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Blog Entries posted by N-DReW25

  1. N-DReW25
    This topic has been discussed a million times over during the years and each topic has been concluded with "There isn't enough content to restore it and would be custom content" and no one has taken up the challenge of making this a reality. This blog is an idea made by me on how a custom content Disciple Holocron mod should play out.
    Before I begin with the actual idea for those who don't know what I am referring to once the Disciple was a Jedi a female Exile and he would find Holocrons and these Holocrons could teach the Exile and him a new Force Power, this hasn't been restored as only lines remain, no actual Holocron's or locations for the Holocrons exist.
    For those who are interested in lines here is a video by Sith Holocron of the cut lines

    Now for the idea.
    Holocrons should be founded on most worlds as placeables. For locations, I would say
    Jedi Holocron in the Onderon Royal Palace museum
    Jedi Holocron in the Jedi Enclave Sublevel
    Sith Holocron in the Sith Academy
    First off, if you're male you should still be allowed to open the Holocron without the Disciple. If you use Party Swap then a male character can hear Disciple's lines but another male penalty will apply which I will mention later on. The powers the Holocron should teach you are Force Crush, Force Enlightenment and Battle Precognition. As Battle Precognition can be taught by the Handmaiden if you're male or use party swap a penalty should apply to the Holocron that teaches Battle Precognition so that you don't learn it twice.
    My idea for a penalty is that the Holocron for Battle Precognition should be found on Dantooine behind a locked door in the Sublevel. On the opposite side of the academy away from the Holocron room should be a Mercenary Corpse with Thorium Charges and a Datapad to detail how he was to find Jedi Artefacts for Azkul so he could sell the Artefacts for credits to fund his Mercenary Army (Or learn the Holocrons secrets for himself as he does state he was trained at Malak's academy possibly hinting he was a Sith Student on Korriban). Using the Thorium Charges from either the dead mercenary or somewhere else the Exile can blast the door down, the penalty here is that if you have Handmaiden male or female the Holocron "breaks" in the explosion similar to the one on Korriban with Bastila's message if you are light side. If you don't have Handmaiden then the Holocron can teach you Battle Precognition.
    The Jedi Holocron in the Onderon Royal Palace museum should be viewed by the Onderonian's as a Jewel not knowing of its true nature, where it came from presumably was found on Onderon during some previous war left behind by a possibly dead Jedi. The Exile should learn Force Enlightenment from this one and gain Light Side points for doing so.
    The Sith Holocron on Korriban should be found somewhere in the Sith Academy maybe the Sith Library as there is a Sith in K1 who states there are Holocrons in the Academy and also Scavengers have been trying to steal these holocrons. This Holocron will teach Force Crush and give the player Dark Side points.
    Obviously, you cannot receive Force Enlightenment or Force Crush at the end game like in Vanilla and TSLRCM. Another good idea for this mod is that you teach your Jedi Companions your new powers, Disciple on the over hand if he was present when you learned the powers will gain the power with you meaning you don't have to teach him at all.
    For the actual Holocron placeable's I'd suggest Insidious' Holocron Placeable Modder's Resource found here- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/581-k1tsl-modders-resource-holocrons/
  2. N-DReW25
    This is a piece of cut content that was not restored in TSLRCM. This feature is probably unnecessary thus why it was cut, for anyone who is interested this blog will read out how this section of cut content was going to play out (I may, at times, need to guess what was going to happen to make this make sense as this is content clearly unfinished). 
    In Vanilla and TSLRCM, Bao Dur found the location of Atris' academy through a computer terminal on the landing pad. Through the terminal, he was able to hack into the Force Field Network. In this cut content, the terminal is not on the Landing Platform but rather it is the terminal in Chodo Habats office. Once you defeat the mercs and go onto the empty landing platform Bao Dur's dialogue would go something along the lines of
    Bao Dur: "The freighter's not here. We'll have to enter the underground ruins and look for the military escape shuttle. The entrance is at the south end of the compound."
    Player: "How do you know the shuttle will be there?"
    Bao Dur: "I don't, but that's not going to stop me. I'm getting back to Citadel Station if I have to build a new ship myself."

    If you spoke with Bao Dur after this he'd reply with 
    Bao Dur: "We can talk later. Right now we've got to find a way back to Citadel Station."
    The Military Base would play out normal, the player would take the Shuttle from the Military Base back to the Hangar of wherever you left whether that be the Ithorian or Czerka Hangar (Please note there is no movie for a Telos Shuttle landing on the Citadel, if someone did make this a mod it'd have to reverse the takeoff video to make it appear as if it is landing though then an NPC in the background of the video would walk backwards though this NPC "may" be able to be edited out). As the player would have no idea where the ship is this is why they'd come back and not to the Polar Region. On the Citadel you could, if you wanted to, talk to Grenn where he'd say his vanilla "So you have returned" lines though only this time he'd say them much earlier than in Vanilla as you return earlier. When you arrive at the Ithorian HQ Chodo would have some new lines if Bao is in the party, without him in the party you'd be stuck until he is in the party.
    Chodo: "Ah, Bao-Dur. I heard you'd returned. This pleases me."
    Bao Dur: "Good to see you again. Have you already heard about Czerka's operations on Telos?"
    Chodo: "I had. Moza has been in session with the Telosian Council regarding some Czerka files your new companion helped us acquire."
    Chodo: "Dol Grenn interrupted with news of what you'd encountered, and Moza sent word immediately. It seems that Czerka's days here are finally at an end."
    Bao Dur: "I would hope so."
    Bao Dur: "Come. The Ithorian's computer system is hooked up the Restoration Zone Grid and shield network. Let's find your ship."
    Presumably, if you helped Czerka Chodo would deliver some news along the lines of "things are going bad" and "we can't seem to be able to stop Czerka". None of the Czerka dialogue was written as it's all incomplete, whilst Chodo would dislike a Dark Sided Exile Chodo would still tolerate his/her presence in his own HQ, especially if his own friend Bao-Dur is with him so I have little doubt that a Dark Sider would still need to come back to Chodo to gain access to the shield network (The other only alternative is Jana Lorso as one can assume she has access to the Czerka controlled restoration zones herself, however, in vanilla Bao-Dur shows distaste for Czerka and in cut content Jana Lorso betrayed Bao-Dur and almost had him killed, this cut dialogue will be released in one of my upcoming mods). Once you interact with the terminal Bao Dur would have his dialogue with the terminal about finding the power interference in the Polar Region minus the dialogue of having to go into the Military Base as in vanilla on the landing platform. Once you had completed this you were then meant to return to the shuttle either in the Ithorian or Czerka Hangar. It is a possibility, yet unconfirmed, that once you finished up with the terminal you would hear an announcement over the loudspeakers from Jana Lorso.
    "Attention, Citadel Station. This is Jana Lorso, your Czerka branch's Executive Officer."
    "As you may know, Republic negotiations with Onderon have deteriorated of late. Czerka entered Citadel Station in the hopes of resolving the situation for the good of Telos."
    "I regret to inform you that the Telosian government, with the aid of the Ithorians, has entered an anti-Republic treaty with Onderon."
    "In order to protect the Republic's investment in Citadel Station and for the betterment of Telos, Czerka has been forced to assume command of the station."
    "Until Republic forces arrive to formally depose the Telosian Council and restore order, Citadel Station will remain under Czerka control."
    "This should not affect your daily affairs. Please go about your business as usual. Thank you for your cooperation."
    This is related to another piece of cut content I will detail in another blog as I have no reason to confirm or deny that this would happen right now during this section of cut content. This could of, for all I know, happened once you finished Telos completely and if you helped Vaklu on Onderon. Once you leave the station the HK-50 droids would arrive in the Bay Control area and presumably kill the Ithorian or Duros inside and have the exact cutscene as they have in the Military Base aka they send a squad out to the Polar Region to kill you. If the Ithorian is killed in the Bay Control you won't be able to talk to him if you want to steal the Prototype shield for Samhan Dobo (Despite this, you will still be able to complete the quest).
    And that is the "Bao-Dur's return to Citadel Station" cut content. Feel free to leave opinions on this down bellow (how you feel about the content, was it a good idea to have this cut, should TSLRCM include this, should this be it's own mod) and also let me know whether or not I should write up any more explanations for cut content.
  3. N-DReW25
    Kotor 2 is riddled with cut content, while TSLRCM restores most content and other big projects like M4-78EP restores their respective content there is still a small handful of cut content still hanging around and this one I will be discussing may or may not be known as commonly as let's say the GenoHaradan.
    Recently, I discovered some cut lines for Bao Dur's intro that indicate that this was going to be different than how it goes in Vanilla/TSLRCM. As always, I cannot restore this original intro in a way that works as it'd essentially have to cut more dialogue to restore even fewer dialogue but I have restored a select number of lines into the normal Intro in a way that does work.
    Help wanted!: As I own a Windows 10 PC I cannot download/use the tools to make Lip Syncs for the cut lines. If anyone owns a Windows 8 PC or under/can actually run the tools required to make Lip Sync and knows how to make them feel free to reply to this blog/PM me about this and I will give you details on what lines that need to be Lip Synced.
    Here is what I got so far

    I have been recommended to not release what I've got as this is a bad first impression so if anyone is interested in working with me with the Lip Syncs be my guest, also tell me what you guys think of the lines.
  4. N-DReW25
    Welcome to my first blog. This blog will contain the video's I will be making of Gameplay from The Sith Lords Restoration Project or TSLRP. These videos will specifically be about the Content not seen in TSLRCM or is different in TSLRCM.
    For more information about TSLRP visit the following threads
    What TSLRP sought to restore- http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5584-what-tslrp-sought-to-restore/?hl=tslrp
    TSLRP Post Morterm- http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5596-tslrp-not-quite-a-post-mortem/?hl=tslrp
    The first videos will be a three-part series showing Gameplay of the GenoHaradan Boss Fight. Here is the first one:

    From what I understand the GenoHaradan used the cut rooms in the Nar Shadda dock modules as a meetup place to kill the Exile and was NOT their base. More information and videos to come.