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About SW.Carnage

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    Jedi Apprentice

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    For some mods, addons, and downloads that were too big to upload here, head to my Mod DB site to see the extras.

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  1. File Name: EaW FoC: Indiana Jones File Submitter: SW.Carnage File Submitted: 10 Nov 2017 File Category: Other Games This reskins Han Solo to make him look more like Indiana Jones. I thought this would be cool, with Halloween happening, for Han Solo to dress as a character that's equally as iconic and just so happens to be played by the same actor, Harrison Ford. If anyone knows how to give him a whip (kind of like Silri's lightwhip), like the way the Consortium Infantry switches weapons with an ability, let me know, ONLY if it's all done by coding because that's all I can do besides reskins, so I can upload a version 3. This can be used for Empire at War and Forces of Corruption. Feel free to use as use as you wish, just throw some credit my way. Click here to download this file
  2. Version 2


    This reskins Han Solo to make him look more like Indiana Jones. I thought this would be cool, with Halloween happening, for Han Solo to dress as a character that's equally as iconic and just so happens to be played by the same actor, Harrison Ford. If anyone knows how to give him a whip (kind of like Silri's lightwhip), like the way the Consortium Infantry switches weapons with an ability, let me know, ONLY if it's all done by coding because that's all I can do besides reskins, so I can upload a version 3. This can be used for Empire at War and Forces of Corruption. Feel free to use as use as you wish, just throw some credit my way.
  3. View File Mission Colors This skin pack allows for Mission Vao to be 1 of 5 colors: Dark Blue (darker than original), Light Blue (lighter than original), Green, Orange, or Red. Enjoy! Submitter SW.Carnage Submitted 02/13/2016 Category Skins K1R Compatible  
  4. Chiss Bastila View File This changes Bastila to a member of the Chiss species. Submitter SW.Carnage Submitted 02/16/2016 Category Skins K1R Compatible  
  5. SW.Carnage

    Chiss Bastila

    Version 2


    This changes Bastila to a member of the Chiss species.
  6. SW.Carnage

    Mission Colors

    Version 2


    This skin pack allows for Mission Vao to be 1 of 5 colors: Dark Blue (darker than original), Light Blue (lighter than original), Green, Orange, or Red. Enjoy!
  7. File Name: Handmaiden Redone File Submitter: SW.Carnage File Submitted: 14 Nov 2015 File Category: Skins TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This is a reskin for the Last Handmaiden. It also has a "Handmaiden for Females" option. Click here to download this file
  8. View File EaW FoC: Updated Rogues This add Luke to Rogue Squadron. Without any changes to the files and if they're all put in, Luke will fly a Eta-2 Actis interceptor while the Rogues fly Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters. In order to experience this in full, you may want to download my Updated Unit Names and Descriptions file here or over at Mod DB. Submitter SW.Carnage Submitted 11/14/2015 Category Other Games  
  9. View File EaW FoC: Updated Unit Names and Descriptions This changes most units' names to its full name (e.g. Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter) and descriptions that better tell the unit's worth. Submitter SW.Carnage Submitted 11/14/2015 Category Other Games  
  10. 74 downloads

    This add Luke to Rogue Squadron. Without any changes to the files and if they're all put in, Luke will fly a Eta-2 Actis interceptor while the Rogues fly Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters. In order to experience this in full, you may want to download my Updated Unit Names and Descriptions file here or over at Mod DB.
  11. Version 2


    This changes most units' names to its full name (e.g. Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter) and descriptions that better tell the unit's worth.
  12. 1,444 downloads

    This is a reskin for the Last Handmaiden. It also has a "Handmaiden for Females" option.