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Blog #37 - Family Matters

Blog #37 - Family Matters

I'll have to fly out of Kodiak today to head back to NYC early this evening - assuming that I can get out in this weather. My mother is in the hospital and isn't expected to make it. So the next week or so, I'll be a very faint presence on the forums. If you have access to my Facebook account, please don't post your well wishes on there at the moment because I'm not quite in the right mind frame for that. (You may post those thoughts here in this blog.) If you have questions to do with KOTOR stu

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #36 - Sith Holocron Moves

Blog #36 - Sith Holocron Moves

Hey folks, I've had this message set up in advance so I can activate it and be on my merry way.   On or about the 20th of July 2016, my possessions will be boxed up and I will start the long move from the east coast of the United States all the way up to Alaska. That's a long hike - and with a whole country in between! Adding to the time it takes to move all my family's stuff, there's also the matter of the housing situation being set up on the other end of the journey. (I may be in te

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #35 - Portrait Pictures

Blog #35 - Portrait Pictures

I've turned most of the major characters' lines for K1 and TSL into Mp3. I'm weird that way. I'm also anal retentive which means I have to track tag those MP3s. And I have to have decent album art for the track tag.   Why not turn that obsessive nature into a positive?   Hence me working on my own little portrait package. HairlessWookiee over at Reddit has been kind enough to provide some high quality shots of the TSL NPCs for me. A few at time right now. I thought I'd show o

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #33 - Please review an alternate M4-78 mod from 2006?

Blog #33 - Please review an alternate M4-78 mod from 2006?

I had a thread on Reddit that linked to an early M4-78 mod created a long, long time ago which didn't even use Vash in it. I'd love to have outside sources give some opinions. I haven't played it myself. It was created by a modder named Darth Shan way back in 2006. If anyone is interested in using this mod and giving feedback, I'll have a place for it in one of my videos in my (yet unreleased) YouTube M4-78 Documentary. You can provide text, or text with your own voice saying your words. There i

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #32 - Coruscant as envisioned by Ralph McQuarrie

Blog #32 - Coruscant as envisioned by Ralph McQuarrie

"I can still remember all the glittering lights of Coruscant. Very pretty. Can we go back there, Master?" - HK-47, Knights of the Old Republic Ralph Angus McQuarrie (June 13, 1929 – March 3, 2012) was an American conceptual designer and illustrator. His career included work on the original Star Wars trilogy, the original Battlestar Galactica TV series, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and Cocoon, for which he won an Academy Award. These are the concept paintings that he did for Coruscant.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #31 - Requiem for an iPod

Blog #31 - Requiem for an iPod

Alas, my music player seems to have had it's day.     This 160GB held a lot of playlists - which was very helpful as it stored all of the music and it also had most of the voiced lines in both of the KOTOR games.   However, I'm not quite ready to give up on the device yet. I've seen videos on YouTube that show you how to replace the battery and the hard drive. As I'm a bit of a butterfingers when it comes to electronics, I think I'd rather seek out a service that w

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #30 - I need a tutorial for a HK-47 voice filter

Blog #30 - I need a tutorial for a HK-47 voice filter

Going through various Star Wars video games, I've found numerous other sound files performed by Kristoffer Tabori. He voices our favorite homicidal droid from the KOTOR series, HK-47 (and his various "family members".)   I'd like to listen to these various sound files and have them sound like HK-47. To be specific: I don't want to hear a filter used in HK-50 or HK-51 lines - just HK-47's filter. I just need to figure what the closest filter settings to the ones used by Bioware and Obsi

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #29 - Star Wars Crawls in KOTOR 1 and 2 (Non English Versions)

Blog #29 - Star Wars Crawls in KOTOR 1 and 2 (Non English Versions)

I use the U.S. version and I only speak English so I have to reach out to you fine folks to get the answer for this.   At least five years ago, ttlan posted up on his website the various spelling and grammatical errors in the opening crawl for the French version of KOTOR2.     Is this an issue with the other foreign language editions of KOTOR1 and/or KOTOR2?   In addition, what countries did have the official localization for both games?

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #28 - A M4-78 mod I've overlooked

Blog #28 - A M4-78 mod I've overlooked

I've just become aware that there's another M4-78 mod available on the 'net that was created way back in 2007. It's called the Droid Planet mod and it was created by Darth_Shan. The creator got it to a version 1.3 so he must have worked on it for some period of time.   Why mention this to you, Dear Reader? Have you heard me mumble something about a secret project lately? I'm currently working on a video documentary that will cover all of M4-78's history: Why it was cut from the game in

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #27 - Addiction?

Blog #27 - Addiction?

I just got the most recent Star Wars Humble Bundle. What's odd about that is already have so many other games . . . .   Kind of weird that I got that since I already have these . . .                       Even if I was frugal when picking these up, do I have collection addiction?

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #26 - Apeiron . . . The next project doomed to failure

Blog #26 - Apeiron . . . The next project doomed to failure

Remember the last KOTOR Reboot project to come along called Project Black Light?   (I'll use my version of their logo because their logo has a really bad Star Wars logo slapped on it.) No? Here's a refresher if you truly want it. (It isn't necessary to view the video to understand the conversation below.)     However, some new folks have decided to reboot Knights of the Old Republic. These folks are starting with the first game!   Oh boy -

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #25 - Random Thought on HK-47's Eyes

Blog #25 - Random Thought on HK-47's Eyes

I was looking at headlights the other morning and wondered: Would the orange reflector pattern work well for HK-47's eyes?     I decided to alter Kainzorus Prime's reskin of Darth Parametric's new HK models. (Click on the pictures to see larger versions.)     I'm not sure that I got it right. ::shrugs::

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #24 - Video Editing Questions

Blog #24 - Video Editing Questions

I've recorded a decent amount of footage from Star Wars: The Old Republic with the intention of doing some movie / playthroughs on my YouTube channel. However, editing isn't my forte. I also wish to make some close edits - hopefully down to the frame - so I can include as much footage as possible. I'd love to have some suggestions on how I can create HD videos on YouTube with the footage that I've recorded.   The tools I currently have:   Video: FRAPS (A legal copy, so I wo

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #21 - Top 5 Modders with Projects Languishing in Development Hell

Blog #21 - Top 5 Modders with Projects Languishing in Development Hell

Now that it's 2016, let's review a list of works in progress that we haven't seen an official release or even a recent update for. When I say recent, I'll be specific. If it's been over 6 months since the project lead has commented on a project, it's not a recent update. No pictures of the mods are included here. Links to the appropriate posts in their announcement threads are listed - and they do have pictures. This thread is going to annoy some people. Sorry about that. In no particu

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #22 - Jedi Holocrons

Blog #22 - Jedi Holocrons

The Jedi Holocron as produced by "Uncle Milton Star Wars Science" is described in its ad copy by the following:       So it's a trivia game for kids. I get that. But where's the science part of it? In the "poster" that comes with it.     Eeek. If this really basic information is what they are passing off as "science", our society is doomed.   PS: I do appreciate the mention of my namesake in the document.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #20 - Happy Holidays from M4-78

Blog #20 - Happy Holidays from M4-78

M4-78 doesn't know how to sing but that won't stop him from sending a Christmas Carol your way. For your listening pleasure, he butchers "Blue Christmas" in the style of Elvis Presley.     No, you can't return this "gift" - believe me, I tried.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #19 - Seeking Audio Reviews of M4-78 EP

Blog #19 - Seeking Audio Reviews of M4-78 EP

Hi there folks. Did you all know I'm making an M4-78 documentary? Well, I am . . . and I'm asking for your help.   The Prologue for the documentary is more or less hammered out with my secret partner-in-crime. We're currently working on Chapter 1 which covers why M4-78 was cut from the game in the first place. There are few chapters here and I won't be spilling all of the details at this early date. Eventually there will be a section where I review the game. I think that many folks mig

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog # 13 - Why the "READ ME SECOND" thread matters

Blog # 13 - Why the "READ ME SECOND" thread matters

Folks using the TSLRCM mod - or TSLRCM with M4-78 EP - may wonder why they have to post the questions and answers from the READ ME SECOND thread when reporting a bug.   Simply put: Speed of response.   Many of the "bugs" reported have been narrowed down to those few questions. If the modders receive the answers to those questions, it's going to save them a lot of time (both yours and theirs) asking what will likely be on that list. And we all know, you want to get back to pla

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #18 - The Current Changes at LucasForums

Blog #18 - The Current Changes at LucasForums

These thoughts are purely my own and do not reflect the views or opinions of DeadlyStream.com   Some random thoughts about the current changes over at LucasForums - as I don't want to clutter up a Status Update:   I suppose my main issue with the current changes over at LucasForums - meaning as of right now - is I'm unsure why each of the changes were actually made.   Items were archived and whole threads were moved over to a new site called StarwarsGamer. If the so

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #17 - Extracting Voice Files from "Star Wars: The Old Republic"

Blog #17 - Extracting Voice Files from "Star Wars: The Old Republic"

I'm interested a specific thing and I'm hoping one of you enterprising folks may be able to assist.   I know it's possible to extract the audio from the game. There have been threads elsewhere dedicated to extracting the music from them. I don't need the music as I have the official legal soundtrack that came with the Collector';s Edition and folks upload the newer TOR music to YouTube all of the time. However, I'd really like to get my hands of the conversational audio for some partic

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #16 - When Responding to a Big Update/Post . . .

Blog #16 - When Responding to a Big Update/Post . . .

Just say a modder has - after some period of time - posted a sizable update to one of his/her projects. Something like this . . .   In your excitement, you may have felt the need to quote the original poster's entire post. You don't need to do that because that modder's post is still in the thread. The readers don't need to read it twice.   However, if you wish to leave a comment on a particular part, then trim the quote down to that specific part. For example . . .  

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog # 15 - My Highlights from NYCC (Part 2)

Blog # 15 - My Highlights from NYCC (Part 2)

In addition to the events mentioned in the last blog, Mrs Holocron and I got to do some photo opportunities while we were at NYCC 2015.   1) If you're familiar with the Firefly TV show or the Serenity movie follow up, you'll likely know three of the people in the photograph.     The signed original copy will be hanging up above the bar din our basement as soon as we get a nice frame.   2) Also a fun thing, we met John DiMaggio. You might not know the name

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron