No Alignment Shift Effects 1.0.0

   (1 review)

1 Screenshot

About This File

This removes the visual “cloud” around your character and the musical sting that occur whenever you gain dark/light side points. This patches visualeffects.2da to remove the visual effect and guisounds.2da to point to a new silent audio file. I wasn't sure if just leaving the reference to an audio file empty was a good idea, so I went with an empty sound file. This should preserve any other instances of the light/dark side music stings playing, since it removes just the GUI sound associated with point gain.


Because having this play as a cloud of red death manifests around you just because you told some overconfident thug that their skull is overdue for a date with the pavement is ridiculous.

Likewise, having this play accompanied by blue air freshener mist because you chose the only dialogue option that makes you sound even remotely like a human being devalues what "light side" is.

This doesn't fix the core issue of light/dark side points being handed out in dollops for the slightest actions, but at least this makes the game guilt-trip and gaslight you slightly less.


Unzip, read the ReadMe.txt, open Install.exe, follow the instructions.


Instructions are in the ReadMe.txt


Should be compatible with everything, including other mods that change visualeffects.2da and guisounds.2da.

Known Issues


However, as I have not yet finished the game, if VFX_IMP_DARKSIDE and VFX_IMP_LIGHTSIDE are referenced as an effect anywhere outside of creating the cloud around the player character, those instances will be made invisible as well.

Tools used
Holocron Toolset

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Instaclicked. Finally someone that gets it.

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