Kotor companion tweaks 1.0.0

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About This File

A few character adjustments to better fit the classes and default skillset/gear they have.


Carth: dual-wielding ranged soldier
    - Removed: Power Attack
    - Added: Rapid Shot
    - Removed: Specialization: Blaster Pistol
        To ensure he only has 1 lvl 4 feat in Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
    - Removed: 1 point in Repair -> 0 Repair
    - Added: 2 points in Demolition -> 2 Demolition
        A soldier with 1 point each in cross-class skills is just weird
        The point in Security makes sense to some degree, as he's the commanding officer on the Endar Spire

Mission: ranged/melee scoundrel hybrid
    As every other companion has pretty clear-cut use-cases Mission will therefore become a true hybrid to spice things up, but
    even then playing a backstabbing scoundrel is way too awkward in Kotor
    - Removed: 2 INT points -> 12 INT
    - Removed: 2 DEX points -> 14 DEX
    - Added: 4 STR -> 14 STR
    - Added 1 WIS -> 12 WIS
        Mission is a smart girl
    Being a rogue and having Scoundrel's Luck + Sneak Attack has to be offset by not adjusting HP and CON

Zaalbar: face-tank melee
    - Removed: Improved Power Attack, as scouts don't get a feat at lvl 4

Bastilla: Jedi Sentinel
    - Removed: Proficiency: Blaster Pistol
        It always struck me as odd that Kotor Jedis have blaster training
    - Removed: 2 DEX -> 16 DEX
    - Added: 2 STR -> 14 STR
    - Removed: 3 CHA -> 12 CHA
    - Added: 2 CON -> 14 CON
        As a force/melee hybrid she should actually have the stats for it

Jolee: Jedi Consular
    - Removed: Proficiency: Blaster Pistol
    - Removed: 2 DEX -> 14 DEX
    - Removed: 1 WIS -> 14 WIS
    - Removed: 1 CHA -> 14 CHA
        Too many overall points by default, and as a consular his focus should be the force

Juhani: Jedi Guardian
    - Removed: Proficiency: Blaster Pistol
    - Added: Flurry
        More choices for melee
    - Removed: 2 WIS -> 10 WIS
    - Removed: 1 CHA -> 12 CHA
    - Removed: 2 INT -> 12 INT
    - Added: 3 STR -> 16 STR
        A melee build with force on the side

Canderous: yet another ranged soldier
    - Removed: Power Attack
    - Removed: 2 WIS -> 12
    - Removed: 1 STR -> 14 STR
    - Addded: 3 DEX -> 15 DEX

HK-47: ranged meatbag assassin
    - Added: Rapid Shot
        He was 1 feat short for being a lvl 6 combat droid
    - Removed: 4 STR -> 12 STR
    - Added: 2 DEX -> 16 DEX
    - Added: 2 CON -> 12 CON



- As far as I understand it tweaking character stats without touching anything else should be pretty compatible with everything

- I reckon it should work just fine with K1R, but as I did a test playthrough with the community patch instead of K1R I flagged it as no just to be safe

  • Light Side Points 1
  • Dark Side Points 2

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