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Using KOTOR Tool to modify dialogue?

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I'm trying to crack open the k_hjuh_dialog.dlg file to flip the script that checks the player character gender when allowing/disabling her romance subplot, but I cant seem to get it to open, I've tried using the conversation editor and nothing comes up when I open the file. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, does anyone know what I'm doing wrong or a tutorial for doing so?

Attached below is the file. Maybe someone can tell me if the file is busted somehow or something?


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5 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

Use DLGEditor. Don't use KTool.

Thankyou, I'm looking through the file and it makes many references to a script called k_hjuh_p16 for determining conversation eligiblity.

It looks to be the script that determines whether Juhani's romance has actually been activated, do you know of how I could find this script?

Apologies for bothering you.


Nevermind, I figured it out. Its been nearly two years since I've touched KOTOR tool and it been an experience relearning things.

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26 minutes ago, LordCybot said:

...a script called k_hjuh_p16 for determining conversation eligiblity... how I could find this script?

That's a generic-global script, so using KotOR Tool go and look for --

Kotor I \ BIFs \ scripts.bif \ Script, Source \

-- that's where you'll find one and those that are similar. Here's how it looks --


// k_hjuh_p16
// romance active

int StartingConditional()
    int iResult;

    iResult = GetGlobalBoolean("T_JUHANIROM");

    return iResult;

Edit: Late to know that you had it figured out, lol. By the way, glad that you did.

Edited by ebmar

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