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Records of the Not-So-Grand Historian

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The Mod Forge is the glory of the modders, the apex of their infinite subfolders. It is a source of infinite robe reskins, a tool of unstoppable uploads.

An awful lot of information was lost with LucasForums, including the identities of the old Mod of the Year winners from 2005 to 2015. This isn't, per se, important; it's less useful than, for instance, the many, many tutorials we used to have. But it is a loss, nonetheless, particularly since we've kept up the Mod of the Year here at DeadlyStream since. I've tried to collect what information I can here, though some of it is, for now at least, irretrievably lost.

Mod of the Year 2005 - Users' Pick


Winner:  Revan's Mask+ by T7Nowhere

Runners Up:

1. Carth Romance Fix by cjt0202
2. Lightsaber Forms by deathdisco
3. Mekel Recruitment Mod by Tanesh
4. Ebon Hawk Workbench to a Construction Bench by RedHawke
5. Republic Commando: Delta Squad by Prime
6. Kamino Eugenics Chamber by RedHawke
7. Quest for tk102's Birthday, by Darth 333 et al. (includes svösh's hv88 blasters, Seprithro's blaster model and t7nowhere's saber models + birthday cake)
8. [MECK] Enter Jabba's Palace by Xavier2 et al.
9. Meet Athena (Selectable Female PC) by kristykistic
10. Xia Terashai Set by Chainz.2da, RedHAwke, and JediKnight72482
11. Kain Sword for The Real Kain by oldflash


Winner: Ultimate Lightsaber Mod (USM) by Chainz.2da, Darth333, Seprithro, svösh, and T7nowhere.

Runners Up:

1. High Level Force Powers by stoffe -mkb-
2. TSL Movie Jedi Robes and Armour Mod by Prime
3. Jabba's palace Themed Dancer Outfit Additions by Drakonnen
4. Combat Simulation Arena by stoffe -mkb-
5. Real Darth Nihilus by Darth Stryke
6. AVol's Character: Darth Vader by Avol
7. The Dark Apprentice: Gold by MacLeodCorp
8. "Heart of the Force" Sabers by MdKnightR
9. Ceremonial Weapons Pack (melee) by oldflash
10. Floating Lightsabers Force Power by Darth333
11. Darksword by ChAiNz.2da


Mod of the Year 2005 - Staff Picks


1. Carth Romance Fix by cjt0202
2. Quest for tk102's Birthday by Darth333 et al.
3. Chained Force Lightning by tk102
4. 2 Altered Endings by kristykistic
4. Ryyk Blade by Achilles
5. Ebon Hawk's Workbench to a Construction Bench by RedHawke
6. [MECK] Enter Jabba's Palace by Xavier2 et al.
7. Republic Commando: Delta Squad by Prime
8. Kain Sword for the Real Kain by oldflash
9. Kamino Eugenics Chamber by RedHawke
10. Segan Wyndh's Sabers by ChAiNz.2da
11. Revan's Mask+ by T7Nowhere
12. Mekel Recruitment Mod by Tanesh



1. Male/Female Master + Padawan Robe Models + UV Fix by svösh
2. Hardcore Mod by beancounter
3. High Level Force Powers by stoffe -mkb-
4. Ultimate Saber Mod by ChAiNz.2da, Darth333, Seprithro, svösh, and T7nowhere
5. Game Balance Mod by Achilles
6. Remote Tells Your Influence by tk102
7. Putting the Sith Back in the Sith Lords by Prime
8. Floating Lightsabers Force Power by Darth333
9. Prestige Class Robe & Saber Pack by RedHawke & Maverick187
10. Combat Simulation Arena by stoffe -mkb-
11. Ceremonial Weapon Pack (melee) by oldflash
12. TSL Hack Pad by ChAiNz.2da


Mod of the Year 2006


Winner: WOTOR (Weapons of the Old Republic) by T7Nowhere

Runners Up:

1. Bastila and Fem Revan, the Untold Love Story by Master Kavar
2. Carth's Clothes I, II, and III by Kha
3. The Super Enhanced Mod by Shem
4. Super Skip Taris mod by Lit Ridl
5. Bastila: The Jedi Royal Guard by MacCorp
6. Ryyk Blade by InyriForge
7. Make Zaalbar a Jedi by Darkkender
8. Melee Pack by InyriForge
9. Patterned Jedi Robes by Silveredge9


Winner: The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium by MacCorp

Runners Up:

1. Final Touch by oldflash
2. NPC Recruitable Dustil by Princess Artemis and Jiara
3. Kreia's Assorted Robes by ChAiNz.2da
4. Combat Simulation Arena v4 by stoffe
5. BloodRayne as PC by mjpb3
6. The Super Enhanced Mod by Shem
7. Floating Lightsabers 2.0 by Darth333
8. Imperial Knight by Prime
9. Atris Robes for Females by mjpb3


Mod of the Year 2007


Winner:  Brotherhood of Shadow by Silveredge9

Runners Up:

1. Recruitable Kay by InyriForge
2. Bastila Romance Enhancement by swfan28
3. PC Hybrid Lizards by redrob41
4. Yuthura Ban to Darth Talon Conversion by Prime
5. Bastila Unchained by Kristy Kistic
6. Male Head Pack by InyriForge
7. Ajunta Pall Unique Appearance by Silveredge9
8. mjpb3's Selene from Underworld
9. Taris: Sith Planet by Rueben Shan
10. Darth Bane Pack by Silveredge9


Winner: Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco

Runners Up:
1. KotOR II Restoration Mod (The Unrestored Content) by Team Exile
2. Peragus Correction Mod by Ulic and Cay
3. Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs by Emperor Devon
4. 'Fork' Short Lightsabers by oldflash and Darth InSidious
5. PVC Dancers Outfit by Kristy Kistic
6. Wilhelm Yell by Miles Edgeworth


Mod of the Year 2008

KotOR Winner: Project Yavin 4th by MotOR Squad, Master Zionosis and ÐeceptiKain

TSL Winner: TSL: Un-restored Content by zbyl2


Mod of the Year 2009

KotOR Winner: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge by Silveredge9

TSL Winner: TSL Restored Content Mod Version 1.4 by DarthStoney and zbyl2


Mod of the Year 2010
No information

Mod of the Year 2011
No information

Mod of the Year 2012

No information

Mod of the Year 2013

No information

Mod of the Year 2014 May not have run

Only nominations known.


Mod of the Year 2015


Winner: K1RP v0.9b by RevanFan90, zbyl2, LDR, Dan Loto, Fallen Guardian, Seamhainn, Jatku and Fair Strides

Runners Up:

1. Weapon Model Overhaul by Toasty Fresh
2. PC Response Moderation by Kainzorus Prime


Winner: The Jedi Masters 3.0 by Trex

Runners Up:

1. NPC Overhaul for TSL by Kainzorus Prime
2. Revenge of Revan Playable Species 1 - Humans by redrob41
3. Phildevil's Twin Sun to Asari Mod


Mod of the Year 2016 (DeadlyStream)

Mod of the Year 2017 (DeadlyStream)

Mod of the Year 2018 (DeadlyStream)

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I just went to see if anything was on the wayback machine but it seems TUCE and Holowan both no longer have any snapshots at all. There use to be tons of archived pages there! Where'd they all go?

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There are snapshots, but you are probably hitting the issue of extraneous crap being included in the URL. I noticed that happening when I had a look yesterday. Not sure what it is exactly. Seems like it is from the LF side though. I don't recall encountering it before.

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