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The other day, I was in the Feat.2da file

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I am wondering about Force Focus: Control and Force Focus: Alter feats. Question is Are they active feats like Force Focus Feats or Are they Empty feats like Battle Meditation? I was considering a Specialization Theme Mod.

I am using Kotor Campaign Guide as a Specialization Mod.  One of my ideas is using them either as a bonus feats or re using them as Various Specializations including Jedi Battle Master, Matukai Adept(it is from Hero Guide and Kotor 2) and other Specialization.

I will be using a Hide System that will be adding new line within the Baseitem.2da file. For example, With Hk-47 will get a new style of hide similar to Juhani when you upgrade Hk-47, you will give him an increase to damage by Disprutor Rifle(using damage flags for disprutor rifle) and allows him to use stealth and sneak attacks.

Hide system would be using one of the Ebon Hawk's computer consoles allows to "teach" PC new Specializations that has tied to Jedi, Sith and other organizations(both non-force and force organizations).  Also Allows other NPCs to "learn" Specializations as well.   Later on I will look into Spell.2da files so see what I can do if I can restore and use for this future Mod. 


Any help and questions are welcome. I have a lot of ideas that needs to be written out more clearly.



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15 hours ago, DeathScepter said:

I am wondering about Force Focus: Control and Force Focus: Alter feats. Question is Are they active feats like Force Focus Feats or Are they Empty feats like Battle Meditation? I was considering a Specialization Theme Mod.

If you reenabled them as is, they would not do anything. Control, Sense, and Alter was a way of categorising force powers used in the old Star Wars RPG. Bioware was obviously considering it for KotOR at one point, but didn't go with it.

Force powers are mostly scripted, so there's no reason why you couldn't make 'force focus but only for some powers'. But you could do that regardless.

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