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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Maybe I wasn't too specific in my post, but the idea is that you'd get a different card from the Coward. This new card would unlock the elevator that leads to the sublevel, from there you can obtain a passcard without having to fight a crowd of enemies at once. So I had a similar idea which I'm sure you'd really like. The idea was to add a second Vulkar coward in the sublevel which would be the Twi'lek coward from the vanilla game whilst the Vulkar coward on the ground floor is the human one. The Twi'lek coward in the sublevel would be guarding the heating system generator room whilst the human coward is guarding the Vulkar control room. I say control room as dialogue from the TLK seems to suggest the computer terminal which is found in the main open area near the armory was supposed to be inside the room with the coward NPC: "I don't know. Maybe you could use the main terminal in this room to override the security system, if you're good with computers. Otherwise you'll need to get your hands on a pass card."- Vulkar Coward This would suggest that the coward was guarding a control room akin to the one found in the Hidden Bek Base (the one that's famously locked forever in the vanilla game) instead of just some random room as we got in vanilla. My plan had the Vulkar Lieutenants from the barracks moved to the sublevel so that the barracks would have the passcard in a footlocker guarded by 10 enemies whereas the Lieutenants would have energy shields but would have fewer guards protecting them. By having the Twi'lek coward in the sublevel as an NPC, his dialogue on the Lieutenants still works as there are Lieutenants on the sublevel with him. I also know there's an option to disable the turrets by disabling them via the computer terminal, but that option is way more expensive then just overriding the power conduit in the barracks (10 spikes VS 3 spikes). I think I might change it so that both disabling the turrets and overriding the power conduit would cost the same, this means you either disable the turrets or override the power conduit to avoid fighting the Vulkars for a Spike fee or you simply attack the Vulkar swarm head on and risk getting killed if you're playing on Impossible difficulty.
  2. 1 point
    So in regards to the Vulkar Base thing, two main thoughts on that First is that I really like the idea you have! Kotor already has plenty of dungeon design where you can explore and use cunning to figure out how to progress, or just brute force your way through, so I think a choice between "find the Vulkar coward in the sublevel to get the card" or "take out a room of like ten enemies to get the card" would fit pretty seamlessly in the game design. I'm all for this idea. Just might require a tiny bit of custom content to make the puzzle about the blaster turrets guarding the garage clearer to the player that some kind of pass is needed Second thought is about the Twi'lek Vulkar coward in the vanilla game. Honestly, I really like that character. Gameplay-wise, it's just a basic light/dark alignment choice, but I think it adds a nice bit of flavour to the setting and Brejik as a character. A few characters go on about how Brejik's new leadership of the Vulkars has fundamentally changed them as a swoop gang, and I just think it's really neat to encounter an enemy who goes "You know what, I don't agree with the new ways, and I'm not gonna die for a cause I don't care for." It might feel a bit clunky having two enemies who stop combat and offer a "spare me or kill me" choice, but ideally, I'd love some way to retain the vanilla Twi'lek coward while also restoring the human coward who gives you the garage pass card (I suppose one possible solution to that could be to place the human coward in a room with some enemies, have him do the cowering/fear animation, and then start his whole speech after combat ends so it isn't the exact same situation as the other one? But that's just one idea, if you even would want to use both characters. Up to you, obviously!)