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Released mod screenshots

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Hello Doctor/Stream, may I ask that the screenshots for the released mod may be enlarged? right now, we can't see a lot of details on the mods. It would help a lot if you could double or triple the permitted size of these pics!

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Yeah click to enlarge them.


I can't really justify making the thumbnails bigger as it puts un-necessary strain on the server and takes up more page space too.

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Sorry guys, but no, can't enlarge them. The issue is that I can't enlarge them.


Look at this one, for example:


This picture appears in 200 pixels by 200. This is way too small. And try to enlarge-it. Just try, and you'll fail, because it cannot be enlarged. It was taken from here:


So hence the request to allow for bigger pictures, or allow to enlarge them. By the way, every mod gets a 200x200 pixel screenshot. That's what the topic is here, if the title wasn't clear enough on that point...

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Guest Dak Drexl

Just go to the thread in the downloads section. From there you can enlarge the pictures.

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I see where you're coming from now.


I thought you meant the screens in the file listing pages, didn't realise you meant what it shows in the forum thread.


I'll take a look at it and see what I can do.

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Hey, I think you did-it, didn't you? Thank you, that's already way better doc! Cheers!

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