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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    It has been brought up, JC just never got around to addressing it in the mod. An alternative solution can be found here - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1378-jcs-fashion-line-i-cloaked-jedi-robes-for-k1/?do=findComment&comment=9320
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    I could do this all day. 1. Carth is Force Sensitive but not trained. Flyboy has way too much in the way of creepy accurate gut feelings, creepy accurate casual predictions about the future, and just plain weird luck. Plus, y'know, the Ajunta Pal thing. He's about on par with Bao-Dur; maybe not the biggest Force nuke, but enough to get himself in trouble if anyone discovered it. 2. Screw canon. Carth and Canderous were working together in KOTOR 2 so far under the radar it might as well have been underground. It would cause trouble for both of them if it got out that Mandalore the Preserver and a Republic Admiral were sharing intel about a former Sith Lord, so they keet it VERY quiet. 3. Tied to that, the reason why Canderous doesn't start trouble with Disciple is that Canderous listed in on one of Mical's reports to Carth. Canderous figures "Okay, he's working for my brother, the guy who can count the people he trusts on his fingers (and have fingers left over). This kid is safe." And then Carth finishes the conversation telling Mical to be careful because "you're like another son to me." Well, it's not "I know your name as my child," but it's close enough. Canderous now figures "DAMN IT! This half Jedi kid is my NEPHEW!" 4. Telos was a test for Malak to see if he could win a war, not just a battle. And Malak screwed the pooch. The planet would have been a lot more valuable taken with precision. It's the Jedi's food supply (army travels on their stomach in any universe), a potential hiding place (so cut off Jedi escape routes), great spot on a major hyperspace lane for a base, and...y'know, a lot of Sensitives that might be open to persuasion, given the Jedi rejected them. But Malak instead gives dead rock, an atrocity the Republic can rally around, and it potentially scares off any other planets from a quick surrender since they will now fight to the death (and Revan wanted the infrastructure intact). 5. The ensuing argument about Malak's brute force approach to Telos ended with Malak picking his jaw off the floor.