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After returning to Dxun after the events on Onderon, I was looting the remaining Remains of the Sith Assassins that I had missed before leaving for Iziz, and found two of an item with no name or description that according to the KOTOR Save Editor is internally called propss02 or (Prop SS 02). I'm curious as to what this item is. (I'm using texture mods which may affect the texture of the weapons.)



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  On 5/3/2021 at 6:20 AM, DarthParametric said:

A stunt weapon that is not intended to drop as loot. Are you using any mods that affect Assassins?

Not that I'm aware of. Only mods I'm using that aren't model/texture mods are the Restored Content Mod, M4-78, and the Expanded Jedi Enclave mod.

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Doesn't look like it is TSLRCM. All their Assassins are using the vanilla quarterstaff prop items. Your single saber reference makes me inclined to think this is from one of Shem's mods.

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  On 5/3/2021 at 7:01 AM, DarthParametric said:

Doesn't look like it is TSLRCM. All their Assassins are using the vanilla quarterstaff prop items. Your single saber reference makes me inclined to think this is from one of Shem's mods.

Only one of their mods I'm using doesn't touch weapons at all.

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It was a clean installation, and I'm not using the Steam Workshop. There are no duplicate TGA/TPC files in the override folder.
Installed mods are:

Very Animated Screens and Panels for M4-78

AI Upscaled 1920x1080 Cutscenes (and the TSLRCM Patch)

New Textures of Holocrons in the Telos Secret Academy

Beautified TSL Saber Colors

Console M4-2K

Create All Mira's Rockets

Darth Sapiens (and Deadman) Present HD 2K Darth Sion

Darth Sapiens' Nihilus

Darth Sapiens Presents HD 2K Visas Marr

High Resolution Beam Effects

Effixian's Blue Ebon Hawk

KOTOR2 Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors

Electromesh Robes, HD Fire and Ice Effects

Upgradeable Force Pike

Blue Lightning Effects

Handmaiden-Style Undies for Female Exiles

Daemon's Ebon Hawk Re-Skin (interior textures only)

M4-78 Enhancement Pack

Replacement Texture for Lightning on Malachor V

Replacement Onderon Iziz Cantina Sign

Replacement Peragus Medical Monitors and Computer Panels

Trench's Replacement Peragus II with Extra Asteroids

Sith Holocron's Replacement Loading Screens for KOTOR 2

Sith Holocron's Citadel Station Signage

Sith Holocron's Droid Testing Console Texture Upgrade

Sith Holocron's Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment

Sith Holocron's Refurbished Astromech Droids

HD HK Upscale

HD Mandalore Upscale

HD NPC Portraits

HD Player Character Portraits

High-Quality Ravager Backdrop

High-Quality Skyboxes II

Improved Peragus Asteroid Field

leh_light05.tga from Ebon Hawk Interior Red and Gold

Sith Holocron's Swoop Monitors

Sith Holocron's Czerka Sign and Desk

Sith Holocron's Frank Lloyd Wright Glass Replacement

Sith Holocron's M4-78 Building Texture

Sith Holocron's TSL Animated Galaxy Map in Canon Positions

T3 Blue 'n' Red (blue textures)

Telos Backdrop

TSL Harbinger and Hammerhead Visual Appearance Mod

TSL HD Cockpit Skyboxes

TSL Restored Content Modification

TSL Backdrop Improvements

TSL High-Quality Stars and Nebulas

Ultimate Dantooine High Resolution

Ultimate Dxun High Resolution

Ultimate High Resolution Texture Pack

Ultimate Korriban High Resolution

Ultimate Malachor V High Resolution

Ultimate Nar Shaddaa High Resolution

Ultimate Onderon High Resolution

Vanilla-Friendly Enclave Patch for Ultimate Dantooine High Resolution

Widescreen User Interface for Steam

TSL Animated Computer Panel

TSL Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux Patch

TSL Widescreen Main Menu Fix

HD G0-T0 Upscale

Effixian's Dancer's Outfit

Extended Enclave (and its M4-78 Compatibility Patch)

and High-Quality Blasters (and its Disruptor Pistols hotfix).

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