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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2016 in Blog Comments

  1. 3 points
    Viewer: Is this legal? Apeiron: [Persuade/Lie]Yes...it's legal...because it's free. Viewer: It's free? Apeiron: [Persuade/Lie]Yes...it's free. But please give us your credits. Viewer: I just thought you said this was free? Does free necessarily mean legal? Are you just trying to take my money? HK-47: Observation: Master, these meatbags aren't taking the bait. We'll have to get their credits the "old-fashioned" way. Charging blasters.
  2. 1 point
    And the hits keep on coming. Sithspecter mentioned in a response to milestails' status update the following comments (which I've combined for convenience's sake): I agree with you SS but I'll go even further. When did Tatooine open the neon shop? I don't recall this plague of signage in the original Tatooine. Just remember it's not futuristic unless someone has puked up a bunch of electronic signs. Who cares about the authentic desert aesthetic? Then there's that shiny dome. Leaving aside how such a run down desert colony has the time to shine that dome, let's just think safety issues. Do you think that twin suns beating down on that very shiny dome might cause lots and lots of fires in the immediate area? In that case, less signs and more fire brigades might be in order. Folks - be honest with me. Does the above seem slapped together with pre-rendered assets - or is it just me?