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Blog #62 - Mods / Ideas that Never Came to Pass

Blog #62 - Mods / Ideas that Never Came to Pass

1. The Fate of Bao-Dur, Version 1 (Death on Telos) This one's in movie script type format.   2. The Fate of Bao-Dur, Version 1 (Death occurs fighting alongside the Mandalorians)   This one I grabbed from an email I sent to Darth Stoney. Do any of you remember Stoney? He was one of the guys that made the original TSLRCM and the original M4-78. (I just don't think he gets enough credit nowadays.) 3. The Fate of Colonel Tobin (Death on the Ravager)   I

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #61 - I need a tutorial for a G0-T0 voice filter

Blog #61 - I need a tutorial for a G0-T0 voice filter

I've previously asked for a HK-Filter tutorial and had success with it thanks to information received on Reddit, so I thought I'd ask around for this next request. (Yes, I'll be asking about this on Reddit as well.)   I'd like to listen to various voice files and have them sound like G0-T0.   I have two programs which I use to do sound editing: Goldwave and Audacity. Though I'm more familiar with Goldwave, I'm perfectly willing to use Audacity to achieve my stated goal.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #59 - "Name that Gun" Challenge!

Blog #59 - "Name that Gun" Challenge!

While on vacation in Seattle I went to the Museum of Pop Culture. There were many props I took pictures of . (I'll be posting more of these later. However, one section of the cases had all of the names running through (at that time) a non-functional monitor.   I wonder: can any of you identify these guns and what movies they came from? Each picture is numbered to make it easier for you. (Yes, I threw in an easy one.) 1. 2.   3.   4.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #58 - Let's Plays

Blog #58 - Let's Plays

Hello again everyone. I'm looking for input on another project so let's just get down to it! At some point down the road, I think I'd like to do my own Let's Play video of a game. I'll probably do a game I know for my first one so that'll make it either KOTOR1 or KOTOR2. I figure having doing a blind playthrough as my first game might make the challenge too tough for me. (Why make it harder for myself?) If you have personally done Let's Plays, I'd like your tips and advice on how I cou

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #57 - The Steam Workshop

Blog #57 - The Steam Workshop

I do have Steam and yes, I do have codes so I can play KOTOR and TSL. (I just haven't redeemed them yet.)   However, I've never modded on Steam using that Steam Workshop. Could I get some tips - for a complete newbie like myself - to help me along? The main thing I'd like to do by learning how to do this is I'd be able to help folks with basic modding questions. The ultimate goal: being able to help those using TSLRCM and M4-78 EP (both with and without using the Coruscant planet mod).

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #55 - Retro Action Figure Space Station

Blog #55 - Retro Action Figure Space Station

I am an old man. I recall seeing this station work-project in one of my mother's magazines and feeling pangs of jealousy of those that had someone build it for them.           Reading the original article describing this station and downloading the building instructions can be found here.     I wonder if anyone on the site is handy enough to build it - as I certainly am not. There was a second time this magazine discussed play

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #54 - Possible Expansion to K1 Portrait Pack?

Blog #54 - Possible Expansion to K1 Portrait Pack?

I'm considering doing an expansion pack for my NPC Portraits for KotOR 1 mod covering characters from Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge that would be released separately. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, I'll need some questions answered and perhaps a few save games. (1) Which characters in that mod can become temporary NPCs in your party and therefore have portraits that would be used in the game? I've found the following names . . . Akirakon (This is short

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #53 - Help me name my next SWTOR Character

Blog #53 - Help me name my next SWTOR Character

I have a number of characters that I've created on SWTOR but I think I probably should have made my Sith Inquisitor light sided as I found the Chapter 3 ending a better one when going light sided. I've decided to redo my Inquisitor using the same character design.     My legacy name is "Sev'n-ate" as a play on M4-78. (Har har.)   Any suggestions on a character name that breaks the original mold? Character List

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #52 - Stormtrooper Tutorial

Blog #52 - Stormtrooper Tutorial

This original version of this tutorial I found ages ago on the Massassi Temple site. It was written by Tobbi Dala and the original version of the tutorial can be found through this link. What I've done here is to do some minor spelling corrections, add new pictures that show the tutorial using the most current version of Goldwave (the main program used in this tutorial) as of 20APR2017, and to provide new permanent links to 2 audio files needed for the tutorial.   After the large tutor

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #51 - Who wants to make HD versions of the trailers?

Blog #51 - Who wants to make HD versions of the trailers?

On the X-Box, the following trailers apparently played before the KOTOR games officially started. I've only ever played the game on PC so I've missed out on this factoid until recently. Here's the one for Knights of the Old Republic.     And here's the one of Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.           I was wondering if anyone has the KOTOR movie making chops to remake the video using highest resolution -

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #50 - Meet "Holocron"

Blog #50 - Meet "Holocron"

In my recent blog post, I was asking folks for their input on rebuilding my old Windows 7 computer. It's time for an update! Here's the part breakdown . . . iBuypower ARC 647 CASE ATX Mid Tower Case (unchanged from original) Noctua NH-D14 65.0 CFM CPU Cooler (a recent purchase but before this build) PowerColor Radeon R9 270X 2GB Video Card (unchanged from original) Update (as of 09JAN2019): Radeon RX 580 LG UH12NS30 Blu-Ray Reader, DVD/CD Writer (unchanged from

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #49 - I need a WAV file from MOTS

Blog #49 - I need a WAV file from MOTS

Hey there! You will be most likely be completely lost in you don't do Jedi Knight mods.   I need to get a particular wave from Mysteries of the Sith, the add-on pack from Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. The WAV file is named "rc61121.wav" and it can be found in the MOTS' JKMsndLO.goo. Thanks!

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #48 - Design my next computer

Blog #48 - Design my next computer

The premise is that you have up to 2,000 dollars of pretend money to spend. What sort of computer could I get for that? Assume I have a mouse and keyboard - everything else is up for grabs. It would also have to be able to play SWTOR on maximum settings. Have at it - and provide links and pictures if possible, please! Update: Instead of creating a whole new computer, I plan to rebuild my current computer. For reasons, I plan to stay with Windows 7 for the time being. Here are the parts

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #47 - Preparing for the Stoney Chapter soon

Blog #47 - Preparing for the Stoney Chapter soon

As I'll be attempting to reach out to Stoney, I thought I should ask you fine folks if there are any questions that you think I should ask Stoney about, mostly in regards to M4-78. 1. First list how I should be pronouncing your screen name if I wind up using your question in the documentary. 2. List your question/s.   Thanks for helping me provide you with a better quality documentary.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #46 - I Present a SWTOR Question!

Blog #46 - I Present a SWTOR Question!

While adventuring through the worlds of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the player can make various discoveries that are saved in your Codex – an encyclopedia type journal of “important” terms, people and aliens you meet and things you see. Lore is a subsection of the Codex. It is different because there are two ways to get entries into the Lore section. You get automatic entries by killing some creatures or visiting places, but there are also Lore Objects, scattered all over every planet, that wil

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #45 - Hangar versus Hanger

Blog #45 - Hangar versus Hanger

Spelling guy is back with another lesson. Whether it was me or that Star Wars movie with "Rogue" in the title, I think you might have that one firmly in your head. Now it's on to the latest spelling annoyance. Here's an example of the latest target - being used incorrectly. Oh, N-DReW25. I shake my head in disappointment. hangar ˈhaNGər/ noun noun: hangar; plural noun: hangars 1. a large building with extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft. Correc

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #44 - R.I.P. John Hurt

Blog #44 - R.I.P. John Hurt

Whether it was Alien, V for Vendetta, Spaceballs, 1984, I, Claudius or Helloby, John Hurt graced so many movies and TV appearances it hard to pic a few. Alas, John Hurt passed away today.   Here's a brief look at some of the man's work.   John Hurt, you will be missed. RIP.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #43 - R.I.P. Miguel Ferrer

Blog #43 - R.I.P. Miguel Ferrer

Miguel Ferrer passed away yesterday. Besides the minor connection to KotOR - him being the brother of Darth Malak's voice actor - you may remember him from many TV and movie appearances. However, most people will remember him in the role of Bob Morton, the creator of Robocop.   You will be missed.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #42 - Disciple and the Holocrons

Blog #42 - Disciple and the Holocrons

Disciple and the Holocrons . . . that sounds like a bad KOTOR cover band, doesn't it? Anyway . . .   As most of you know, there's some cut content in The Sith Lords regrading "lost holocrons" and Disciple's quest to find them all. During the quest you'd find several of them - both Jedi Holocrons and Sith Holocrons. You could gain force powers from the holocrons. It was a shame it was unreleased as it actually gave you something to actually do with Disciple - a character that racks low

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #41 - 3C-FD

Blog #41 - 3C-FD

I was playing around with Darth Sapiens' hi definition T3-M4 mod sometime ago. I had the the idea to recolor it so it could also be used 3C-FD, the temporary droid in T3's party in the prologue.     Then, I totally forgot about it. Hopefully, someone might be able to recall the name of T3-M4's texture so I can use this in the game.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #40 - Seeking an illuminated keyboard

Blog #40 - Seeking an illuminated keyboard

Hey folks! I need some input on a keyboard for one of my computers. The computer I'm talking about here is my old XP computer. I think my illuminated keyboard is on it's way out. Seeing as I got about 10 years out of it, it's put up a valiant fight. However, it is time to let it go. However, it being an XP computer, I'm not prepared to spend a lot of money for a new keyboard. Might you have any recommendations for an illuminated keyboard under 50 bucks (US) that you can personally recommend

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #39 - Selected Track Artwork for my SWTOR Audio Drama

Blog #39 - Selected Track Artwork for my SWTOR Audio Drama

Sometimes, I need a long playlist to listen to when I'm running myself ragged on the treadmill. I had decided to record video of the Imperial Agent story arc when I would then convert into MP3s. After that was done, I added my own music choices. I went through the sound files to explore as many branches of character discussions so I could expand them. I even added extra NPC's on story missions - you can only have one accompany you at a time - if I felt they had something interesting or funny to

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron