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I was trying to make an NPC play the ready animation via script but it doesn't work for me. The only way I can make it happen is if I insert it directly into the .dlg file (using DLG Editor or K-GFF). I'm not sure whether there is something wrong in my own system or if this is a known problem which I never heard or forgot about.

I tested starting other looping animations (DANCE, for instance) via script and they work correctly.


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As alluded to in this post, it's because there isn't a single "ready" animation like there is for dance, etc. Each weapon type has its own separate ready anim. Since you can't script arbitrary anims in K1, unlike in TSL, specifying it in a DLG is the only way. I assume that the ANIMATION_LOOPING_READY scripting constant is supposed to work the same way as the DLG version does, but it seems not to be the case.

Perhaps some intrepid soul that has delved deep inside the internal workings of the engine, like @ndix UR, could shed some light on what is going on under the hood.

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