Todd Hellid

Error when installing Coruscant_Map_and_Textures

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 • Installation started 5/15/2021 6:02:01 PM...
 • Installing unmodified files...
 • Replacing file gal_cor_2.tga in the override folder...
 • Replacing file Gui_coruscnt.tga in the override folder...
 • Copying file Gui_coruscnt.txi to the override folder...
 • Copying file CM_coruscant.txi to the override folder...
 • Copying file CM_coruscant.tga to the override folder...
 • Modifying GFF format files...
 • Modifying file "galaxymap_p.gui" found in Override folder...
 • Modifying GFF file galaxymap_p.gui...
 • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "CONTROLS\20\EXTENT\LEFT" in galaxymap_p.gui, skipping...
 • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "CONTROLS\20\EXTENT\TOP" in galaxymap_p.gui, skipping...
 • Warning: No changes could be applied to GFF file galaxymap_p.gui.
 • Done. Changes have been applied, but 3 warnings were encountered.

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36 minutes ago, Todd Hellid said:

 • Installation started 5/15/2021 6:02:01 PM...
 • Installing unmodified files...
 • Replacing file gal_cor_2.tga in the override folder...
 • Replacing file Gui_coruscnt.tga in the override folder...
 • Copying file Gui_coruscnt.txi to the override folder...
 • Copying file CM_coruscant.txi to the override folder...
 • Copying file CM_coruscant.tga to the override folder...
 • Modifying GFF format files...
 • Modifying file "galaxymap_p.gui" found in Override folder...
 • Modifying GFF file galaxymap_p.gui...
 • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "CONTROLS\20\EXTENT\LEFT" in galaxymap_p.gui, skipping...
 • Warning: Unable to find a field label matching "CONTROLS\20\EXTENT\TOP" in galaxymap_p.gui, skipping...
 • Warning: No changes could be applied to GFF file galaxymap_p.gui.
 • Done. Changes have been applied, but 3 warnings were encountered.

Did you install everything required for it / mentioned on the page for it?


In order for this mod to work, you need to have deathdisco's Coruscant Jedi Temple installed, that can be found here:
You'll also need HK-42s Jedi Temple Expansion mod for the New Icon and Planet Texture mod to work. You can find it here:
If you have M4-78 EP installed as well, you'll also need to install the compability patch before installing this mod:
And last but not least, you'll want to install bead-v's TSL Galaxy Map Fix, or installing the Coruscant AddOn would be pretty pointless:

Sounds like a missed step.


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On 5/16/2021 at 6:03 AM, N-DReW25 said:

I installed HK-42s Jedi Temple Expansion mod from Gamefront because NexusMods says it's hidden and not available. The one from Gamefront is an older version. It says 1.0


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I don't know where that is quoted from, nor the relevance to the topic or the differences in version between 1.0 and whatever other versions might exist.

It seems your galaxymap_p.gui is missing either the entire entry or just the left / top fields under EXTENT. ( I included a full screenshot of Coruscant's information, but things will probably be different for your file.


You could open it up with K-GFF and attempt to fix it yourself, alternatively you could try or see if any of the other fixes work as there are many Coruscant compatibility patches.

If I am honest I do not know what the expansion actually adds to Coruscant, I thought it was just a new planet icon and texture.

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9 minutes ago, Todd Hellid said:

How do I fix it with K-GFF ?

Go to struct ID 20 and check that it has the LEFT / TOP fields under EXTENT, if it does not copy and paste them from another struct or create them with the relevant names / numbers / field types as shown in the above image. Essentially from the error log it appears the two entries highlighted inside a red box are missing.


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I'm confused neither of my galaxy map_gui files from Coruscant_Map_and_Textures and Jedi Temple Mod 1.0 look like yours. I don't know what to change?

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2 hours ago, Todd Hellid said:

I'm confused neither of my galaxy map_gui files from Coruscant_Map_and_Textures and Jedi Temple Mod 1.0 look like yours. I don't know what to change?

Upload the file here and I will take a look, only galaxymap_p.gui. Best thing to do is View > Fold All and then find what you are looking for alphabetically.

So View > Fold All

Struct + Controls + StructID ( likely the last one in the list )

then ensure that it has the left/top values.

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Oh the ID of the Struct is wrongly set to #11 I have seen this done across most galaxymap_p.gui edits.

So in other words, all the information the file needs is already there.

But just to be safe here is the file with the ID changed to 20.

It already contains the LEFT/TOP fields, it is just that the installer was looking for #20 while two entries existed that were #11



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16 minutes ago, Todd Hellid said:

Thanks, I changed the two ID's that were 11 to 20.

Only the Coruscant one needs changing to 20, not both.

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4 minutes ago, Todd Hellid said:

Which Coruscant one? I edited the galaxy map_gui file from Coruscant_Map_and_Textures mod.

The one that contains gal_cor, the last one in the extent list which was set to 11 needs to be changed to 20.

Not both of those in the list that are set to 11, it is a single list, if 2 number 20s would break it, 2 number 11s would too.

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3 hours ago, Todd Hellid said:

I corrected it but Coruscant doesn't show up on the Galaxy Map. Finding the HK Factory instead does.

It sounds like either the string reference is wrong or outdated, or you have a mod from the Steam Workshop installed, or an old version of TSLRCM which had the HK factory as it's own planet.

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