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Future Plans for Shanilia?




List any bugs here, if you want.


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You get where this is going.....


So let's switch over to something new.
Shanilia updates may happen after I patch whatever bugs arise. I didn't want to rush production and release more content to Shanila, without first making sure that everything is 100% straightened out.
Wait what? You didn't test Shanilia out JC2? No, I did. But bugs can arise and feedback (hopefully) will come with suggestions to fix, replace, modify, add, remove certain aspects.


The idea is to polish, before adding more. And to be honest, I have become biased and glued to the character myself and another have created. Hard to see the issues, problems, misconceptions, plot holes, etc...


News/ potential future of Shanilia


If people actually like Shanilia, here's the possible next steps.
>Add Sidequest
>Bring in backstory for Ferroh (accidentally misspelled as seen in the screenshot)
>Introduce Hynpar
>Incorporate those two characters into sidequest
>Add lightsaber
>Possibly add an alternative ending, as suggested by a respected modder


That's about it, if you have any ideas, then feel free to share them.




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JC2, you included a wrong screenshot.


Also, a sidequest could be nice! But for Ferroh, you should find a person with a strong Slavic accent to voice him, as it's a Star Wars tradition for Cathar to sound like Poles or Russians who just started learning English.

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as it's a Star Wars tradition for Cathar to sound like Poles or Russians who just started learning English.

Then what about Aric Jorgan in SWTOR?


And this Imperial Cathar on Makeb?


And this Cathar on Taris? (skip to 21:11)

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JC2, you included a wrong screenshot. Also, a sidequest could be nice! But for Ferroh, you should find a person with a strong Slavic accent to voice him, as it's a Star Wars tradition for Cathar to sound like Poles or Russians who just started learning English.

Interesting, I hadn't even thought of the VOs. Might use the default sound files, or perhaps find voice actor who meets that criteria. Idk. I'm not sure what you mean by a wrong screenshot? Are you referring to the screenshot attached to this blog, or the screenshot that includes the misspelling of "Ferroh?"

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My point by the way isn't the fact that Slavic accents should be ignored.  If you found a VO actor that spoke with such an accent that suited your needs, great!


My point was that just one character - I assume you're talking about Juhani - doesn't make it a tradition.  (She also didn't speak as if was she just learning the language.)  However, enough of my tangent.

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My point by the way isn't the fact that Slavic accents should be ignored. If you found a VO actress that spoke with such an accent that suited your needs, great!


My point was that just one character - I assume you're talking about Juhani - doesn't make it a tradition. (She also didn't speak as if was she just learning the language.) However, enough of my tangent.

Quoting Wookieepedia:

In Knights of the Old Republic, the Cathar Jedi Juhani speaks Basic, albeit with a heavy Slavic-like accent, with rolled "r"s and "w"s that sound like "v"s. Murghir, a bounty hunter and foe in the Great Hunt encountered by the Bounty Hunter class in The Old Republic, also speaks with such an accent. It is possible that this is meant to represent a Catharian accent. However, a Cathar companion of the Trooper class in TOR, Aric Jorgan, and a Cathar Jedi Master, Ryen had no such accents.


So Juhani isn't the one character, there's also Murghir. What I found interesting is that females speak with such accent, while males do not (or at least the ones in SWTOR don't). Also, there was once an explanation that Aric Jorgan doesn't speak with such accent because he wasn't born on Cathar.


I don't think that the accent is necessary, but it'd be an interesting addition. Also, you used the term actress, SH. Ferroh is a male.


@JC2, I meant a screenshot that is attached to this blog. You wrote "as seen on a screenshot" when you mentioned the misspelling.

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