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About lurker333

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  1. That seems to have worked! Thank you everyone who helped me!
  2. Alright, I figured it wouldn't be so simple but still wanted to ask. Thanks for the help everyone.
  3. Sure no problem, The retexture mod I'm using is Fen's Carth from nexus (I hope it's ok to post) and the playable Carth mod is from Indiana_Revan77 The mod author mentions it's not the same, but I thought it was only the portrait he was talking about and not necessarily the actual head?
  4. Sorry I'll update the OP, I have a mod to use Carth's appearance/head as a possible choice for the player character in KOTOR2. I also have a re-texture mod for Carth from KOTOR 1 I want to use in KOTOR 2. I realize the games are somewhat different so it wasn't likely to work, but when I place the texture mod in the override folder for KOTOR2 it only partially works. It changes his portrait but not his actual appearance like in the First game. So I was wondering if anyone had any insight about what I could possible do to make it work in KOTOR 2.
  5. Sorry if this isn't the correct place to post this. I have a re-texture mod for Carth for KOTOR1 that I wanted to re-use in KOTOR 2. I tried just placing the KOTOR 1 mod in the override folder for KOTOR 2 and it kind of works. It updates the character portrait, but doesn't affect the actual player head. I'm guessing the issue is probably that the location of Carth's textures is different in KOTOR1 than in KOTOR2? And that's why it doesn't work correctly? Any insight on this would be helpful, thanks!
  6. i'm also going to try and pm the author for this mod, but would it be alright if someone pm'd me a link to it too if possible? Thank you!