About This File
(for K1)
Included in mod:
- New fur for all five female wookies + one additional (n_wookiefred.tga) that can be swapped with any of the others
- New fur for three male wookies, although one of the furs is very similar to the original
- Grrrwahrr & Freyyr no longer have same appearance; Grrrwahrr is now the abominable snowman wookie while Freyyr looks similar to before
- Red male wookie (n_wookiem02.tga) = Gorwooken; the guard on the Great Walkway guarding way to Shadowlands; Rulan Prolik
- Swapped one of the male wookies in Rwookrrorro with a female wookie so that all five female wookies are present in the village
- Screencaps
Files included to drop in override folder:
- N_WookieF01.tga
- n_wookief02.tga
- n_wookief03.tga
- n_wookief04.tga
- N_WookieF05.tga
- n_wookiem02.tga
- n_wookiem03.tga
- n_wookiem04.tga
- kas23_freyyr_01.utc
- kas25_freyyr_01.utc
- kas23_wookgem_04.utc
(The tga files are the reskins; the Freyyr utc files switch Freyyr to a wookie that isn't identical to Grrrwahrr; the wookgem utc file switches a male wookie in Rwookrrorro with a female one.)
Other mods you might notice in screencaps that I didn't create that are not part of this, but I thought I would advertise since they are still observable in the screencaps:
- Upper Shadowlands grass is from this mod (file: LKA_Grass.tga) by MadDerp but was recolored to be more silvery.
- Some of the wood, trim, lights, doors and bark is from this mod by Curtis1973.
I don't know if this is K1R compatible or not...