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Export two models into .obj

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Not exactly a mod request but a request needed to make a mod, so I hope this thread is okay here^^


I need three models from TSL converted to .obj files in order to use them for a texture I want to make. If anyone could export and convert them, that'd be amazing :)


They are the freighters seen in the background during the Dxun space battle (not the warships, but the freighter types). There are three of them I think and I could use all of them^^ One of those is also seen in the Nar Shaddaa docks and as Sith landing craft on Dxun if that's easier to export for some reason.


Any help would be very appreciated :)

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Thank you very much :)


Didn't really expect to get a reply that fast and certainly not to get two^^ So thanks a lot. That should allow me to finish up this texture pack I'm working on.

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