Blog #101: Open Casting Call

Sith Holocron


I'm looking for folks to contribute voice lines.  The delivery of the voice lines should be for a TV announcer delivering lines indicating that's it's time for a commercial break during a TV show? 

Line 1: "And we'll be right back to The Star Wars Holiday Special right after this brief commercial break!"

Line 2: "And it's now time to return to the Star Wars Holiday Special!"

If you wish to include your own take on the lines above, you're welcome to do so.  However, keep the lines G-rated.  And I'll need the two requested lines first.

Contributions are preferred in a YouTube video without music or sound effects.  MP3 or WAV files are also accepted.

This open casting call is open to men and women.

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I have found another copy of the Star Wars Holiday Special that retains the station breaks so I won't need vocal submissions from anyone.  But thanks for checking out this blog!

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