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Everything posted by jedinite082

  1. Ahaha good to know. I'm guessing it's just general issues with playing on Steam then or some bug within my game (hence why I got a stim and armbdand item..) Anyway no other bugs here. Thanks again a lot for the mod!
  2. Sorry - I should have been clearer on this. I didn't have an armband item. I only had a reusable stim item but it appeared, as Durendal said, in both slots (and the bug trigger lost the item on the armband slot but also stopped the stim from working for some reason). I never used the old version and I also tried reinstalling the whole game and all my mods but I still have it in both slots. No problem - as I say it was only a minor issue. :-) Ah ok I see. I think it might be an issue with the No Lightsaber Quest mod then because that bugged out on me the first time as well. Once I found the Dantooine reload fix though all was fine. Much as I like that mod, yours is better but I'm glad I didn't have to choose between the two. Haha it's all for the love of the game! :-) As I said, you've made this veteran KotOR player very happy!
  3. Hello there! This is a great mod - one that players have wanted since the dawn of this game, I'm sure! I held off playing until it was available again and have just finished a great playthrough as a female Exile with both Handmaiden and Disciple in the party. It felt natural and part of the story, nothing felt forced and there were no gender mix-ups. Thank you very much for all the work that has gone into this. :-) I just wanted to put in my experience in case it helps anyone or points out any errors. * In my playthrough, I had a stim and an armband item called Party Swap (works seamlessly, amazing!) The stim could be broken down however on a Workbench (almost did this by accident). Maybe make it a 'story item' so that you can't accidentally sell it or break it down. * Normally, after Handmaiden or Disciple joins, Kreia gives a little speech starting with "How many more do we intend to gather ..." During this part she talks about how the followers are all in awe of you. With this mod, she gives that speech when you get the Handmaiden. If you're a female exile, and you choose a certain branch of dialogue, she mentions the Disciple (even though you don't have him yet). If you're obsessively immersive (like me!), it can be avoided if you choose different dialogue options, or you could hold off having the conversation until after Dantooine. Totally minor issue. * A slightly bigger problem I had (though it was solvable) - on Dxun, after fighting the Sith Assassins at the Mandalorian base, Mandalore gave his "Trouble follows you ..." and then, instead of porting to Iziz, I got the "Conversation error, conversation node ..." error message. I solved it by reinstalling TSLRCM 1.8.4 and then talking to Mandalore and the I ported to Iziz as normal. However, I subsequently lost my Party Swap armband item and the stimpack stopped working. This happened on all previous saves as well, not just the current game (i.e. if I loaded a game from earlier, the item still didn't work). I tried reinstalling the Party Swap 1.3 mod but still didn't get the armband back and the stim still didn't work. So I reloaded a save back on Dantooine before the Disciple joins, went to talk to him as normal and received the Party Swap items, and this solved it for all the saves again (including subsequent ones on Iziz) and was able to use Handmaiden again whenever I wanted. I don't know what the cause was (possibly one of my other mods?). * Everything thereafter was smooth, all Ebon Hawk / Atris cutscenes were fine, I got the Battle Precognition ability, no problems on return to Telos and Malachor V played out excellently. Other mods I was using in addition to TSLRCM 1.8.4 and Party Swap 1.3: * Movie Style Jedi Master Robes * Ultimate Sound Mod * No Lightsaber Quest * KSE to boost my skills to fix T3-M4 and get Thon's Robes