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Everything posted by Golselect

  1. Thanks ^^, it is really useful. I'll try it later. But first i'd like to ask you some questions if you don't mind. First, could you explain me why NPC Overhaul and K1 restoration are incompatible? If you know the source of the incompatibility Next, are other mods, like BoS, incompatible with K1 Restoration? And finally, what other files could cause incompatibilities? I thought of UTC or DLG files as well And again, thank you for the help
  2. I usually make a mess with tutorials, so if you could explain it to me would be great. Thank you ^^
  3. Well, the problem i have is simple. I have a bunch of mods (amongst i have also NPC Overhaul and K1 restoration), and I don't know what to do. Some time ago I tried to directly install them in the override folder, without editing them, and it was a complete failure. A lot of incompatibilities ocurred. Now I'd like to do it the right way, but I'm new into these thing that is modding and i hardly know how to edit 2da files. So the point is if someone could help me making some of the mods compatible, or telling me how to do it myself so I could handle it by myself in the future
  4. So let's say for example, that on the columes modela and texa I have "ZM_StarForgeA" written. So with this text i have to fill the other model and tex columns, right? If so I'm afraid to say that it didn't work either. I thought of filling it with the revan model's texts from each column, but the mod it's standalone, with it's own textures, so I dont know if it could work.
  5. I tried it as you said, but it didn't work. But I think i discovered the source of the problem is what you said, it hasn't a model, because yesterday I installed the K1 Enhancement Pack mod, with an NPC improvement, and it seems it relocated some rows of the appearance.2da, and when i tried the revan suit, it showed zaalbar's model instead. And when I checked if the driverunanim value was correct, i saw many empty values on the mod's rows
  6. I didn't get the warning but to see if that was the problem i went to kotor tool and the value of driverunanim was the correct, 3.96. Could you try the mod and see if you have the same problem?
  7. http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/466-revans-jedi-robes/
  8. I recently installed this mod, and to test it i ran an old save after leviathan i had (i mention it if it could be the source of the problem). So when i run the game and enter the code to get the robe, as soon as I put on the robe the game crashes. So i ask if anyone knows the source of the problem. PD: I also tried it with a new override folder, thinking it could be a problem of compatibility, but it didn't work either.
  9. About a week ago I saw on lucasforums a link about a canonical revan saber from TOR, and the creator gave a link to deadly stream for the K1 version. so the question is: did he delete the mod? If so, anyone who still has it could reupload it please?