Thor110 537 Posted October 13, 2022 View File End Game Free Roam End Game This mod adds free roam to Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic Simply finish the game and instead of the credits playing you will be warped back to the Ebon Hawk and will be able to continue your adventures or finish any quests that you might not have finished before travelling to the Star Forge System. Thor110 thanks to tk102 for pointing out the original programmers syntax error in k_inc_ebonhawk.nss Known bugs The North & South beaches on the Unknown World have some issues and entering the Temple shows a warning about the force field which is no longer there. ( though this could just be due to the way I tested the mod ) Compatibility I have no idea what mods this will be compatible with, but it definitely won't work with any mods that alter the same files as this. ( Check Uninstalling to see what files this mod alters ) Source files are included so compatibility patches can be made. Installing Install using TSLPatcher.exe and for installation during a playthrough, you will have to go back to a point in the game where you have not set foot on the Ebon Hawk. ( so Taris ) simply because I had to alter a script in the Ebon Hawk module. Uninstalling To uninstall use HoloPatcher. Edited Scripts For reference these are the editd scripts that get placed in the Override folder. k_act_makeitem.ncs k_con_makeitem.ncs k_inc_ebonhawk.nss k_pebn_galaxy.ncs k_sup_galaxmap.ncs k_sup_galaxymap.ncs k_stunt_end.ncs k_creditsplay.ncs The following files from the modules folder have some scripts edited. unk_m41aaa - Edited Scripts k_pebn_exithawk.ncs ebo_m12aa - Edited Scripts k_def_gizka02.ncs k_punk_41aa_en.ncs k_punk_fincs_en.ncs k_punk_goebon.ncs k_punk_newfight.ncs Submitter Thor110 Submitted 10/13/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites