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Everything posted by Lucky3LeafClova

  1. I get where you're coming from. If the game ever did get Steam workshop support, I just thought it'd give your mod more exposure. I respect your view in any event and it's not as if Steam workshop would make installing this mod much easier, as manually installing K1R is anything but troublesome. Thanks for replying.
  2. Quick reply - I'm impressed haha. The Aspyr update, while not perfect, was pretty good IMHO. If you were asked to put K1R on the workshop: would you (and the team) be in favour of this?
  3. I still haven't got around to playing K1R after all this time even though I said I was going to. That being said, I've seen and heard 1.2 was a success in squashing most of the nasty bugs that plagued the original release and that's awesome news. My only hope now is that Aspyr updates Kotor 1 at some point on Steam like they did with Kotor 2 and offer K1R as an optional download via. Steam workshop. Once can dream... right?
  4. That's all I wanted to hear I saw that someone had actually posted that Kotor Bugfix mod before me (just after I made the previous comment) but I hope it helps regardless. I just want this mod to be good and I could honestly understand if you forgot to fix some bugs or if you left it towards the end of things to do. Anyway, good luck to you and the rest of the team and I hope to see some more progress soon. Bye!
  5. Long time, no see. As of today I've managed to do several playthroughs of KOTOR with my GOG copy + K1R slapped on and I've got to say... it's great! There were a few issues but most of those have been noted in one way or another and I really enjoyed most if not all of the content that was seamlessly integrated into the game. I've also been very happy with K1R's progress and the team so far too but I must ask this question again -- will the following bugs be fixed: - the Bastila romance glitch ("if you talk to Bastila about what happened between her and the player after they kissed, it breaks the romance and she'll not pledge to be Revan's lover on top of the Rakatan Temple"), D/L link to version 2.0 of a mod that fixes this glitch: - the known bugs and exploits listed on this FAQ: - the "Exploitable Glitches" and "Problematic Glitches" listed on this site (I have no idea how accurate these are though): - the bugs fixed by the following mod "KOTOR Bug Fix Attempt 1.0": I only noticed one vanilla bug addressed in the 1.0 changelog and I sort of panicked. I'm sure there are even more vanilla bugs that are in your sights or that you know of but I just wanted to be sure that the above is still known to you and that you hopefully plan on fixing them whatever way you can. It's possible I've even missed something, despite having followed this mod close to its creation. Thanks again. Much like TSLRCM: you guys have been awesome in how you've handled this project and communication between fellow Kotor players on this forum. P.S. I only hope I haven't been annoying to any of the K1R guys with my somewhat random presence and comments on this forum I just had to ask this question again lol.
  6. Same resolutions it seems (according to friends + reviews once again).
  7. ^^ This is very exciting and I just found out about its GOG release today. While a tad bit pricier than other releases of the same game: various reviews and friends have indicated it's optimized for the later OSes (esp. for multi core CPUs) and has had a few compatibility fixes applied to it as well. It came out a week ago and I'm almost tempted to buy it. For those who don't know what GOG is: it's Steam but all the games are 100% DRM-free and guaranteed to work with all rigs. My friend who owns the Steam version and retail version of KOTOR 1 said the GOG version hasn't crashed once in his 20 hour continuous playthrough so far and even cutscenes play nicely without crashing/minimizing the game. One thing that worries me -- will this release be considered and/or work with the K1R mod.
  8. Unless there's something official that justifies such changes (i.e. they were intended to be a certain appearance and/or have that audio) - I'd rather the characters be left alone. Even if it makes no sense (conflicting audio and appearance); I'd say leave it as it is in vanilla. @ Fair Strides - I'm very happy with the decision K1R made to patch the project post-release for compatibility with BoS.
  9. Hey! I edited that post many times and couldn't get it perfectly-worded I've commented on your ModDB page a couple of times and loved your project all the way -- so no disrespect to your work of course. I just meant everyone knew about the TSL content (well I did before TSLRCM was officially a thing) and there's been a few projects + many mods even before yours so a lot of the mystery wasn't there. The cut content that was restored is always going to be great in everyone's eyes and is the reason why Kotor 2 is now seen in a much more positive light as well as some now considering it a better game than the original. However, Kotor 1's cut content is barely touched/discussed in comparison and I suspect that's because it appears to have less content cut initially and is thus less attractive to modders and the like. Half of the stuff being restored here I had no idea about; heck, I might be oblivious to KOTOR 1 cut content in the last decade and if that's the case... feel free to throw tomatoes at me!! Make no mistake: TSLRCM scope-wise and the amount of content restored will probably be always seen as the best thing that ever happened with the KOTOR games. P.S. Sorry guys --> I'll stay on-topic now.
  10. Thanks ZM90 and to the rest of the K1R team for being brutally honest and kind in your responses. I appreciate it a lot. I look forward to whatever form your project takes and whatever way it's distributed and I think it's fair to say a lot of people will enjoy the K1R content more than TSLRCM's -- due to a majority of gamers being spoiled with constant TSL content over the years and forgetting all about K1's cut content. Some of what's being restored in this project has never been restored before which is even more exciting, and some of it I've never heard of before whereas the majority of TSL content was seen and heard of eons ago because of previous projects or attempts at restored content. Anyway: probably went side-tract. Thanks again, and as always, I wish you the best of luck. I've already begun to see a few TSLRCM vs K1R comparisons but I hope they don't dishearten you in any way. You're doing fantastic work if I haven't said it enough already.
  11. Not to sound rude, but could someone address the past comment I've made on this page? Not very important; but I like knowing certain things are aware of to the teams behind mods.
  12. Sorry for being annoying by posting time and time again, but one more thing I must simply ask *I promise* Are you aware of the "Bastila romance bug"? Essentially: after the male Revan kisses her and she retreats to a section of the ship, IF you talk to her afterwards about your relationship, the game effectively cancels your relationship with her. I call this a bug because many others do and there is a popular mod/fix that was made in response to this, entitled "Bastila Romance Glitch Fix" (version 2.0 now and now fixes many Bastila-related bugs). Like I said, I'm not sure about this and I trust you guys have dealt with all the other bugs that are more-known in this game, but as the mod author states in the description of said mod "If you talk to Bastila what happened between them after Revan has a kiss with her, it breaks the romance and Bastila will not pledge to be Revan's lover on top of the Rakatan Temple".
  13. Just a suggestion ZM90: make an installer with radio buttons that allows you to choose which extra content you want installed; if any at all -- Bastila on Korriban, and possibly other expansions when they are later released by the K1R team. That way people don't need to download separate files and it can all be integrated into the one installer. I don't know if this is possible or how hard this would be, but yeah, my suggestion You can still have separate file downloads but a lot of great fan-patches/mods that I use have this option and it's extremely handy. Thanks yet again.
  14. I need some clarification (preferably from someone on the K1R team). Initially, or very early-on, I remember this project being split into two parts. The 2nd part was to deal with stuff that would be restored but couldn't be nicely integrated into the main game or would affect the story in a negative/unwanted way (the most prominent example of which was Bastila on Korriban). Is this still the case (the 2nd part's coming later)... or is the project all-in-one now? (for lack of better wording) Thanks!!
  15. @milestails - same here. @ZM90 - don't apologize; after all, we're getting something for free. Sorry if our anxiety as placed any unnecessary pressure on you guys Also, not to go too off-topic, but when will the 2nd part of K1R be completed or how long will it take? You know --> the project that deals with Bastila on Korriban and so on? Sorry if I made any spelling mistakes (too lazy right now ).
  16. I'm glad someone replied back. I was close to thinking this was dead. You know how it is when you're so anxious and no reporting-back-of-information :>) No rush but thanks nevertheless and good luck with whatever else you've yet to tackle. Bye.
  17. @ZM90 No problems there. I do remember it being said that things like "Bastila on Korriban" were extras or not being part of the main mod and to be separate, so I assumed that this would also be the case. Thanks for replying nevertheless, and looking forward to playing! All my friends are super-psyched to see what's in store for us
  18. @Fair Strides So will it be separate from this mod due to not being a restored piece of content? Not trying to disparage your work, but yeah
  19. And I'm back after watching this for months. Haven't posted in a while but thought I might add this. @Fair Strides: Thanks for the great pics and terrific work you've done but about the Holo-Roster you mentioned.... I'd rather you not change the colour of the Holo-Roster for the sake of changing it. I think when it comes to restored content (even if this isn't 100% restored); that it should be as close to the original otherwise it becomes modded content. But if you think it looks better; I'm not going to stop you. I'm not sure how the Holo-Roster was meant to look so forgive me if I sound rather silly!!
  20. Have to agree with HunterZ. I thought that was inconsistent myself....
  21. Edited my post in accordance with the rules (silly me for not properly reading them in-depth). Glad you got your problem solved though... or at least you think it is
  22. I myself, haven't experienced any crashes with the swoop racing and I'm using the default .exe that comes with the Steam version... so I'm not sure what's wrong with your game.