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K2 - Is there a mod that combines light side force powers into 1 power?

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Hello, I am starting a light sided playthrough and I always hated how the most light side powers last 20 seconds.

I know there is a mod that extends force power duration's but it is not a TSL patcher and I already had the file and didn't want to overwrite since I have a decently modded TSLRCM installation. (Already played on this modded install and only issue is the dxun mandalorian dialogue auto skips to PC responses and without sound, still trying to figure that one out).

My question is: Is there a mod that combines all the light side force power buffs into one or a TSL patcher mod that extends durations?

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Well, there is the Force Enlightenment power that does exactly that, but you don't normally get it until late in the game. You could give it to yourself earlier with KSE.

As far as extending the duration of Force powers goes, all powers run through the script k_sp1_generic, so compatibility is not really possible regardless of TSLPatcher. For better mod compatibility, spells.2da would have to be patched so the different powers use different scripts, and then new scripts would need to be written. It's a project I've considered before, but I am still busy working on improving the random loot system at the moment.

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