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[KotOR] A visor will not stay hiddem despire the flag

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I wanted to add the UnequipHItem and UnequipIItem flags to the lev40_carth.dlg cutscene (ebo_m40aa) that starts just after the Ebon Hawk is being tractor beamed by the Leviathan. In the conversation Carth, Bastila and the Protagonist talk and while the Protagonist's and Bastila's headgear are always invisible, Carth's for some weird reason is often visible while at other times is correctly invisible.

I don't understand why and the fact that the glitch doesn't happen consistently doesn't help.

At first I thought it depended on the Delay at the E0 node (starting node) was 0, instead of -1 but even correcting this did not help. 

Any suggestions?


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Thanks for the advice.

I see you really had to go out of your way to work around this. Pretty annoying but good thing you found a solution that might apply here as well.

I'll give it a try.

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Well, unfortunately, I failed.

I tried to imitate your solution by adding a new starting node and another entry after it to just ClearEffects() for Carth and Bastila (although the only NPC showing the issue is Carth) and have them run a GREETING animation in the second node but no dice.

Carth still shows his headgear 50% of the time, more or less.

Since the original cutscene does not remove the headgear and weapon I don't know if you are going to do anything about this with the K1 CP but I know you have made similar changes to several other cutscenes and this one seems like it'd benefit from the same treatment.

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