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About SketchSlayer

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  1. Okay so it seems to be something to do with a file I cannot find anywhere in the archive or elsewhere called alienchatting.dlg It's not in the 1.1 patch or the 1.0 files
  2. Okay so after making the modules folder i get the same basic error but relating to \modules\ship_tmp\alienchatting.dlg". The system cannot find the path specified (0) And yes I made the ship_tmp folder also to no avail.
  3. I get an unhandled exception • Error: Unhandled exception: Cannot create file "G:\REdirected docs\DLs\bos_sr_1.0\backup\modules\ship.mod". The system cannot find the path specified Unsure how to remedy that as it's unable to find a path it's creating?