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Launch of the first cinematic of Nihilus

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Launch of the first cinematic of Nihilus

When sending Visas seek the source of the disturbance in the Force


This cinematic is launched when, it seems, the Exiled reaches the 25th LS or DS point. This is probably managed independently of everything else (directly in a_givelight or a_givedark scripts).


When, in Citadel, we save the Sullustan and we reaches this 25th point, the cinematic is launched in full middle of the battle against the mercenaries!


Would it not be possible to move the gain of this LSP after the fight? If it's the 25th, it would launch the cinematic at the end of the fight.


25th or 28th ?

I used to note that we gain 3 DS/LS at this point and I usualy reach the 25th LSP here.

Actually, I note 6 LS - I jump from 72 to 78. Perhaps something to do with the launch of the cinematic ?.

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This is 1.8's K_align_movie. Should speak for itself.


If we're going to make changes like that there are just too much factors to take into account, seeing as it pretty much can launch ANYWHERE. And no, DS/LS points aren't usually that easily swapped about. Breakings like getting LS/DS with the Red Eclipse should take priority, but are pretty much unfixable too. Fortunately it's as unlikely as can be.

// Prototypes
void sub1();

void sub1() {
PlayMovie("NarMov04", 0);
CreateObject(32, "g_lastlocal", GetLocation(GetFirstPC()), 0);
SetGlobalString("K_LAST_MODULE", GetModuleName());
SetGlobalNumber("853NIH_CUTSCENE", 0);
StartNewModule("853NIH", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
SetGlobalNumber("000_Event_Movie", 1);
SetGlobalBoolean("003EBO_VISAS_ARRIVES", 1);
if ((GetGlobalNumber("GBL_GAME_COMPLETE") > 2)) {
	SetGlobalNumber("GBL_MAIN_SITH_LORD", 1);
else {
	SetGlobalNumber("GBL_MAIN_SITH_LORD", 2);

void main() {
if ((GetGlobalNumber("000_Event_Movie") == 0)) {
	int nGlobal = GetGlobalNumber("G_PC_Dark_Total");
	int int4 = GetGlobalNumber("G_PC_Light_Total");
	int int6 = GetGlobalNumber("G_PC_Align_Val");
	int int8 = 0;
	if ((GetGlobalNumber("000_Jedi_Found") >= 3)) {
		int8 = 1;
	int int10 = 1;
	int int11 = 0;
	while ((int11 < 3)) {
			object oNPC = GetPartyMemberByIndex(int11);
			if (GetIsInCombat(oNPC, 0)) {
			int10 = 0;
	if ((int10 && (((int6 >= 75) || (int6 <= 25)) || ((nGlobal + int4) >= 50)))) {
	else {
		if (int8) {
else {
	if (0) {

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Guest Muzic Lopez

I normally get it sooner.


I do alot on the Ebon Hawk that gets me alot of points (Mainly from T3).


Some times I get the cutscene in my apartment on Telos talking to Kreia about lightsabers or my affiliation to the LS/DS.


Since you know when to expect the cutscene, maybe just hold off on getting LS/DS points till after that Sullustian scene. The cutscene will happen eventually, unless you stay neutral like good ole Jolee Bindo : p And eventually you'll get max LS/DS points.

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Hi HH,


2 conditions, that's it ?

=> 3 points in the same module (Exile must make some noise in the Force)

25 points one side


And in the dialog, simply move a_givedark and a_givelight after {Mercs fight Player} ?

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I normally get it sooner.


I do alot on the Ebon Hawk that gets me alot of points (Mainly from T3).


Some times I get the cutscene in my apartment on Telos talking to Kreia about lightsabers or my affiliation to the LS/DS.


Since you know when to expect the cutscene, maybe just hold off on getting LS/DS points till after that Sullustian scene. The cutscene will happen eventually, unless you stay neutral like good ole Jolee Bindo : p And eventually you'll get max LS/DS points.





Canonical walk.


How can you get it sooner ? I think I've got all the LSP possible and I'm at 72 in my apartment on Telos.


First talk with Kreia is


121572 :

You have grown strong in the Force - I can feel its touch upon you.


The goal is to gain influence on her (and... a DS point wich come with). So I regress by -1 LSP. I am at 71.


Second talk with Kreia is about making my lightsaber. Gain +1 LSP. I am at 72.


Then I can reach the cinematic of Kreia living Malachor V


118850 :

Kreia, what are you - are you a Jedi, a Sith?




Then, conversation about


120764 :

Do you know anything about the Sith who pursue us?




Talk about the Shii-Sho



Nothing else with Kreia


{Usually I handle these conversations later.)


Save the Sulusttan. +3 LSP. I will be at 75 and launch of the cinematic between the talk with the mercenaries and the fight.


That's very disturbing.

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I normally get it sooner.




Oh ! I see.


You use one of :


121775 : They are loyal companions - and I will not harm them.

121776 : I will never abandon my friends in such a way.

121777 : I do not turn on my allies like the Jedi turned on their own during the wars.


Each of them lead to an influence decrease on Kreia and a jump to 74% LS (1 to 3 LSP as you must already be greater than 70% to get this conversation) using the script a_lightmed :


//:: Adjust player alignment a medium ways towards the light side


Moderately shifts the player's alignment towards the light side


//:: Created By: Jason Booth

//:: Copyright © 2002 Bioware Corp.


#include "k_inc_debug"

#include "k_inc_utility"

void main()





I use

121778 : Then I shall view you as disposable, then.

In order to gain influence on Kreia (but with a DSP).


After that, youy talk about lightsaber, gain 1 LSP and reach 75%. This is the trigger to laungh the cinematic.


Well, I continue to lead these conversations later to be consistent in my walkthrough, with both versions (with and without TSLRCM): there is less LSP / DSP earned in the unrestored version.

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and in the dialog, simply move a_givedark and a_givelight after {Mercs fight Player} ?

Just saying, there is a lot more instances like that, and we can't have them all fixed.

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