About This File
You must have .NET Framework 4.0 installed in order for this tool to work. Once/If you do, simply extract the contents into a folder and load up the file. It'll also be a good idea to have KAurora on hand for exporting walkmeshes and binary models.
The purpose of this program is to add a walkmesh node into a binary .mdl's file. It "injects", so to speak, the .wok data into the model. By doing this, you will enable the camera to be blocked when panning into a wall. Just make sure that the walkmesh fits the area model you are using. This *should* work for both K1 and TSL, I haven't tested TSL yet though.
1. Load the .MDL file, it requires its .MDX counterpart
2. Load the .WOK file that is used in conjuction with the mdl, if there is a .WOK file with the same name as the .MDL it will automatically load up
3. Select the export directory OR leave it blank. Leaving it blank will export it to the same directory it is already in and add a "_new" suffix to the file name
4. Choose [Add New Child] if the .MDL file doesn't have a walkmesh node in it already, if it does, scroll down the drop down box and select that instead. The old walkmesh node will be replaced with the new one
5. The KotOR version is automatically determined from the file, check to see if is correct.
6. Press inject and retrieve your new files to the place you exported it to
If the program popups up with an error, check to see if your model is legit. If it is, post the error on the forums.
If your module crashes on loadup or the camera isn't being blocked, go to the forums and give specific information to what you did. (K1 or TSL? Replaced a node or added? Used a custom export directory?)
What's New in Version 1.0.3 See changelog
- 1.0.3 - Fixed the Node Replacement Index
- 1.0.2 - Fixed Vertex Indices Offset for TSL
- 1.0.1 - Fixed Argument Exception Error
- 1.0 - Initial Release
With version 1.0.3:
- Download