From Now On....
Every mod I've created has had one bug or flaw. From its design and finding out how to make things work, all the way to the finished product.
It seems that I will always update my mods at least 2 times before I'm satisfied and haven't cause some1's game to crash.
========> On that note, thank you for downloading my mods and experiencing this pain with me. <========
I will continue to improve and renovate my mods, but I'm still hitting walls on limitations. I can't script enough, I use the wrong function at the wrong time/place, etc... I end up fixing a door, but permanently locking another, because Bioware cloned that door. Despite my constant spree of failures and bugs, I don't want to quit, nor stop helping those who've downloaded my mods.
I had a vision to mod. I put effort to mod. I published a mod. And I have the responsibility to maintain that mod's quality. I cannot overstate how important bug testing and reporting is to me.
Reflections on Mishaps: I cannot skin or model, both attempts have been meet with clear failure. For the most part, I try to test out my mods before publishing them, but sometimes my tests are incomplete, for example, SF Door Fix, I only tested the first door, unaware that there was a door in the next module with the same tag,resref, and name.
Current mod failure: Resisting Arrest on Manaan, which can cause party members to be stuck indefinitely. I want to fix this mod, but it's low on my list.
Reflections on Success: Shanilia (as far as I know) is without bugs, but I am skeptical, when I have time to play kotor again, I will fully test out Shanilia and see if everything I wanted exists in the game.
Save Mission: My most popular mod, simple content adding mod, but even that had to undergo editing - considering my current knowledge I may try to splice lines to create a more immersive conversation. Additionally, the PC reply options are long winded, so I may want to change that.
Tool Bag: was a personal best for me, it may not be as good as T3M4 being a workbench in k1 as he is in k2, which has been done by many modders. I wanted to learn how to replicate BOS:SR and Call of Aid, how were they able to activate a script with an armband and how could I use that for my own nefarious needs. I learned how to do this, expanding my modding knowledge, and now the PC doesn't have to lug around T3M4 in k1, because, no offense to the little guy, but he's borderline useless. (Note: Which is why I have plans to renovate, making him and HK-47 more reliable in combat)
As always, mods done by request are less enjoyable, but more rewarding - because people are thankful that you've done something for them to address a part in the game they wanted to change.
SF Door Fix, Save Mission, Massage Choice, Train the Handmaiden, Train Disciple, Mentor Band, Party Leveler 1&2 (which was renovated by another modder and released with additional changes, part of me really enjoyed seeing someone take an idea I had and improving it, the other part of me was frustrated to a lesser extent), and lastly, who can forget Kill Marlena. (Improved Grenades was pseudo requested tbh).
In general, my modding centralizes on adding content through items and dialogue, small gameplay changes.
Current project that's taken priority is Train Disciple, hopefully, I can put a significant amount of effort into that over the next few days. I have a save game thanks to N-Drew directing me to female saved Games in our Saved Games category on DS, (special thanks to Darth_delator).
On other news, Lehon Mandalorian Expansion (LME) is still looking for voice actors... and there are about 10 bugs needing to be addressed, over all though, it looks like I will be able to finish the project in the Summer of 2018, which is good news. I should be directing all my efforts there, but I've been procrastinating lately.
Well, that's what's been on my mind recently.
Stay tuned for my April 1st mod release of Taris J'ika!
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