Party Stealth Mode [TSL] 1.0.0

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About This File

Adds the ability to enter your whole party into stealth without activating solo mode.


Why do Sith assassins get to sneak around in groups? Don't they have to turn on solo mode?

Now your party can move through the shadows together too. This mod introduces party stealth mode, allowing all eligible party members to simultaneously enter stealth without turning on solo mode.

Party stealth mode is activated through an armband which turns on stealth for all party members that are equipped with a stealth unit or otherwise able to use stealth (Force Camouflage, G0-T0). Solo mode will be turned off and your party members will follow you like they normally do. Activating the armband while this mode is on will remove everyone from stealth. See additional notes below.

Only the main character can activate this ability and must be able to use stealth.

You will get the armband as soon as Kreia joins your party on Peragus. Because of this you'll need a save from before she joins your party for the mod to work properly. However if you're mid-game and want to install this, you can get the armband with the giveitem code "partystealth".


To install, run TSLPatcher.exe.

Unaltered copies of any modified files will be placed inside the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe.


1. Remove the following files from override:

- spells.2da
- baseitem.2da
- partystealth.uti
- m_imp_prtysneak.ncs
- a_addkreia.ncs
- ii_ootgmbnds_001.tga

2. If any files were created in the backup folder, move them to override.


Should be compatible with most mods assuming they use TSLPatcher or this mod is installed after.


Party stealth mode is defined by the following conditions:
1. All eligible party members are in stealth mode.
2. Solo mode is turned off.

If any of the above conditions are not fulfilled, activating the armband will apply them. If all of the conditions are fulfilled, activating the armband will remove stealth from all party members.

You won't be able to toggle stealth for individual party members without turning on solo mode. If you press the normal stealth toggle it will turn on solo mode regardless of whether a character is in stealth or not. Also occasionally characters may exit stealth on their own to perform an action for whatever reason. If any of these things happen, just activate the armband again to reinitialize party stealth.

Computer-controlled characters with the Sneak Attack feat will usually perform sneak attacks if you enter combat from this mode. However sometimes they might do another action which breaks stealth first.

When changing modules like entering the Ebon Hawk with party stealth on, characters may remain in stealth mode until they perform an action which breaks stealth, such as entering a conversation. I don't expect this to cause major issues but it's probably best to remove party stealth before leaving an area.

Bear in mind the developers had reasons for enforcing solo mode, whether for balance or technical issues. I haven't encountered any serious issues but haven't tested every situation. Please let me know of any bugs or weirdness and I'll try to fix it.


Feel free to use the source code for your own mod as long as you give credit.



KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides

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