 
    Dark Hope's HD Twi'lek Female < https://deadlystream.com/files/file/982-hd-twilek-female/>
    This type of mod is a Retexture mod, because it retextures vanilla assets. Retextures are simple, unzip (find a program that can unzip) and go into your kotor folder create an "override" folder.Now copy and paste all of the UNZIPPED files from this mod into the override directly. It's installed.
    *Note: navigate to Android/data/com.aspyr.swkotor/files/ and create a folder there labeled "override"  While there you can also create a folder labeled "Movies" if you have any mod that uses movies.
    Let's try another texture mod, but this time it adds new modded content with new textures. JC2 Robe Mod. This is not popular for good reason, but it is useful for teaching. (Promise me you will delete this!)
    This type of mod adds textures and adds new items (jedi robes), but it does not have any 2da files, like appearance.2da. This type is Added Textures & Items No 2da. Unzip files, copy and paste files from each subfolder that you want into the override folder. As simple as that. Now delete them... you promised. Robe mods are usually a good type of mod to have on Android because they do not require 2das, especially appearance.2da to function (each mod is unique though, please check each mod's files before installing).
    Any audio related mods may work if you play the audio files within the override, instead of placing them in the streamvoice or streamwaves folders.
    Let's try to install a TSLPATCHER Added Textures & Items Mod. JCarter426 or JC *the OG* created a JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes For K1 1.2
    This requires a TSLPATCHER to PATCH the 2das, but this mod doesn't have 2das, thankfully.
    Brief summary of how a tslpatcher works. Tslpatcher starts with the vanilla 2da files within its tslpatchdata, and the modded content is patched unto it through the tslpatcher, allowing it to patch other 2da files within the override folder, however, on Android you cannot run a tslpatcher, thus you cannot install this mod. 
    Not all hope is lost, you can install this mod on PC (see this video on how to do this), then take those post-patched files and copy &paste them into your override folder.  *Important note, you can find a full dialogue.tlk file on deadlystream in this mod. 
    CAUTION: This is extraordinarily risky as many things can go wrong, too many to list. Please proceed with caution, and the less mods you install this way the better. 
    Let's say you want JC's Fashion LIne and you want to install JC's Jedi Tailor for K1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Run the tslpatcher of one, then before copy & pasting it over override, install the other mod into that folder before moving the combined collection of files into their respective folders.                                                         Because! JC's Jedi Tailor has a modules folder as well as an override folder, both will go in swkotor/Files as 2 different folders. Do not merge these folders. 
    Now let's go back to JC's Fashion Line, that mod doesn't have 2da files, the tslpatcher there is simply for speed and simplicity. You could *WARNING* actually just take the files directly out and paste them into your override folder, this is very rare and should only be done with mods that have no dialogue.tlk, 2da files, or module editing. If noob, do not try this at home, even this mod could be updated and no longer function. 
    What that means, is JC2's Fashion Line could be installed without a PC, but JC's Jedi Tailor requires a PC due to the modules editing.
    *Note* If you have a PC, you can install multiple mods into one override folder using the tslpatcher, which should patch the 2da files allowing a smooth and compatible installation.                                                                  Never overwrite a 2da file unless you are completly removing that mod from your override, left over files can cause issues.
    We can add textures, retexture, add items, add robes, but can we add merchants & dialogue related mods? Yes, JC's Jedi Tailor adds a merchant & dialogue. 
    What about lightsaber mods? 
    Lightsaber mods that add new lightsabers, new hilts, and new crystals are TSLPATCHER 2da mods.
    Most of these mods will require a TSLPATCHER, but we can install on PC like before, some don't though, and if they don't that's the one you'll want if you have Android only. (often times these are older mods, found on https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic)
    Here's an example of normal 2da Tslpatcher lightsaber mod https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic/file/long-saber-crystal-pack 
    Here's an example of a non-tslpatcher lightsaber mod by SithSpecter https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1222 
    Finally, if you want to install something HUGE that will radically effect your endgame of kotor *shameless plug* you should check out Lehon Mandalorian Expansion                                                                                                      This is a massive mod that is going to be one of the worst to install on Android, because of its use of multiple 2da files and its reliance on custom audio. It requires a tslpatcher to install, requiring a PC.
    Recently updated Shanilia. will now have a Android version that has already been patched by the tslpatcher allowing the User to copy and paste folders directly, without needing a PC.
    Types of files generally okay to install: .nss & .ncs (scripts), .dlg (dialogue files), most uti's (uti's are items) {unless they come with a 2da, then double check}, utm's (merchants), 
    Questionable files (proceed with caution): utc's (NPCs) {if they have appearance.2da alongside them}, any 2da file, globalcat.2da, appearance.2da, etc, 
    Mods to double check: If they alter any vanilla module, if they add any additional module, multiple robe mods (incompatibilities), high definition texture mods (will slow down or crash Android).
    Mods to avoid: Music mods (they won't work) & Brotherhood of Shadow (You may break your playthrough). K1R relies heavily on tslpatcher and patches a mass variety of files. 
    Part 2: What I Cannot Teach You.
    How to Get BrotherHood Of Shadow to Work on Any Device Known to Man. Here's a youtube video on it, I hope it works for you. 
    Get TSLPATCHER to work directly on Android.
    Opening 2da files & GFF files on Android. 
    Enabling Cheats on Android. 
    Give you a good reason why the custom Sounds/Audio doesn't work & how to fix it. 
    How to make K1R work on Android.
    Part 3: Good advice
    Always read Readme's.
    Always look at reviews, sometimes mod's will be incompatible and people will mention it.
    Always doublecheck and open install logs when using tslpatcher mods, especially if you are on Android. 
    Unless you are confident do not install 2 mods that both alter the same module (map area).
    Go to the forums & /r kotor (they have a discord) for questions and help & read this guide on android modding
    It's better to have less mods without crashes, then risking crashes for a more mods. 
    Never overwrite a 2da file, unless you are fully destroying all mods assosiciated with that 2da file ( for example if you installed multiple mods into the override folder, put it in the Android, and then later installed more mods and tried to put them in the Android which results in the option of overwriting the 2da file already in the Android. This would be bad, if you did not then purge all the files that were connected to those 2da files.) 
    I hope this helped in some way.
  16. jc2
    Journal Entry 51
    Burk'yc Prudii
    Two years and five months after Mandalore the Ultimate's demise at the hands of Revan.
    This planet has become almost nostalgic. It reminds me of Dxun before the War, back when we trained Mando's in swamps, caves, and rivers.
    On Dxun some beasts were intelligent, others brainless. Here looks like a Republic recruiting holovid of the "outer rim."
    Looks can be deceiving, though.
    Herds of wild Rancor, sea serpents, and savage natives that eat the flesh of their enemies, are a constant threat.
    My people are broken, shattered like the planet we died at, Malachor 5.
    Were it not for the constant battle refining us and giving us immediate purpose. . .
    I cannot even imagine.
    At times, it is overwhelming, no Mandalore. No leadership. No mission. No glory. No conquest. Nothing but the void, to satisfy a warrior's need.
    I can't allow myself to focus on the past. For it was the past, that brought me to this island. A lust for revenge, at any cost, I thought.
    What a fool I was.
    Revan... Malak.... The Republic....
    The only thing that matters now, is getting my people off this forsaken rock!

    Entry 110:
    Two years and seven months after Mandalore the Ultimate's demise at the hands of Revan.
    A Jedi has been spotted on the island.
    Perhaps, it's time to let go of the past and focus on the future, if I can get the Jedi to work for me, then we can get off this planet. I can't imagine the Jedi's come here to do anything but fight the Sith and leave, which is exactly what I need the jedi to do.
    I've sent men to intercept the Jedi before the Jedi attempts to enter the Temple.
    Clan Leader of Clan Farr
    Burk'yc Prudii
  17. jc2
    Exiles and Revans!
    I present you - THE TOP 25 Screenshots/photos of Deadlystream.com
    (only 1 photo per person, so that one person doesn't dominate and so that more of the community can be seen)
    The first one! With over 4,000 views, Look to the left of me, is well. Um basic space gear.
    Useful when you need it. Shiny when you wash it.
    Moving on to the 2nd, Bastila Shan with 3767 views. A community favorite coming in second to basic gear... wow guys really? Since when is Bastila less hot than maintenance clothes!
    Number 3, is an easter egg TSLRCM that is indeed worthy of it's position. Having the total number of views of 2054!
    You can find the mod here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/893-party-time-sith-ds-player-main-menu-replacement-for-tsl/
    # 4 Ebon Hawk artwork with 1654 views.
    # 5 A tribute photo to KotorFiles.com We will miss you! View COUNT: 1168
    #6 2da editing for the head, This looks more like 80's art and some kid having fun with glue and cardboard, But what would we do without 3D modders! Thanks guys. View Count: 992
    #7 View Count: 971 , Impressive artwork of Kotor 2 Peragus.
    #8 HK Interrogating another HK unti! Muahaha "My photoreceipters! My Photorecepters!" good times... Views : 855
    #9 Even in Star Wars, Star Trek still tries to show itself, ahah you cannot handle the Wars, TREK! Views : 831
    #10 M4-78 Preview artwork, back when it was still being developed into a full fledged mod. Views: 828
    #11 Darth Sion Views: 771
    #12 Mod showcasing for fire and lightning effects! Mod found on DS under HD Fire something Views : 722
    #13 Tron making it's way into Star Wars, I guess Star Trek wasn't enough of the 80's we had to bring in TRON. Can't really argue though, the results are a fine replication of the classic TRON. Views: 720
    #14 More modding, the foundation of the community. Views: 704 A bit sad considering the founding fathers' (and mothers') of deadlystream are repeatedly beaten in imagery popularity by an unmodified picture of Vanilla Space Gear.
    #15 Chinse ... takeout order? Views: 551
    #16 Fun bugs from TSLRCM, views 490
    #17 Modding fun, 450 views
    Now here we have it folks. Abstract Art, #18 is beyond anything i've ever seen, with a color mash the title teased at.
    This is honestly, the most strange picture on deadlystream, or is it? o.O VIEWS 426
    #19 T3 units battling it out like devil dogs on a prairie field Views 401
    #20 Once more modding views 394
    #21 This looks, nice? IDK what shuttle he's on, but it's probably going to crash *hint hint* Views 351
    #22 Beautiful showcasing of Malachor V Views 340
    #23 Well, this is kinda freaky, Actually reminds me of a museum I visited in China... yeah there were a few Dresses like this on show from the Somthing dynasty. It wasn't so singular in color but other than that looked very similar, bet you didn't know that Fair Strides! 321 Views
    #24 ALMOST AT THE LAST ONE!!!! Showing the Iriaz in the TSLRCM, yeah that herd is about to wreck some Kath Hounds!
    FINALLY # 25 "Alien Scum" Play as a Togruta alien ! {not to be confused with Twi'lek]
  18. jc2
    What is Revanator's Differentiated Mod?
    It is an immersive companion mod that extends the dialogue with the Rodian on the Leviathan
    WHY would I* want this?
    Because, it adds to the immersion of Kotor1. Your companions not only have a cutscene originally of how they got onto the Leviathan but now have their own dialogue options! No other mod out there, does this to the Leviathan. So it is completely compatible with nearly everything!
    More Importantly, it adds characterization to Revan's companions. More life to them!
    Just do it.