Sith Holocron

Requesting AI Upscales of Vanilla M4-78 textures

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As the AI upscaling of textures has seemingly happened for both games now, I'd like to put in a request for the vanilla textures of M4-78.  That's not a request for the additional textures introduced with the various versions of the M4-78 Enhancement Project.  I'm just looking for the currently in-game vanilla textures.  Here's a full list of the textures that that would entail:

  • DRO_Abase
  • DRO_Abase2
  • DRO_Abase3
  • DRO_Abase4
  • DRO_bin
  • DRO_bkgBuild02
  • DRO_blast1
  • DRO_blast2
  • DRO_Cable1
  • DRO_Cable2
  • DRO_Cable3
  • DRO_CatWalk1
  • DRO_Claw01
  • DRO_CWall01
  • DRO_CWall02
  • DRO_CWall04
  • DRO_da01
  • DRO_DFrm
  • DRO_Dor01
  • DRO_Dor02
  • DRO_Ehk2
  • DRO_Ehok
  • DRO_Floor2
  • DRO_Floor3
  • DRO_Floor4
  • DRO_Floor5
  • DRO_Floor6
  • DRO_gr01
  • DRO_gr02
  • DRO_hex01
  • DRO_hex02
  • DRO_ic01
  • DRO_ic02
  • DRO_ic03
  • DRO_ic04
  • DRO_ic05
  • DRO_ic06
  • DRO_ic07
  • DRO_ic08
  • DRO_ic09
  • DRO_ic12
  • DRO_ic13
  • DRO_ic14
  • DRO_ic14b
  • DRO_ic14c
  • DRO_ic17
  • DRO_lite
  • DRO_molt
  • DRO_Mon1
  • DRO_Mon2
  • DRO_Pan2
  • DRO_Pan3
  • DRO_Pan4
  • DRO_Pan5
  • DRO_pans1
  • DRO_pans2
  • DRO_pans3
  • DRO_R1roof1
  • DRO_R1Wall01
  • DRO_R1Wall02
  • DRO_sky0
  • DRO_sky1
  • DRO_sky2
  • DRO_sky3
  • DRO_sky5
  • DRO_Skyparalaxe
  • DRO_Solid1
  • DRO_StrpLght01
  • DRO_Symb01
  • DRO_TEX1
  • DRO_TEX2
  • DRO_TEX3
  • DRO_toxn
  • DRO_wl01
  • DRO_wl02
  • DRO_wl02b
  • DRO_wl03
  • DRO_wl04
  • DRO_wl05
  • DRO_wl06
  • DRO_wl07


I'm hoping for a textures to rendered in TGA, wiith alphas if they are present.  And of course any TXI files that are associated.


And once again, I don't need the textures in the EP.  Let's just say that I have that handled already. ;)


Thank you for your attention.


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Here you go.

I've left out the txi files that only had xbox_downsample 256.

DRO_Ehok.tga is the Ebon Hawk exterior, specific for the droid planet. If you're using some kind of other mod for the Hawk's exterior then you may want to replace it.

I'm including upscaled versions of 2 CM files because some of the txi's call upon them.

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18 minutes ago, Sith Holocron said:

Thanks very much for this!

No problem. I've updated the download above, found some slightly better settings.
I'll add it to modder's resources since there was nothing creative involved.

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