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Playing SWTOR



I get asked about it a lot. The Old Republic


What do you think of SWTOR? Is it worth playing? Have you played it in the past?


I played it at launch and enjoyed the class stories. After hitting level cap I grew bored quickly with the endgames and had no interest in repeating planets with new characters.


My friends stopped playing and I let my subscription lapse.


Since that point I have tried the game out a few times. Often a friend would be playing and I would join for a few days.
When the first expansion was released I played for a week then gave up.


Overall, I just did not really enjoy the game.


It isn't that I don't like MMO's I have an ungodly amount of hours played in WoW. It was just that I found the game dry and the only two things I liked about the game, the story and socializing with my friends, had run dry.


Despite this I would say that I get at least 3-5 requests a month to cover this game in some form.


I have said I would get to it eventually and even posted on here a few times, but things never took off...


Until recently...


My friend Shoelace has always liked playing Swtor more than I have. He agreed to play through some of the game so he could "review" it for the channel officially so that I wouldn't have to.


This lead to

A weird role playing let's play that is equal parts silliness and time wasting. This group of videos started off very rough, since Shoe did not even know how to properly record or edit. The first few videos were not good. Poor quality, incorrect frame rate and audio issues were frequent and the host was not very accustomed to speaking for such a long point of time.


Over time the quality has gone up and the videos have been fairly enjoyable to watch. For the fifth episode Shoelace thought it would be fun to run through the very first flashpoint in a rather "unique" way. In order for the story to work he need an accomplice (me).


So I dusted off the old republic and leveled a sith warrior past the starting zone for my cameo. After that I didn't play again for a long time. I came back on another character temporarily for episode 10 as well but it wasn't anything worth talking about. For some reason I also agreed to feature in the 15th episode (chapter 2 episode 5).


I watch all of these videos before I upload them just to make sure it isnt damaging to my brand. The chapter 2 videos made the game look fun again to me.


A few days ago I realised I only had about a week to finish Kaas and Belmorra. So one night I loaded up the game, some music and just went down to bussiness.


After getting to where I needed to be (thanks to the fact that I can skip part of the boring planet missions) I was still hungry for more.


So I leveled another character.


Then the next night I loaded up my old main and blasted though the rest of the Hutt Cartel story.


And then I just kept playing.


Currently I have been really enjoying Swtor again and I plan to check out what the most recent expansion has in store soon.


What was the point of all this?


The point of this blog is just to say that I'm playing Swtor again and if anyone wants to hang out and play for a bit you can message me in game.


I am playing on the Jedi Covenant Server with MOSTLY imperial characters.


You can add me as a friend and message me if you would like on the following characters:


Tor'Nar (level 55 Imperial Operative)
Vol'Shen (level 22 Sith Warrior)


You can also message Shoelace (who is only on to record videos and prepare for them):


Quancatt (level 22 Imperial Operative)


I also plan to do a video or two on Swtor as a whole. But I will save that for another day.


Until then...


Have an excellent day


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I am getting a windows machine soon and would like to get back into playing. I am hoping to drag my brothers in as well. It'd be cool to run around and quest.

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