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Everything posted by Golselect

  1. I currently don't have TSL at hand to install it, and I'd like to use 2 specific files from that game to mod Kotor. If someone is so kind to send me those files I'd appreciate it The files are: exile's armband and exile datapad .uti files from the harbinger .mod file
  2. Ok, ok XD In order of Installation: -NPC OverHaul -K1 Restoration (between these 2 first ones, I don't know if there are still incompatibilities, but I edited some of the files so if I could fix some of it, and in all my testing, I haven't found any error yet) -BrotherHood of Shadows: Solomon's Revenge -Weapons of the Old Republic -Canon Revan Head -Some retexture mods (nothing to worry about here) -Bastila Head reskin -Bastila Dark side -Canderous Reskin -Resized Eyes -Ajunta Pall Appearance -Bendak Starkiller Armour Reskin -Darth Bandon Head Reskin -Darth Malak Reskin V2 -Custom Portraits -Revans Robes Revisioned -Mandalorian Ultimate Mod -Sand Disguise -A lost sith in a nameless world (and some fixes to it) -K1 jedi fight training -Bendak Bounty Rework -Bodies Stay -Dantooine Lightsaber training -Hide Weapons during cutscenes -Kill Star Forge Jedi -LordDeathRay's KOTOR Improvement Mod -Robes for Korriban Sith Students -Vissual effects K1 -Walk Fix -Regeneration Mod -Exar Kun Tomb -Bralor Merchant -Enhanced Merchants -Carth Republic Uniform Plus -Juhani New Look -Juhani Blue Lightsaber -New Belaya -Sherruk with Lightsabers -Clothing Boost -Carth Jacket mod -Revan Robes -Jedi Revan Robes -Revan Star Forge Robes -DeadEye Duncan on Manaan -Manaan Doors -Canon Galaxy Map for K1 -Cassus Fett Armor -Korriban Workbench -Fire and Ice HD -K1 Bug Fix Attempt -Weapon Model Overhaul (and Texture Rework) -Bendak Compatibility Mod -Hi-Res Beams -Lightsaber Forms -Force Dustil -Leviathan Party -Malaks Unique Apprentices -Manaan Quests Endings -Yuthura Sith Eyes -K1 Prequel Robes -K1 Movie Robes -DP HK-47 SWTOR Style -HQ Skyboxes -A mix between: BigBad Sound Mod, DM sound K1 and Ultimate Sound K1 -96 content Pack -Enhanced Force Lightning Colour -Force Destruction -Force Power Dispel -Force Quake -Remove restriction to Force Powers For Armors -A mix between: K1 Force Pack V2 and KotOR I Force Power Pack by DI (This is the last mod I Installed, the one this thread was about, and the one I think the guilt is)
  3. Well, if it helps solving the problem... 1) During the game, when did the problem begin to occur? I actually haven't started yet a walkthrough (as I was testing the mods before I began to play), so you could say at any point of the game. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? I think so... 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, GOG, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Kotor collection version of the mod, but translated to the spanish version of dialog.tlk 5) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided? Yes, but editing some things to merge 2 mods of the same kind. 6) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation? Since I solved that error, no. But before, yes there were some errors. 7) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) I... really dont think it would be necessary to give a list of ALL the mods I used (they are a lot, believe me XD) and since the Force Kill power worked fine until I installed this mod (K1 Force Pack V2), I think the other mods aren't the real problem here. PD: I use K1R, but I'm sure it isn't the source of the problem. 8) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? It happened after installing some force power mods, but in specific after installing the said mod (K1 Force Pack V2). When I installed it, the Force Kill power stop working ingame, it does the animation, but the soundclip its a wrong one and the enemy isn't affected by the power. I don't know if there are other powers affected, since as far as I'm concerned, the other powers my character has work fine. 9) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? Yes, I have. 10) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes, I have. And the problem still continues. 11) Have you tried starting a new game? Not really. That's the only thing I haven't tried yet. 12) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 7 Ultimate
  4. Well, I solved the last problem by installing the unaltered mod in another folder other than the good override folder, then got all the ncs files I needed, put them in the modified mod folder and changed the changes.ini file so it copied those ncs files to the override folder (thats the unorthodox way)
  5. Sorry, I misunderstood. The mod is in a folder out of the game's folder, not into the override folder, but it has some elements extracted into it while installing. Sorry again XD Update posted 28JAN2016, 10:58 AM [EST] Well, I solved the problem (in a quite unorthodox way XD), and the installation went well, and the force powers work fine. But there seems to be another problem. Now, for example, I am unable to use Force Kill. It doesn't work at all. I don't know if there are other powers that don't work, (The other ones my character has seem to work fine). So... it's yet another problem. Any advice would be great
  6. The install log wouldn't tell anything about the problem because the installation doesn't complete. Didn't try to redownload it but I don't think it would change the things so much (would try if other things fail, of course). I install the mod running the TSLPatcher installer, and the mod is extracted into override folder.
  7. As the title says, when I tried to install a mod (K1 Force Pack V2, from gamefront) the installation fails. The installer starts well enough, but when it gets to the point when it has to compile some nss files, it just stops. It freezes and it doesn't continue the installation at all. I tried to compile them myself with the KOTOR Tool compiler, but it gives me an error. (It tells me it couldn't include file "sa_inc_force.nss".) So, I don't know what to do. I would be grateful for any suggestions.
  8. I first created new models based on the ones of KP robes and named them "N_SithStudent". Then i created some textures for each male and female and named them "N_SithStudentM" and N_SithStudentF". Then i replaced on the changes.ini file on the korriban sith students with robes mod, and installed the mod. As that seemed to fail, I changed the appearance.2da texture and model entries with the default ones from KP robes mod, but the problem continued.
  9. I recently installed the korriban sith students with robes mod, and changed it a little bit to use it with the KP prequel robes mod. But the thing is that the models are fine, but the textures doesn't seem to appear. The robes are all white and the changes i make don't seem to work. Help D:
  10. KotOR Scripting Tool BTW, at the crystal cave, how can I change the crystal that pops up from, for example, a crystal formation? (Not the script files you said, because it changes the crystal it is, but the file that uses those scripts)
  11. OK I made it The thing is I tried with a modding tool of deadlystream but it didn't work really well. Then I tried with Kotor Tool's one and it finally worked XD
  12. I can't get it to work. It either doesn't enter upgrade menu, or if it does i doesn't create anything
  13. and about the DeNCS issue, i can change into decompiled code, but it doesn't save, or I don't know how to use the nss files
  14. For example, if I choose to be a Jedi Guardian, they give me a blue crystal, right? Then I talk with Zhar and begin to build a lightsaber, and the game goes to the lightsaber upgrade menu where there is a blue lightsaber created, with a normal blue crystal. What I'd like to do is change that normal blue crystal with a different one. Is that possible?
  15. Hello Fair Strides. First, thank you for your help Second, I'm having some trouble with the editing of the scripts. DeNCS seems to be failing, i get the "partial-could not recompile" error. Also, ignoring this error I tried to do something, but I don't know what to do with the nss file. It seems it doesn't save my changes. Third, when I said I wanted to change the crystal Master Dorak gave you, I didn't remember it wasn't the actual crystal you use to build the lightsaber, so I ask you again if you know which script should I edit to achieve this. Thanks
  16. Hello people. As the title suggests I have some pretty weird questions that I'd like to ask you. 1) Which are the files I can edit to change the crystal you receive from Master Dorak during the jedi training? 2) Which are the files that control the Dantooine's crystal cave formations, where you obtain some saber crystals? 3) In the BoS:SR mod, how could I change revan's blue lightsaber on certain levels of the mod?
  17. Well, recently I've run into a problem while taking some TSL lightsaber models to KoTOR. The problem is that some lightsaber blade textures appears even when the saber is turned off. I don't know if it's a problem of converting them from one game to the other, but i can't get to a solution. So if anyone could help me it would be great, thanks
  18. Hello heyorange90, I sent you a PM, if you could answer it would be fantastic
  19. I didn't get that warning either. Everything installed correctly.
  20. Yes, it's that mod, ZimmMaster's Revan Jedi Robe. And to answer those questions: 1: I tried it on a savegame I had after the leviathan part, and it crashed as soon as I click on the robe at the equipment menu. 2: I installed DS version of the mod, so... yeah. 3: I have Kotor Collection version of the game, but this error happened as well on the 4CD version. 5: Yes, I used the provided TSLPatcher. 6: No, there weren't any errors during the installation 7: As for the mods I used, there are a lot of them, but neither of them alter revans model nor use any 2da file (yet), if you need more info about the mods I'll research about them. 8: As I said, it occurs just when I click on the robe to use it, the game freezes and I have to end it. 9: I re-downloaded it several times, and from several websites just in case, but it didn't work. 10: I have tried on 2 or 3 different saves. 11: I haven't tried it on a new game yet. 12: I use a Windows 7 Hope It's helpful XD, and you can help me with this issue please
  21. Well, as the title says, i've been having problems with this mod since I tried to install it. The problem is that every time I enter the game and try to put the robe the game crashes before it can be selected, as soon as I click on it. I`ve been trying to edit the appearance.2da file, as I have been told it could be where the problem is, but the changes I've been suggested did't work and now I don't know what to do. So I ask if anyone has experimented this issue and has fix it or if anyone could know what the source of the problem is.