Todd Hellid

Party Swap Mod and Train Disciple to be a Jedi

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On 7/19/2022 at 12:15 PM, Todd Hellid said:

It doesn't work. He gains no ability to use ligthsaber and the force.

Wait, is this my mod? Oh dear.

Well I am not sure why this is. They have no file overlap so I was fairly certain they would be compatible.

I've seen you around the block enough to take an educated guess that it is less likely to be user install fault, and more of a fault with the mods themselves or additional mods. I'll have to recheck my mod and make sure it is operational, take a look at the files of Party Swap mod, and maybe go so far as to test it myself. Could take a me a while to evaluate this. 


However, could you do me a favor and insert some additional information??

1. What mods do you have installed that modify anything to do with Disciple? 

2. Which (if you can recall) order did you install these Disciple mods in?

3. (bear with me here as I ask more basic troubleshooting questions)  Have you gotten the appropriate influence with Disciple and followed the vanilla game route that allows you to make his class a jedi class, have you done this yet? My mod only allows you to teach him lightsaber forms, force forms, and a few force powers like Beast Trick after vanilla game content. 

4. Do you know how to operate jc2's Train the Disciple mod? I.e. how to use the broken comlink, I've realized from johnnz that my description is lacking on that department, and do you have the broken comlink in your possession? 

5. Is this jc2_coms.uti in your override and PC inventory?  This is the broken comlink. 

4.1a If you do not know how to use the broken comlink or where to find it, it should be in the in-game UI in the category with the Mines, scroll up or down until you find an item labeled "broken comlink" and activate it with Disciple in your party or nearby (in the case of the Ebon Hawk).


Best way to reach me, if you are having trouble with my mods is a DM/PM.

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