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When It Is Perfectly Acceptable to Change the Difficulty to "Easy"

Eauxps I. Fourgott


So, I'm making my way through the Undercity, killing Rakghouls. Nothing particularly special.


And so I get to one corner which has a ton of them in it. And they start to overwhelm us (as Impossible Difficulty rakghouls will do if they get up close to you). So Mission beats a hasty retreat as I'm already down and Carth stupidly charges into a nest of them. And I'm left with just Mission up, having to kill the remaining rakghouls before I can do anything else.


Actually, my character revived before Carth got himself knocked out, so I was able to go repair a droid to attack the rakghouls. The droid went down pretty quickly and then my character just watched as they came and knocked him out, because the AI is dumb. So I'm back down to just Mission, with six or so rakghouls to kill. And with some grenades, mines, and the highly successful strategy of RUNNING AWAY, I manage to kill all but one. I head back to the area to pick of the last one...


And the whole pack has respawned again.


That's around ten or eleven rakghouls, each of which can and will oneshot Mission. At this point, I fell like I was very much justified in saying "Screw this," decreasing combat difficulty to Easy, using an exploit to revive and heal my character, and then watching as Mission killed all of the rakghouls herself since they rarely did more than 0-1 damage to her at a time. I don't regret doing that.


Seriously, KOTOR's a great game, but there's times when it gets downright frustrating...


Oh, and Mission's the best. Just saying.
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Ahahah, stupid and funny xD You cannot justify putting the game on the lowest difficulty (in my tryhard opinion). 


Though, offhandedly, it's nice to hear about other people's experiences with kotor, especially the struggling. I'm surprised you stuck around considering college and what was it, CIv 4?

Still, it was an interesting read Eauxps.  

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Yeah, AI in both games is sometimes a pain.


Specially in 2 when they started considering AI flaws a game characteristic, with all the minefields.

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Though, offhandedly, it's nice to hear about other people's experiences with kotor, especially the struggling. I'm surprised you stuck around considering college and what was it, CIv 4?


Yeah, it's been a while since I played - especially after I got Skyrim. But it's still a good game to play when I'm in the right mood (even alongside Civ IV). I'll make more blog posts about my adventures if I get any more good experiences to write about.

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I play a game on easy when I am more interested in the journey and story and just sightseeing in a game. Aaand.. when im stuck to all bugery.

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I've found that higher difficulty just means more medpacs and stimshots are used.


I prefer easy so I can try different things, test out different weapons, armor, so on. And for the story and checking stuff out.

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I've found that higher difficulty just means more medpacs and stimshots are used.


I prefer easy so I can try different things, test out different weapons, armor, so on. And for the story and checking stuff out.


Well, that's one way to do it. Some of us like to have more of a challenge, though, especially for me since this is I think my seventh or eighth playthrough.

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