Scripting Livestream Event
Hi guys! It's been long enough that I've had time to go over some things and get some feedback on my previous blog post about a scripting event. I've checked my schedule and gone over some software with Xuul and I believe I have a plan now.
The Scripting stream will be done twice. This is to accommodate both those in the United States with one schedule and the rest of the people (who mostly reside in the European timezones). Otherwise the timezones just don't match up (my 10AM is someone else's 6AM of the next day, to take it to the extreme).
USA Zones Stream:
Thursday, December 15th, at 5PM PST (UTC-8); this is 9PM over in New York.
European + Extras Stream:
Saturday, December 17th, at 9AM PST (UTC-8); this is anywhere from 4 to 8PM in or around Europe.
This gives me several weeks to prepare material and test my equipment (I'll be PMing at least two people to help me with test streams) out to help make sure this goes off smoothly.
For those that just aren't able to attend at all for whatever reason, I plan on recording at least one of the streams, editing it, and uploading it to Youtube with bookmarks for content. This would understandably be a delayed thing that might not happen until around New Year's if everything went well, so I will ask for your patience ahead of time.
Once again, suggestions for any particular areas to focus on or material to go over (even examples of things to do or scenarios to work through) are welcome and appreciated.
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