Commas' Exile Robes Mod 1.1

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Changes in v1.1:
Updates to the armor texture
Minor color tweaks to all textures
Female textures now have belts

This is a brand new robe that you will find in the PC's quarters on the Harbinger with custom skin and stats. Right now it is for Male PCs only. There is both a Light/Neutral and a Dark robe.

***IMPORTANT*** For these textures to work you MUST have svösh's robe collar fix for the Padawan robes in your override. This means the files PMBIM.mdl, PMBIM.mdx, PFBIM.mdl and PFBIM.mdx.

svösh's robe collar fix can be found at his website:

Restricted to: The Exile
Defense Bonus: 4
CON +2
Damage Immunity: Piercing, Slashing Bludgeoning 10%
Force Resistance: +10
Damage Vulnerability: Fire 25% for 2 Rounds

While you were exiled you had to face many challenges beyond the Outer Rim. You decided to fit your trusty old robes with some light armor. During your adventures you had to talk your way out of many close calls, but sometimes battle was unavoidable. Through the combination of time and many narrow escapes these robes have begun to deteriorate and show evidence of many battles, but they still offer quite a bit of protection.

As a result of being cut off from the Force during your exile these robes have built up a natural resistance to the Force, however since they in such a state of disrepair they are highly susceptible to the forces of nature, but this can be easily negated using underlays.

Dark Side Description:
While you were exiled you had to face many challenges beyond the Outer Rim. You decided to fit your trusty old robes with some light armor. During your adventures you made quite the reputation for yourself along the Outer Rim, evidenced battle the many battle scars in this armor, the result of "negotiations" gone awry.

While you were exiled your hate for the Jedi slowly built up. As a result of being cut off from the Force these robes have built up a natural resistance to the Force, however since they in such a state of disrepair they are highly susceptible to the forces of nature, but this can be easily negated using underlays.

Further Explanation of the Stats:
ok, so i feel like i should explain the stats just a little more.
•Restricted to: The Exile - they were his/her robes, there is no reason why Atton should be wearing them, they have sentimental value to the Exile.

•Defense: 4 - this is there because the best robes, the Jedi Master Robes, offer a defense bonus of 3. The Exile Robes have light armor plating on the chest, so it stands to reason that it should offer just a little more defense.

•CON +2 the armor by absorbing some of the damage dealt to the exile allows him to stay alive that much longer, this is reflected by the boost to vitality that the +2 to CON gives him.

•Force Resist: +10 My reasoning for this is that like an item can have a taint of the dark side left on it, the exile being cut off completely from the force has left a mark on these robes that he wore during his exile causing them to become resistant to the force in the same way the exile himself is (i.e. like when Nihilus tries to "eat" the exile) the exile's natural resistance to the force from being cut off has permeated these robes during their exposure to him while he was cut off.

•Damage Immunity to Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning - this is also reflected by the armor plating that would help resist against melee based attacks. i used an immunity so that the amount you are protected is proportional to the damage you receive. a damage resistance of ten would have been too powerful that early in the game, and not powerful enough later on. i also got rid of the immunity to energy that i had, because in the Star Wars universe blaster bolts always took down Storm Troopers despite the armor they wore, and this armor is much less advanced than theirs.

•Damage Vulnerability: Fire - i know that negative properties tend to be frowned upon, but i felt that these robes were becoming a little too powerful for what they were, and i decided that since these robes are practically falling apart already that they don't hold up well against fire based attacks. so while it is a negative stat, it makes sense in regards to this robe. besides the robe is upgradeable with underlays, so one of the better "Environment Underlays" will pretty much negate this anyway.

This Mod contains the following items:
1) k_152area_enter.ncs - the script that executes the script that spawns the robes and executes the real OnEnter script

2) 152_har_enter.ncs - the real OnEnter script

3) exfootlckr.ncs - the script that spawns the robes

the nss files for these scripts can be found in the "Source" directory.

1) ex_robe_99.uti - robe parameters

2) PMBI99.tga - Male Texture

3) PFBI99.tga - Female Texture

4) ia_JediRobe_99.tga - Icon

Dark Exile:
1) ex_robe_98.uti - robe parameters

2) PMBI98.tga - Male Texture

3) PFBI98.tga - Female Texture

4) ia_JediRobe_98.tga - Icon

and also some screen shots, might as well see what you're getting

1) If you have not done so already create an Override folder in your KotORII:TSL directory. KotORII:TSL allows for the use of a subdirectory, so you may create one if you so desire.

2) Unzip all the files into Override (or a subdirectory within Override).

3)***IMPORTANT*** For these textures to work you MUST have svösh's robe collar fix for the padawan robes in your override. this means the files PMBIM.mdl, PMBIM.mdx, PFBIM.mdl and PFBIM.mdx.

svösh's robe collar fix can be found at his website:

4)***IMPORTANT*** If you are using Envidia's Harbinger Crew Quarters mod make sure you install this mod SECOND. This mod will overwrite some of Envidia's scripts (specifically k_152area_enter). Envidia's mod will still work, but only if that script is overwritten with mine, as i have edited it to execute both my scripts and Envidia's, so BOTH MODS WILL STILL WORK. Also if you keep your mods organized into sub-directories you will need to manually delete Envidia's k_152area_enter script and use mine (it can be in any directory). I have included the source for all the scripts in the "source" folder so you can edit them as you see fit.

4) Enjoy!

Just delete the files from override

Known Issues:
This Mod should be compatible with all other mods used for this area (Redhawke's and Envidia's) but should you encounter any compatibility problems please contact me [via the email listed in the read-me].

First of a big thanks to Fred Tetra for creating KotOR Tool, without his work, pretty much none of this would be possible.

Also a big thanks to Nodakrattler for his help testing the mod, and to stoffe -mbk- and Darth333 for their tips on scripting and to Darth Melingous for his pshop tips and Mono_Giganto for finding the error in my script that final made it work

Thanks to svösh for his brilliant robe collar fix, thanks to him i could finally make the robes look the way i wanted, and thanks to Achilles for making the padawan robe templates for svösh's fix, without him i never would have known how to use the fix in the first place.

And shout outs to all the people that posted in my WIP thread that i may have left out THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT this was the first mod i had made in about a year, and the constant support from everyone really helped me keep going even when there were times that i thought it would NEVER get done.

And finally a huge thanks to everyone at Holowan Labs the BEST KotOR modding community on the internet! without its limitless resources and friendly inhabitants modding wouldn't be nearly as fun!

You may alter this mod as you see fit, but only for your own personal use, if you want to use any or all of these files for any public release you must contact me first via the email at the top of this read-me. If I give permission, please give me credit as Ryan Sprinkle "i like commas"

Thanks for Downloading and ENJOY THE MOD!

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