The Unknown



Minutes ago I am having this abstract thoughts.

If the Jedi have their own code:

  • There is no emotion, there is peace.
  • There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
  • There is no passion, there is serenity.
  • There is no chaos, there is harmony.
  • There is no death, there is the Force.

And the Sith:

  • Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
  • Through passion, I gain strength.
  • Through strength, I gain power.
  • Through power, I gain victory.
  • Through victory, my chains are broken.
  • The Force shall free me.

Is there any "cult(s)" in Star Wars franchise with a code that is in between these two?

I'm a rookie in Star Wars thing [the first time I'm into Star Wars was when playing KotOR, which is about early March this year I believe], not many things I know beside the fact that there are the Sith and the Jedi.

Actually, because of this thoughts I kind of wanting to start a mod [in the future- there are still unfinished projects now; sorry peeps 😛] that create an NPC(s) that represents this "in between" faction.

Moments ago, I googled searching the fact for "do Heaven and Hell exist in Star Wars?" to at least, legitimate-check it. And the result; it does- point to this reference.

So, using that as starting point I concreted these random words that is coming out of my head to be a "code" and name the "cult"; the Unknown.

  • Believe in there is no Heaven nor Hell.
  • Believe in their existence.
  • Believe in there is something in between.
  • Believe in the Unknown.

Maybe one of you reading this could tell me if there are already factions that is beside the Jedi and the Sith, because this idea kind of bugging me now [the idea of start a story about the Unknown to tell the truth 😛, but maybe if you are interested on kick-start this concept; knock yourself out! :cheers:]

Again, thank you for reading this [if you have been reading this].

And I am sorry- for the inconvenience may I have caused from this writing.

May the Force be with you! :cheers:


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There is indeed. Some force users believe in the Living Force and others in the Unifying Force. Technically the grey jedi teachings are roughly based on the latter.

The Living Force is more or less the belief that the Force operates through all living beings and thus its will is done when they act. "Living in the moment" as Qui Gon said. 

It also made Qui Gon obsessive about making things come to pass no matter what the other jedi said.

The Unifying Force, in contrast refers to the force itself transcending time and thus placing less importance on individual decisions with more value attributed to the "big picture". 

It can be used to justify genocide as was the case in the Knights of the Old Republic comics, but it also helps keep force users focused on more than just their own interests. 

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7 hours ago, Malkior said:

There is indeed. Some force users believe in the Living Force and others in the Unifying Force. Technically the grey jedi teachings are roughly based on the latter.

Thanks for the insight! Going to be busy reading this for a while now :cheers:

And I am glad to know about this too. As I thought before, would there be a plot hole here? [but come on- there wouldn't be one hole in a story as big as Star Wars right? Believe they all got it covered] and it is not.

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