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jabu last won the day on November 5 2015

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About jabu

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. Regardless, they gave me a digital copy of the game when they had no obligation to. I'm interested in the controller support because of recent wrist problems.
  2. After sending in a picture of my retail discs (as requested), I'm sitting in front of my pc downloading the game on steam. Awesome company.
  3. Apologies for starting a whole topic for what's probably answered by a simple no. I was wondering whether any of the improvements the Steam version got in July could be applied to non-Steam versions of the game? I haven't been able to find anything by googling, so I'm guessing not, but thought I'd ask to confirm.
  4. So what determines differences in individual XP pools? NPCs will usually level up close to each other but sometimes not exactly at the same time if the XP delta happens to be small enough.
  5. Well, in my recent playthrough I was given the separate message indicating I needed more lightsabers after crafting my first. So it's there but maybe finicky.
  6. Once you have your first lightsaber, isn't there one?
  7. That's good to hear, thanks. I actually like Peragus maybe because it's one of the few areas you're tight on resources and, to a lesser degree, skills; there's genuine mystery and tension (partly because of your weakened state); and I really enjoy the dungeon crawling aspect of the Kotor games. But it's not a segment conducive to repeat playthroughs.
  8. I don't know if this is what you're referring to, but I believe you need at least 2 lightsabers to initiate the training because Visas needs one to be your sparring buddy. (Though I don't think you need a third one for when she's dual wielding).
  9. With the mod installed accessing workbench/medstation commands requires an additional click. Normally you activate the bench and immediately see dialog choices; with the mod instead the area where your dialog choices would be is blank until you click. A nitpicky annoyance, but arguably so are the grounds for this mod. But I suspect this might be by necessity not design.
  10. Not a bug just my own carelessness. I started a new playthrough of Kotor 2 and an hour or two in I realized I'd forgotten to install the M4-78 module. I take it an absolutely fresh install is essential? I don't want to do Peragus once again... I've just had the first conversation with the HK-50 droid if that matters.
  11. I have no doubt in my mind that LucasArts will get in touch with you when they're ready to start work on KotOR 3 (or would that be 7 or 8 if you consider BioWare's stance on TOR). (Yes that was sarcasm). But back to the original topic, since it seems a mod like this doesn't exist and no one atm sounds interested, could someone point me towards the tools/method I'd hypothetically have to use to make it myself? I know there's a list of Kotor modding tools but I have no idea where to get started. If someone has a suggestion as how to go about making this mod without actually doing the work (that is without *you* doing the work), that would be rad. Thanks.
  12. I think it goes without saying that the default character designs are better looking than 90% of the dropped gear, (save Mira maybe). Kreia and Visas keep their default look regardless of what they're equipped with; why shouldn't the rest of your party? It'd be kind of cool if you could pick and choose which characters have this enabled, but that's a minor concern. I've looked around but haven't found a mod that purports to do this. I'm mostly interested in a hypothetical TSL version of this, but perhaps the solution would be similar for both games. Thanks for any replies. And a sincere thanks to the general community; you've done a great job keeping this game's legacy alive. Who knows how many people only played TSL because of all the hubbub surrounding the restoration releases. Who knows whether there would have been a Steam release at all without it.