Download the attached 7-zip archive. It contains the freeware ImageMagick program needed to combine the textures, and a batch file to feed it the commands.
Extract the archive somewhere (preferably not in Program Files).
Download both sets of DH's textures linked above.
Extract DH's textures and put them into the INPUT folder.
Alternatively, if you want to use the vanilla Scout leg textures or ones from a different mod, put TGA versions of those in the OUTPUT folder.
Double-click on Create_Combined_Texture.bat and it will merge the two sets of textures together in the OUTPUT folder.
In that folder you'll find the two newly merged TGAs, two TXIs, and a sub-folder with the models.
There are two versions of the model, one with the vanilla pouches, one without. Pick whichever version you prefer.
Copy and paste the models and textures into your Override folder.
However, since the textures are pretty big, I would suggest an additional step to convert the textures from TGAs to TPCs.
Download TGA2TPC and extract it somewhere.
Double-click tga2tpc.exe to run it.
In the row of buttons up the top, click the first one, the folder icon, to set the export folder where the TPCs will be saved.
Next click the +TGA button and browse to find both merged textures to load them.
On the far right, click the Settings button and select "DXT5 (Alpha)".
Now click the Run button.
You can copy and paste the two TPCs into your Override. You don't need the TGAs or TXIs.
The TPC step is entirely optional though, so I leave the choice up to you.
The UVs for the jacket of the pouchless version, especially the female, were pretty wonky, so I fiddled with them to improve them a little. It's still not perfect however, as DH created the Scoundrel texture to fit the vanilla UVs. My pouchless model was a bit of a hack job that resulted in lots of distortion/stretching. I've (hopefully) gotten rid of the worst of it though, and as a bonus the back is no longer mirrored now as well.