Before I begin with the actual idea for those who don't know what I am referring to once the Disciple was a Jedi a female Exile and he would find Holocrons and these Holocrons could teach the Exile and him a new Force Power, this hasn't been restored as only lines remain, no actual Holocron's or locations for the Holocrons exist.
For those who are interested in lines here is a video by Sith Holocron of the cut lines
Now for the idea.
Holocrons should be founded on most worlds as placeables. For locations, I would say
Jedi Holocron in the Onderon Royal Palace museum
Jedi Holocron in the Jedi Enclave Sublevel
Sith Holocron in the Sith Academy
First off, if you're male you should still be allowed to open the Holocron without the Disciple. If you use Party Swap then a male character can hear Disciple's lines but another male penalty will apply which I will mention later on. The powers the Holocron should teach you are Force Crush, Force Enlightenment and Battle Precognition. As Battle Precognition can be taught by the Handmaiden if you're male or use party swap a penalty should apply to the Holocron that teaches Battle Precognition so that you don't learn it twice.
My idea for a penalty is that the Holocron for Battle Precognition should be found on Dantooine behind a locked door in the Sublevel. On the opposite side of the academy away from the Holocron room should be a Mercenary Corpse with Thorium Charges and a Datapad to detail how he was to find Jedi Artefacts for Azkul so he could sell the Artefacts for credits to fund his Mercenary Army (Or learn the Holocrons secrets for himself as he does state he was trained at Malak's academy possibly hinting he was a Sith Student on Korriban). Using the Thorium Charges from either the dead mercenary or somewhere else the Exile can blast the door down, the penalty here is that if you have Handmaiden male or female the Holocron "breaks" in the explosion similar to the one on Korriban with Bastila's message if you are light side. If you don't have Handmaiden then the Holocron can teach you Battle Precognition.
The Jedi Holocron in the Onderon Royal Palace museum should be viewed by the Onderonian's as a Jewel not knowing of its true nature, where it came from presumably was found on Onderon during some previous war left behind by a possibly dead Jedi. The Exile should learn Force Enlightenment from this one and gain Light Side points for doing so.
The Sith Holocron on Korriban should be found somewhere in the Sith Academy maybe the Sith Library as there is a Sith in K1 who states there are Holocrons in the Academy and also Scavengers have been trying to steal these holocrons. This Holocron will teach Force Crush and give the player Dark Side points.
Obviously, you cannot receive Force Enlightenment or Force Crush at the end game like in Vanilla and TSLRCM. Another good idea for this mod is that you teach your Jedi Companions your new powers, Disciple on the over hand if he was present when you learned the powers will gain the power with you meaning you don't have to teach him at all.
For the actual Holocron placeable's I'd suggest Insidious' Holocron Placeable Modder's Resource found here- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/581-k1tsl-modders-resource-holocrons/